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ACT High School CPR Program Promoting health and empowering youth to save lives…

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1 ACT High School CPR Program Promoting health and empowering youth to save lives…

2 ACT… Fundraises for mannequins for schools. Brings CPR to all schools. Is partnered nationally with health partners who support ACT’s Canada-wide goal for CPR in schools: What is the ACT Foundation?  AstraZeneca Canada  Pfizer Canada  Sanofi Visit ACT!

3 * © Reproduced with the permission of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2009. The Chain of Survival™ is a trade-mark of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. See page 3, Student Manual The first link in the Chain of Survival* begins with YOU! Why Do I Need To Learn CPR?

4 To read these rescue stories visit:

5 The 4 R’s … RISK RECOGNIZE REACT RESUSCITATE See page 3, Student Manual What you’re going to learn…

6 What is a Heart Attack? See page 4, Student Manual But first… The Heart and When it Breaks Spine Heart Lungs

7 See pages 4-5, Student Manual The Heart and When it Breaks What is Cardiac Arrest? What is CPR? What is Defibrillation?

8 See page 5, Student Manual And … What is a Stroke?

9 And now, the 4 Rs… RISK FACTORS

10 See page 6, Student Manual Smoking Causes lung cancer Leading cause of heart disease in Canada Second-hand air pollution Stinky breath RISK FACTORS Copyright © Province of British Columbia. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission of the Province of British Columbia.

11 Anatomy of a Cigarette RISK FACTORS Image courtesy of Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.

12 High Blood Cholesterol See page 6, Student Manual Means lots of fat in the blood Some fat is produced by the body; other fat comes from food Too much cholesterol can cause heart disease or stroke What you can do: Eat vegetables, fruits & grain products; reduce fat in diet; exercise RISK FACTORS

13 High Blood Pressure See page 6, Student Manual Can damage your heart and blood vessels Increases chances of a heart attack or stroke Heart has to work harder Some causes: hereditary, diet, stress Get it checked regularly RISK FACTORS Blood pressure cuff

14 Diabetes See page 6, Student Manual Affects the level of sugar and fat in your blood Eat properly, follow doctor’s instructions RISK FACTORS

15 Obesity and Lack of Exercise See page 6-7, Student Manual Obesity: Heart has to pump harder all the time to move blood around Exercise: Your heart is a muscle - it works better if you keep fit & active RISK FACTORS

16 Stress See page 7, Student Manual Affects the body in very physical ways Stress over a long period of time can cause body to break down Heart problems may result RISK FACTORS

17 Summary See page 6-7, Student Manual Smoking High Blood Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Diabetes Obesity / Lack of Exercise Stress RISK FACTORS

18 The 4 Rs… RECOGNIZE

19 Puffing Signals of a Heart Attack – “5 Ps” Pain Pale skin Puking Pooped RECOGNIZE See page 8, Student Manual

20 Signals of a Stroke Suspect a STRoke? Try asking: Can you … Smile? Talk in a simple sentence? Raise both arms? See page 8, Student Manual Sudden paralysis of the face, arm or leg Weakness, numbness, or tingling in the face, arm or leg Sudden speech problems Sudden headache or dizziness RECOGNIZE


22 Hazards and Holler!!! Position Loosen clothing Talk, reassure “PLT” and a little CALL 9-1-1 REACT See page 9, Student Manual

23 Be Visible with Information Medications Allergies Flash ‘em! REACT


25 As simple as CAB-D! See page 10, Student Manual Compressions Airway Breathing Defibrillation RESUSCITATE

26 One Rescuer CPR – Adult Step 1. Check for hazards Step 3. Call 9-1-1 & retrieve defibrillator ASAP See page 11, Student Manual RESUSCITATE Step 2. Assess responsiveness and check for breathing

27 One Rescuer CPR – Adult Step 4. Landmark for chest compressions Step 5. Give 30 compressions See page 11, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

28 One Rescuer CPR – Adult Step 6. Open the airway See page 12, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

29 One Rescuer CPR – Adult Step 7. Give 2 breaths if the person is not breathing normally See page 12, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

30 See page 12, Student Manual 30 and 2 is what you do. Rock ‘em till someone can SHOCK ‘EM…! Remember: RESUSCITATE

31 Choking – Adult Conscious Step 1. Assess the airway blockage Step 2. Holler for help See page 13, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

32 Choking – Adult Conscious Step 3. Give abdominal thrusts Step 4. Repeat abdominal thrusts See page 13, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

33 Choking – If the Choking Person Becomes Unconscious Step 1. Call 9-1-1 Step 2. Landmark and give 30 chest compressions See page 14, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

34 Choking – If the Choking Person Becomes Unconscious Step 3. Open the mouth and look for the obstruction Step 4. Open the airway See page 14, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

35 Choking – If the Choking Person Becomes Unconscious See page 14, Student Manual RESUSCITATE Step 5. Try to give a breath Step 6. Repeat sequence of chest compressions

36 Choking – Adult Found Unconscious Step 1. Check for hazards Step 2. Assess responsiveness and check for breathing See page 14-15 Student Manual RESUSCITATE Step 3. Call 9-1-1 and get a defibrillator ASAP

37 Choking – Adult Found Unconscious Step 5. Open the mouth and look for the obstruction See page 15, Student Manual RESUSCITATE Step 4. Landmark and give 30 chest compressions

38 Choking – Adult Found Unconscious Step 7. Try to give a breath See page 16, Student Manual RESUSCITATE Step 6. Open the airway

39 Choking – Adult Found Unconscious Step 8. Repeat sequence of chest compressions Recovery Position: See page 15, Student Manual RESUSCITATE

40 RESCUES … Rescued someone? Know someone who has? TELL US! ACT AWARDS PROGRAM 1-800-465-9111 ●

41 CLOSING NOTES… More than 1.8 million youth across Canada have been trained in CPR through the ACT High School CPR Program. You are part of something big – VERY big! 1,800,000 trained!

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