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RESULTS & ROUNDTABLE Stephanie Wells MSc. Boats at White Beach, Boracay Island.

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Presentation on theme: "RESULTS & ROUNDTABLE Stephanie Wells MSc. Boats at White Beach, Boracay Island."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESULTS & ROUNDTABLE Stephanie Wells MSc. Boats at White Beach, Boracay Island

2 FIELD WORK ‣ Visited two primary locations: ‣ Bohol- BMT ‣ Northern Panay ‣ Aklan Tourism Circuit ‣ Boracay Island ‣ Additionally presented at University of St. Augustin Hibiscus flower, Boracay

3 BOHOL EXPERIENCE ‣ Met with local LGU, DILG, BEPO, Private Sector ‣ Visited new TechVoc training school Jeepneys, Taglibaran City Sunset in Paydayon

4 BOHOL EXPERIENCE ‣ BSRS online and continuing to activate ‣ LGU committed and ready to receive funds ‣ Active private sector with local LGU, partnership already in the works ‣ Transportation seems to be an issue for potential workers ‣ Padayon is priority as it has the highest poverty incidence ‣ Private sector concerns around length of courses with TESDA when need is immediate Jeepneys, Taglibaran City Sunset in Paydayon

5 BOHOL RECOMMENDATIONS ‣ Determine which companies have a shuttle and look to develop partnership for this project. ‣ Continue work on BSRS, activate job vacancies asap ‣ Continue to work with BAHRR ‣ Find ways to provide scholarships for the new TechVoc school (or other TechVoc Schools) ‣ Still work with TESDA as the goal is sustainable, qualified candidates Sunset in Paydayon

6 ILOILO CITY University of St. Augistin, Iloilo City Buto’t Balat, Iloilo City ‣ Met with local LGSP-LED team ‣ Presented Academe- Industry connections at University St. Augustin

7 AKLAN TOURISM CIRCUIT ‣ Require stops along the way if driving to enhance guest experience for: ‣ Photos ‣ Food ‣ Could not find Pina Village ‣ Both Mangrove Forest trails should be part of map Tricycles, Kalibo Aklan Mangrove Forest Eco-Trail, Kalibo Aklan

8 AKLAN TOURISM CIRCUIT ‣ Require stops along the way if driving to enhance guest experience for: ‣ Photos ‣ Food ‣ Could not find Pina Village ‣ Both Mangrove Forest trails should be part of map Tricycles, Kalibo Aklan Mangrove Forest Eco-Trail, Kalibo Aklan

9 RE ‣ The goal for tourists is Boracay ‣ Aklan and Antique can benefit by: ‣ Being an excursion product for guests of Boracay ‣ Being their own product for Cultural travellers (higher end) ‣ Build relationships with Iloilo City transportation companies to add one/two of the products into their itinerary ‣ Absolutely need a coordinated website of information ‣ Brochures to be placed into hotel lobby’s/ visitor centres Canada Tourism Travelers RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AKLAN/ANTIQUE

10 company name NORTHERN PANAY WORKSHOP ‣ Focused on STAG-LG and how to operationalize the project for effective use of funds, accountability and ultimately employment for participants Sur Beach Resort, Boracay Overlooking Main St., Boracay

11 CHALLENGES IN REGION ‣ Job mismatch ‣ Locals do not have skills, knowledge for current available postings ‣ Regionalistic view on workers ‣ Not enough job opportunities ‣ Lack of confidence in local workers work ethic

12 STAG PROJECT GOALS FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ‣ Capacitate LGU’s to develop and manage workforce development programs/projects/activities ‣ Forging partnerships with private sector and utilizing PESO for qualified candidates and ‘job bridging’ activities Fresh clams at D’Tilipapa Market

13 BENEFICIARIE S ‣ Q: Who is a qualified community member? ‣ A: Unemployed: ‣ High school grad ‣ College/uni grad ‣ poor/underprivileged ‣ Registered with local PESO and completed NSRS/BSRS form Sand Design, White Beach Boracay


