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Northborough Baseball & Softball ASAP - A Safety Awareness Program 2012-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Northborough Baseball & Softball ASAP - A Safety Awareness Program 2012-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northborough Baseball & Softball ASAP - A Safety Awareness Program 2012-2013

2 Agenda 1.Program Safety – goal 2.Requirements of ASAP (examples) Emergency contacts Cori forms 3.How to fill out accident report 4.Weather 5.Rob Theve address 6.General Note Keeping on Safety 7.Jim few comments http://www.northborobaseballsoftball.org DOCUMENTS

3 Jim ForbushPresidentforbush@charter.net617-549-0194 Jeff Fontecchio Vice President of Baseball jlfontecchio@verizon.net508-509-2037 Paul Pazareskis Vice President of Softball 978-595-6649 Mark WandaRegistrarmjwanda@verizon.net508-259-7290 Mike HodgeSecretarymike@hodgeassociates.com508-397-0316 Jim ForbushTreasurer Steve Herdman Fundraising Coordinator stephenherdman@yahoo.com617-538-2840 Kyle Jacobson Information Manager kcjacobson@verizon.net508-479-4861 Jim CliffordField Managerjim_clifford@hotmail.com508--930-9214 Rob Berger Player Representative nces1@aol.com508-439-2083 Joe Despres Umpire-In- Chief jld3jld3@gmail.com508-887-2474 Craig Robert Equipment Manager cprobert67@yahoo.com781-248-8373 Nichole LeClair Concession Manager (508) 393-7881 Jason MarcheseSafety Officermarchejn@hotmail.com508-667-2413 Board Members

4 ASAP Program All league safety plan materials must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2013 to be eligible for any of the awards. Leagues working toward the District Incentive must have all requirements received at and approved by Little League International no later than March 13, 2013. Northborough ASAP plan accepted on March 09, 2013

5 ASAP Program SAFETY OFFICER: Jason Marchese OBJECTIVE: –Providing a safe environment for the children and families of Northboro to participate in youth baseball. –Fostering the ideals of good sportsmanship, team spirit, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for one another and for authority. –Developing the attributes and meeting the challenges of becoming a better athlete and team player, while at all times focusing on making this experience an enjoyable one that the players and families will remember for a life time.

6 ASAP Program 1. Have an active Safety Officer -Jason Marchese, 508-667-2413 2. Publish and distribute safety manual -Paper copies(fields/concession stands) -Web site – Documents -Electronic email out pdf file. Requirements for ASAP Plan

7 ASAP Program 3. Post, distribute emergency numbers - Every field -Emergency – 911 -Northborough Police - 508-393-1515 (call this number in the event of an emergency first) -The two closest hospitals to our facilities are Marlboro Hospital in Marlboro and UMASS Medical Center in Worcester. Requirements for ASAP Plan

8 ASAP Program 4. Check volunteers on National SOR To Mike Hodge Requirements for ASAP Plan

9 ASAP Program 5. Provide fundamentals training Coaching Clinic: -Big Al’s Clinic -Ripken Clinic -annual safety meeting 6. Require field inspections before use 7. Equipment checks - Throughout the seasons... Requirements for ASAP Plan

10 ASAP Program 8. Complete annual Facility Survey 9. Use concession stand procedures 10. Regularly inspect and replace equipment as needed 11. Have prompt accident reporting 12. Require first-aid kits at events 13. Enforce all Little League Rules 14. Qualified Safety Plan Registration form 15. Player and Coach/Manager Data (Highly Recommended in 2013, Mandatory in 2014) Requirements for ASAP Plan (cont.)

11 11. Have prompt accident reporting (in plan) - Keeping the First Aid Log. This log will list where accidents and injuries are occurring, to whom, in which divisions (senior, major, minor, farm, tee ball), at what times, under what supervision.

12 Team Safety Officer’s Responsibilities: The TSO will fill out the NBA Accident Investigation Form and submit it to the NBA Safety Officer within 24 hours of the incident. If the team does not have a safety officer, then the team manager will be responsible for filling out the form and turning it in to the NBA Safety Officer. (NBA Accident Investigation Forms can be found in the Appendix.) NBA Safety Officer’s Responsibilities: Within 24 hours of receiving the NBA Accident Investigation Form, the NBA Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party’s parents Notify parents if their child has been injured no matter how small or insignificant the injury is. There are no exceptions to this rule. This protects you and Northborough Baseball Assoc.

13 Weather RAIN: If it begins to rain: 1.Evaluate the strength of the rain. It is a light drizzle or is it pouring? 2.Determine the direction in which the storm is moving. 3.Evaluate the playing field as it becomes more and more saturated. 4.Stop practice if the playing conditions become unsafe – use common sense. If playing a game, consult with the other manager and the umpire to formulate a decision.

14 LIGHTNING: The average lightning stroke is 5-6 miles long with up to 30 million volts at 100,000 amps flow in less than a tenth of a second. The average thunderstorm is 6-10 miles wide and moves at a rate of 25 miles per hour. Once the leading edge of a thunderstorm approaches to within 10 miles, you are at immediate risk due to the possibility of lightning strokes coming from the storm’s overhanging anvil cloud. This fact is the reason that many lightning deaths and injuries occur with clear skies overhead. On average, the thunder from a lightning stroke can only be heard over a distance of 3-4 miles, depending on terrain, humidity and background noise around you. By the time you can hear the thunder, the storm has already approached to within 3-4 miles! The sudden cold wind that many people use to gauge the approach of a thunderstorm is the result of downdrafts and usually extends less than 3 miles from the storm’s leading edge. By the time you feel the wind; the storm can be less than 3 miles away!

15 If you can HEAR, SEE OR FEEL A THUNDERSTORM: 1.Suspend all games and practices immediately. 2. Get players to walk, not run, to their parent’s or designated driver’s car and wait for your decision on whether or not to continue the game or practice. Stay away from metal, including fencing and bleachers. Get kids off field (not in dugouts) into vehicles or a permanent structure. Do not hold metal bats. 3. Do Not resume baseball activities until 30 minutes after the last thunder was heard or evidence of lightning. 4.

16 Official NYSA and Little League policy on thunder/lightning

17 HOT WEATHER: Precautions must be taken in order to make sure the players on your team do not dehydrate or hyperventilate. Suggest players take drinks of water when coming on and going off the field between innings. If a player looks distressed while standing in the hot sun, substitute for that player and get him/her into the shade of the dugout A.S.A.P. If a player should collapse as a result of heat exhaustion, call 9-1-1 immediately. Northborough Police - 508-393-1515 Get the player to drink water and use the instant ice bags supplied in your First Aid kit to cool him/her down until the emergency medical team arrives.

18 General Note keeping: Proper equipment always, ex: catchers equipment at all time... First-aid kits are located at each field. Ice pack stocks. Cabinet at every field that has (hard copy of ASAP manual, emergency numbers, first aid kits and ice packs). Checked through year. Notify parents if their child has been injured no matter how small or insignificant the injury is. There are no exceptions to this rule. This protects you and Northborough Baseball Assoc. Children should not be encouraged to “play through pain.” Pain is a warning sign of injury. Ignoring it can lead to greater injury. Online concussion – takes 20 minutes. (soccer is doing this)

19 Education & Training Free Online Resources Other Educational Resources Little League Coaches Toolkit Big Al Training Manuals PCA Pieces Coaches Box eNewsletter


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