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A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning Subnetwork meeting 1 WP3 Community Participation Subnetwork meeting Leandro Madrazo,

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Presentation on theme: "A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning Subnetwork meeting 1 WP3 Community Participation Subnetwork meeting Leandro Madrazo,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning Subnetwork meeting 1 WP3 Community Participation Subnetwork meeting Leandro Madrazo, La Salle School of Architecture, Barcelona, Spain Rimini, 27 June 2014 Subnetwork meeting 2

2 ACTION LIST (SUBNETWORK MEETING 1) ACTION LIST (FIRT SUBNETWORK MEETING 1) Barcelona, February 7, 2014 ActionResponsibleRecipientDateStatus Uploading completed presentation in meeting folder AllLa Salle (FUNITEC)asapDone Preparing a proposal of the participatory action in Rimini Roberto/SimonaWP3 partners Middle of March Done-it will be discussed in the meeting in Rimini Preparing a proposal of the participatory action in Bratislava MarekWP3 partners Middle of March Not received yet- it will be presented in the meeting in Rimini Proposing partners to replace CAC-Bulgaria AllLa Salle (FUNITEC)End of February It was solved with the partner from Bosnia, but the EACEA has rejected it. We need to search a new partner quickly. It will be discussed in the meeting in Rimini. Producing a mock-up of the video of participatory action in Barcelona La Salle/SostreCívicWP3 partners Middle of March It has been completed (voice recording is missing). It will be presented in the meeting. Deciding dates of next meeting in Rimini Roberto/SimonaWP3 partnersEnd of FebruaryDone Deciding role of NOVA in the project Hans- Christian/Viggo La Salle (FUNITEC)asap Done. It is now member of subnetwork WP2 Research, and it has participated in the last meeting. Changes in the budget distribution of WP3 resulting from NOVA withdrawal LeandroWP3 partnersEnd of FebruaryDone. Changes have been accepted by the EACEA.

3 Subnetwork meeting 2 ACTION LIST (SUBNETWORK MEETING 1) OTHER ACTIONS (not included in action list) ActionResponsibleRecipientDateStatus Report on the participatory activity “Civic Housing” Leandro / AngelWP3 partnersJune A report has been completed and sent to WP3 partners. It will be discussed in the meeting. Videolecture on the work of “Civic Housing” Leandro / AngelUKIM partnersMarch 6, 2014Other participants:

4 Subnetwork meeting 2 DELIVERABLES WP·3 Deliverable 3.1 - Participatory actions (m8, 20, 32): one action has been carried out along with the Civic Housing seminar by La Salle/SostreCívic, Barcelona, Fall 2014. Deliverable 3.2 - Video production (m12, 24, 36): one video of the Civic Housing participatory action is about to be finished. Deliverable 3.3- Reports on participatory actions (m36). Final report of the creating reports of the participatory actions. A report of the Civic Housing participatory action has been produced. Deliverable 3.4- Subnetwork meetings (m4, 10, 16, 22, 28). Two meetings have taken place (Barcelona, Rimini)

5 Subnetwork meeting 2 PARTNERS WP·3 P1FUNITECLeandro Madrazo WP Coordinator P1FUNITECAngel MartinSchool of Architecture P10UKIMOgnen MarinaSchool of Architecture P10UKIMMihajlo ZinoskiSchool of Architecture P11OAPPCRMonica CalliariChamber of Architects P21SOSTRECIVICRaül Robert Housing Cooperative P22ABRASEVICVladimir Ćorić Youth Association P23HERISCAPESimona Rotteglia Consulting association P23HERISCAPEFilippo Boschi Consulting association P24BRATISLAVAMonika Šmiralová Municipality P24BRATISLAVASilvia JančováMunicipality P24BRATISLAVAMarek DinkaMunicipality P32FAUViviana Fernández School of Architecture 6 partners, plus 1 partner from third countries



8 Subnetwork meeting 2 PROJECT SCOPE

9 Subnetwork meeting 2 RELATIONS TO OTHER WORK PACKAGES Links between WP3 and WP2 - There are some overlapping: community participation is one of the topics in the research matrix. - The difference between WP2 and WP3 is that the second is involved with the design and implementation of participatory actions.

10 Subnetwork meeting 2 RELATIONS TO OTHER WORK PACKAGES Links between WP3 and WP2

11 Subnetwork meeting 2 RELATIONS TO OTHER WORK PACKAGES Links between WP3 and WP4 - Deliverable 3.1 “Learning activities integrated in the community”. A participatory action can be integrated with a learning activity, as in the “Civic Housing” seminar. The integration can be done in multiple ways, depending on each case.

12 Subnetwork meeting 2 RELATIONS TO OTHER WORK PACKAGES Links between WP3 and WP7 - Deliverable 7.1 – Network conference. One partner will make a presentation in the Barcelona conference: UKIM - Deliverable 7.2 – Social web. The videos produced in Deliverable 3.2 can be disseminate through Google +, Facebook. -Deliverable 7.3 – Local media. Dissemination of the participatory activities through will be disseminated through different local media : press agencies, printed and digital newspapers, television and radio broadcasting.

13 Subnetwork meeting 2 RELATIONS TO OTHER WORK PACKAGES Links between WP3 and WP7 -Deliverable 7.4 – Journal and conferences. Joint work involving partners in different WPs could be presented in papers and articles. Each subnetwork should produce at least one publication by the end of the project. - Deliverable 7.5 – Exhibitions. Displaying the work carried out in th participatory activities. - Deliverable 7.6 – Newsletters. Including a summary of the participatory actions in the regular newsletter; especial issue reporting about some activities. - Deliverable 7.7 – The OIKOnet Reader (the Book) will include chapters on the work done in WP3 Community Participation.


15 Subnetwork meeting 2 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REPORT

16 Subnetwork meeting 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES - Signed Consortium Agreement has been signed by WP3 members. - Please check Article 5 of Consortium Agreement for the procedure to get reimbursed: there are four payment periods per year; claim costs forms need to be submitted properly filled in; copies of invoices to be submitted along with the claim costs (the originals remain at your administration). - Please check whether your institution recovers the VAT. Only if your institution is unable to recover the VAT can it be included in the claimed costs (page 31 Project Handbook). Otherwise, claimed costs should be without VAT.

17 Subnetwork meeting 2 - Please be aware of the Project Handbook, p:36: “The maximum number of days that can be claimed is the number of working days + 1. A full day normally includes an overnight stay. In duly substantiated cases, a full day’s allowance without an overnight stay may be allowed with a pro rata reduction for accommodation (costs limited to 50% of the maximum rate). A corresponding reduction must be applied if accommodation, meals and local travel costs are provided for by a third party. ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES

18 Subnetwork meeting 2 - Next meeting: Plenary session, Barcelona conference, 25 September 2014 - Next subnetwork meeting: Bratislava (date?) - Collaborations among WP·3 partners - Collaborations between WP·3 partners and other WPs - Action list FUTURE WORK

19 Subnetwork meeting 2 - Finish matrix (one week). - Work plans for Rimini and Bratislava (July 15th Rimini, August 15th Bratislava) - SostreCívic: create a model based on their experience (5 pages) (end of July) - UKIM will seek with La Salle possible collaborations in Fall semester. - Bratislava will propose a deadline for the next meeting (possibly in February 2015). - SostreCívic to publish news about the project in their website ACTION LIST

20 This project is funded with support from the European Commission (Project number 539369-LLP1- 2013-1-ES-ERASMUS). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. If you would like more information about the content of this presentation please contact:

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