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Chapter 7 Pre-test.

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1 Chapter 7 Pre-test

2 General Knowledge that people remember
Chunking Generic memory Primacy effect Amnesia Decay Eidetic imagery Recency effect

3 B

4 Ability to remember visual stimuli over long periods of time
Chunking Generic memory Primacy effect Amnesia Decay Eidetic imagery Recency effect

5 F

6 Tendency to recall the initial items in a series of items
Chunking Generic memory Primacy effect Amnesia Decay Eidetic imagery Recency effect

7 C

8 Organization of items into familiar or manageable units
Chunking Generic memory Primacy effect Amnesia Decay Eidetic imagery Recency effect

9 A

10 Fading away of memory Chunking Generic memory Primacy effect Amnesia
Decay Eidetic imagery Recency effect

11 E

12 Memory in which people recall events in great detail is called
Multiple choice Memory in which people recall events in great detail is called Generic memory Flashbulb memory Procedural memory Iconic memory

13 B

14 A semantic code represents information in terms of its
Mental picture Sequence of sounds Meaning pattern

15 C

16 A retrieval B. Storage C. Encoding D. interference
What is the memory process that locates stored information and returns it to consciousness A retrieval B. Storage C. Encoding D. interference

17 A

18 Hearing a song that brings back memories is an example of
Procedural memory Tip of the tongue phenomenon Context dependent memory Sensory memory

19 C

20 State dependent memory Context dependent memory Echoic memory
Sad feeling that trigger memories of another sad time are an example of State dependent memory Context dependent memory Echoic memory Sensory memory

21 A

22 The ability to recall the last items in a series is called
Sensory memory Visual codes Hypnosis Recency effect

23 D

24 What is the final stage of memory information.
Sensory information photographic memory Short term memory Long term memory

25 D

26 People use their own schemas to do which of the following
Repress memories Reconstruct memories Relearn memories Retain memories

27 B

28 Which memory task involves identifying object encountered before
Recognition Recall Relearning repression

29 A

30 An example of improving memory through mechanical repetition is
Writing and rewriting items Forming unusual associations Constructing links Creating mnemonic devices

31 A

32 Trauma to the brain caused by a blow to the head, electric shock, or brain surgery.
Infantile amnesia Anterograde amnesia Retrograde amnesia

33 B

34 The skills needed for riding a bicycle are stored as
Procedural memories Episodic memories Generic memories Echoic memories

35 A

36 Facts learned in classes at school become part of the
Procedural memory Episodic memory Generic memory Iconic memory

37 C

38 Computers and people both handle information using the processes of
Procedural , generic , and episodic memories Maintenance and elaborative rehearsals Sensory, short term , and long term memories Encoding, storage and retrieval

39 D

40 A visual code helps a person remember a fact by
Storing the fact as a sequence of sounds Representing the fact by its meaning Pairing it with another fact Creating a mental picture

41 D

42 State dependent memory Context dependent memory Eidetic memory
Studying for a test in the same room in which it will be held may result in a better grade because of Iconic memory State dependent memory Context dependent memory Eidetic memory

43 C

44 The first stage of memory is
Long term memory Short term memory Content dependent memory Sensory memory

45 D

46 The average person can hold in short term memory a list of
Five items Seven items Eight items Nine items

47 B

48 People forget the period leading up to a traumatic event
Infantile amnesia Anterograde amnesia Retrograde amnesia

49 C

50 Icons Echoes Mnemonic devices schemas
We can more easily remember bits of information by organizing them into mental representations of the world called Icons Echoes Mnemonic devices schemas

51 D

52 According to Sigmund Freud repression is a reaction to
Painful and unpleasant memories A head injury Illness All of the above

53 A

54 Most people forget things because of the normal processes of
Maintenance and elaborative rehearsal Interference and decay Repression and amnesia Chunking and schema

55 B

56 Maintenance rehearsal
A person trying to learn the vocabulary of a foreign language can remember the foreign words by Maintenance rehearsal Constructing links to something already familiar. Using paired associates All of the above

57 D

58 Freud found that people who could not remember things that happen before the age of three have
Infantile amnesia Anterograde amnesia Retrograde amnesia

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