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Do Now:LAB SAFETY Please find 5 mistakes with your table partner. MistakeLab Safety Rule Ex) #9 Drinking from a beakerNo eating or drinking in lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now:LAB SAFETY Please find 5 mistakes with your table partner. MistakeLab Safety Rule Ex) #9 Drinking from a beakerNo eating or drinking in lab."— Presentation transcript:


2 Do Now:LAB SAFETY Please find 5 mistakes with your table partner. MistakeLab Safety Rule Ex) #9 Drinking from a beakerNo eating or drinking in lab

3 Today’s Schedule Safety Contract is now Late turn in ASAP Lab safety Quiz Tomorrow 1.Do-Now 2.Set up journal 3.Lab Safety Stations Reminders/Announcements:

4 Today’s Schedule Reminders: Safety Contract is now LATE PLEASE TURN IN ASAP Homework Due Friday 1.Do-Now 2.Lab Safety Review 3.Set-up Composition Books

5 Composition Book Fill in the information below on the cover of your composition notebook. Your Name 7 th Grade Science, Teacher, Period #

6 Composition Book Using a marker, write you name on all 3 edges YOUR NAME

7 Composition Book Table of Contents 3 2

8 Composition Book 1.Create Title Page on first page. NAME 7 th Grade Science Period # Ms. Doakes

9 Composition Book 2. Copy the class website below my name: NAME 7 th Grade Science Period # Ms. Doakes Class website:

10 Composition Book Starting with title page, number ALL of the pages in your notebook. NAME 7 th Grade Science Period # Ms. Doakes Class website: 1

11 In Da Lab Music Video m/watch?v=B5wyM_CR sqw m/watch?v=B5wyM_CR sqw

12 Why is Lab Safety Important? Lab safety rules and symbols are needed so that students do not injure themselves or their classmates.

13 Lab Safety Rule #1 Always follow the teacher’s directions and only do lab work when a teacher is present.

14 Lab Safety Rule #2 Act responsibly. No horseplay!

15 Lab Safety Rule #3 Do not touch any equipment or materials until told to do so.

16 Lab Safety Rule #4 Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab.

17 Lab Safety Rule #5 Report ALL accidents to your teacher immediately (even if you think it is minor).

18 Clothing Wear:Do NOT Wear: Sandals Jewelry Loose or Baggy clothing Please tie back long hair.

19 Lab Safety Equipment Demo Safety ShowerSafety GogglesEye Wash

20 Lab Safety Equipment Demo Fire Extinguisher Fire Blanket

21 Waste Disposal Ask your teacher where/how to dispose of waste. Never pour anything down the drain unless you are told to do so.

22 Reasons for proper waste disposal Hazardous chemicals down the drain can lead to pollution of ground water, lakes, rivers, etc. Plants and animals will die if they are exposed to hazardous chemical waste. Serious health problems will become present in people if hazardous waste finds its way into drinking water.

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