15 QUALIFIED APPLICATION ‣ LGU ‣ Action plan- six months beginning January - June 2015 ‣ Application submission to Regional DILG by deadline- December 1, 2014 ‣ PESO ‣ Data with appropriate beneficiary profiles NSRS and TESDA QM’s ‣ Job Bridging activities/sessions ‣ Private Sector Partnership ‣ Action plan group of a minimum of five with signed memorandum of commitment Boat Captain, Caticlan- Boracay Island Ramboys Restaurant, Kalibo Aklan

16 ‣ Qualified LGU ‣ Application package submitted by deadline ‣ Approval by Regional DILG ‣ Responsibilities ‣ Invites private sector to be members of Action Group ‣ Arranges Action Group Meetings ‣ Coordinates agenda with PESO ‣ If no TESDA training available, secures appropriate training service provider Regional TESDA ‣ Receives action plan of courses/timing/TVI’s ‣ Arranges appropriately for efficient delivery and timing ‣ Works with PESO on implementation PESO ‣ Identifies beneficiaries ‣ Completes NSRS ‣ Arranges job-bridging activities ‣ Works with regional TESDA for implementation of courses Regional DILG ‣ Approves application package ‣ Funnels information to national DILG ‣ Assists LGU ??? STAG-LG Success LGU as Driver Private Sector ‣ Signs memorandum of commitment ‣ Ambassador of project to the community

17 MODEL #1- PROS ‣ Simplified model ‣ Clarified links between LGU’s and other agencies ‣ Strengthened partnerships/convergence with concerned agencies ‣ Identification of real and immediate needs ‣ LGU’s have authority to implement the project ‣ Mobilization of capacity

18 MODEL #1- CONS ‣ Lack of permanency of positions ‣ LCE’s resistance to project ‣ Highly politicized environment ‣ Readiness of LGU ‣ Time constraints- can we get all done for December? ‣ Identification of training needs ‣ Private Sector Action Group


20 MODEL #2- PROS ‣ Trainees are secured of employment ‣ Job mismatch is avoided ‣ Strengthened collaboration ‣ Less politicking ‣ Longer term benefits ‣ Empowerment of all stakeholders ‣ PPP enhanced ‣ Skills of workers are enhances specifically to meet labour demand and employment ‣ Strategic planning for the growth and development of the private sector

21 MODEL #2- CONS ‣ Transparency & accountability ‣ Issues with COA ‣ Possible monopoly of select private sector ‣ Private sector has no authority to influence ‣ Private sector tendency to overshadow LGU’s roles and function ‣ Support from LGU is a challenge ‣ Uncooperative private sector/CBO’s ‣ Disorganized CBO’s

22 GENERAL COMMENTS ‣ There is a willingness to work together, roles and responsibilities do need to be identified ‣ Private sector feels that 50 participants is small and would be able to absorb as employees- provided they have a say in pre-screening as well. ‣ The concerns around length of time for TESDA training in Bohol did not seem to be an issue in Northern Panay ‣ Neither model seemed to be the exact way to go ‣ Selecting appropriate private sector participants will be key ‣ Private sector ready to initiate associations (SEC credited) in order to access funds and provide accountability ‣ Private sector was also willing to be involved in the job-bridging activities

23 USE BOTH MODELS! ‣ Builds capacity ‣ Creates partnerships ‣ Meets labour demand ‣ Buy in from all involved

24 RECOMMENDATIONS- MODEL #1 ‣ Most LGU’s in the areas visited are ready, they have the requirements and only need to activate a private sector action group. ‣ Action plan template is in place and requirement set. This is ready to go Beach Chairs, Sur Resort Boracay Operationalizing the STAG-LG

25 RECOMMENDATIONS- MODEL #2 ‣ Private sector required to set up an association (SEC approved) ‣ Members of this association become members of the action plan group. ‣ Involved in pre-screening with PESO ‣ Closer relationship with LGU and other parties ‣ Provides for long term relationship ‣ Roles and responsibilities to be identified to mitigate some of the concerns in the Cons slide Beach Chairs, Sur Resort Boracay Operationalizing the STAG-LG

26 DISCUSSION ‣ Where to go from here to unlock the benefits of the STAG-LG funds? White Beach, Boracay

27 Sunset White Beach, Boracay Salamat! Thank You! LinkedIn: Stephanie Wells

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