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 Oath – taken by all surgeons upon becoming doctors  Body – made up of different humors (fluids)- these determine personality traits  Explains processes.

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2  Oath – taken by all surgeons upon becoming doctors  Body – made up of different humors (fluids)- these determine personality traits  Explains processes such as bloodletting, vomitariums, etc.

3  Yellow Bile- Associated with choleric, quick tempered disposition  Blood- Connected w/ sanguine, warm or cheerful temperament (rosy cheeks)- Santa  Phlegm- Phlegmatic or sluggish and cool disposition  Black Bile- Melancholy, sad, thoughtful

4  Indexed 18,000 human traits – personality traits  Traits can be inherited + are fixed in the nervous system  Traits are the building blocks of personality.

5  Focuses on relationships between 2 personality dimensions  Introverts- imaginative + look inward rather than to other people for ideas  Extroverts- Active + self expressive+ gain energy from interacting w/others.

6  Extroversion-assertiveness v. silence  Agreeableness-kindness + trust v. selfishness  Conscientiousness-organized, thorough v. carelessness  Emotional Stability- Reliability and Coping v. moodiness.  Openness to experience- Contrasts curiosity + imagination with shallowness.

7  Conscious vs. Subconscious  Psychoanalysis- talk about what is on your mind  Dream Analysis- people experience their unconscious wishes in dreams.

8  Id- represents basic drives such as hunger, demands pleasure through instant gratification. (pleasure principle)  Ego- stands for reason and good sense, we can’t always get what we want. (reality principle)  Superego- Incorporates standards & values of parents, this provides us with our moral sense. (moral principle)

9  Repression- removes anxiety causing ideas from conscious awareness by pushing them into the subconscious.  Teakettles- We repress or fight back urges such as aggression, because they are socially unacceptable.

10  Distort the facts or truth in a different manner  Use of self deception to justify unacceptable ideas or behaviors.  “ I beat you up to make you tougher.”

11  The transfer of an idea or impulse from a threatening or unsuitable object to a less threatening object.  A student gets yelled at in school, and goes home to yell at his brother.

12  Under a great deal of stress one will return to behavior of an earlier stage of development.  Adolescent may pout or cry when not allowed to go out with friends.  A divorcee may spend a great amount of time with his/her parents before he/she is back on their feet.

13  People project unacceptable impulses or character traits of their own onto other people.  People see their own faults in other people.  Easier to look at weakness in others and less at your own faults.

14  Act contrary to their genuine feelings to keep their true feelings hidden.  Person may act in a passive aggressive way or act nicely to a person when they are angry at them.  Person in love may act cruelly to another to keep impulses in check.

15  Refuses to accept the fact that anything bad or upsetting is happening to them.  It can’t happen to me.  Form of self preservation, mentioned in Kubler-Ross.

16  Channel basic impulses into socially acceptable behavior through this process.  Angry person can channel his hostility through contact sports.

17  Stages begin at birth and continue to shape human personality through adolescence.  Oral  Anal  Phallic  Latent  Genital

18  Infants are continually exploring their world, by picking things up & putting them in their mouth.  Receive main source of pleasure through their mouth & as such 1 st stage is called the oral stage.  One fixated on the oral stage may later have problems with smoking, overeating, excessive talking, etc.

19  1.5 to 2.5 years old in general.  Children can control their own bodily functions, & general issue of self control becomes an issue.  Anal retentive: excessive use of self control, perfectionism, order & cleanliness.  Anal expulsive: Less restrained & may be careless & messy.

20  Third year marks the Phallic Stage  Young girls & boys notice the differences between the two sexes & become focused on their own bodies.  Child may develop a strong attachment to the parent of the opposite sex. (same sex parent as a rival for the other parent’s affections)- Oedipus Complex/Electra Complex

21  Age five or six – children in conflict with parents for several years.  At 5-6, they retreat from conflict & repress all aggressive urges.  Latency stage – means hidden, emotions remain unconscious & repressed.

22  Most enter this stage of development at puberty.  Adolescent does not encounter any new psychological conflicts at this time.  He/she does become more aware of gender identity. (earlier conflicts resurface.)

23  Colleague of Freud  Fell out of favor with Freud, developed his own theories  Analytic Psychology- Greater emphasis on the influences of religion & mysticism.

24  Like Freud, he was intrigued by the unconscious processes.  Collective Unconscious- Store of human concepts shared by all people across all cultures.

25  Structural components of the collective unconscious are basic and primitive concepts called archetypes.  Archetype- Ideas and images of the accumulated experience of all human beings.

26  Supreme Being  Young Hero  Nurturing Mother  Wise Old Man  Hostile Brother  Fairy Godmother/Wicked witch

27  Unconscious- often appear in dreams, they influence our thoughts and feelings.  They form a foundation on which our personality develops.  Despite this, he granted more importance to conscious thoughts.

28  Thinking  Feeling  Intuition  Sensation

29  All 4 exist in every individual’s subconscious  Individuals are defined by the function that becomes his/her primary form of expression. (thinker v. seer)

30  Jung- People can form healthy personalities by bringing together these conscious elements with the collective unconscious archetype.  Many people enter Jungian analysis to examine their dreams & work toward individuation.

31  Follower of Freudian psychoanalyis  People are motivated to overcome feelings of inferiority.  To describe these feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, he coined the term inferiority complex.

32  Based on physical problems & the need to compensate for them.  Adler himself suffered from Rickets & Pneumonia as a child.  Napoleanic Complex is very common among men under 5’7” for example.

33  In Groups, compare and contrast the differences between Erikson’s stages of development with Freud’s.  1 Group- support & defend Erikson’s arguments as being more sound and valid than Freud.  1 Group – support & defend Freud’s arguments as being more sound and valid than Erikson’s.


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