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Artw ork Mr. Clean Anthony DeGirolamo Michael Simon Carlos Boozer.

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Presentation on theme: "Artw ork Mr. Clean Anthony DeGirolamo Michael Simon Carlos Boozer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artw ork Mr. Clean Anthony DeGirolamo Michael Simon Carlos Boozer

2 When I Think Artwork…

3 Or….

4 But seriously….What are we going to talk about? Artwork and the Intranet Art Gallery Detailed left chest designs When to separate items onto separate jobs Orders on artwork “Block” 24 hour artwork….How does it really work? Protocol for emergency artwork that you need ASAP Artists in the office!!

5 Artwork and the Intranet What can you find on the Intranet to help you? Color Combinations

6 Bad Color Combination Example What the proof looked like:

7 Bad Color Combination Example What the final product looked like:

8 Artwork and the Intranet Cont’d What else can I use on the Intranet? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.Print LocationsPrint Locations 2.Screen Printing Color GuideScreen Printing Color Guide 3.Tackle Twill Color GuideTackle Twill Color Guide 4.Font ListFont List 5.Greek and Collegiate LicensingGreek and Collegiate Licensing ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

9 Art Gallery Have any of you used this first semester? If you did, what did you use it for? What are some benefits? What do you do if you don’t see any designs for the event/organization you are looking for? Online Art Gallery

10 Detailed Left Chest Designs # 1 question to ask yourself… the left chest design they want SUPER detailed???

11 Can these shirts be on the same job?


13 Why? Because the shirts are a different color

14 Can these shirts be on the same job?


16 Why? Because the shirts are a different color

17 Can these shirts be on the same job?


19 Why? Because the shirts are the same color

20 “Block” What the heck does this mean? If your artist needs more info to be able to complete your artwork, they will put the order on “Block” until they get the additional info that they need

21 What does 24 hour artwork really mean?

22 24 hour artwork Time starts from the point the Campus Manager releases the art request to the artist, not when the customer submits their request. This is why it is very important to check your email throughout the day for art request emails and revision emails What if I release an art request to my artist on a Saturday or Sunday? You will receive your art back on Tuesday, this gives the artist a full business day to do the art request What if I release an art request to my artist on a Friday at 11:00am? You will receive your art back on Monday by 11:00am

23 EMERGENCY…I need artwork ASAP!!

24 What do I do??? Step 1: DON’T FREAK OUT! Step 2: Contact your Artist! If you cannot get a hold of your artist, contact your BDL Step 3: If it is doable, submit the artwork request with all the details the artist needs Reminder: This is only in emergency situations and not to be abused

25 BIG NEWS All artists are now working in the office!!!! Why is this a good thing? They are more accessible than ever!

26 What Did We Just Talk About Artwork and the Intranet Art Gallery Detailed left chest designs When to separate items onto separate jobs Orders on artwork “Block” 24 hour artwork….How does it really work? Protocol for emergency artwork that you need ASAP Artists in the office!!

27 090 00 2 876543215 1 004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100 HoursMinutesSeconds What are your take-aways?

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