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Step Up To: Psychology John J. Schulte, Psy.D. & Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD From: Hockenbury & Hockenbury Discovering Psychology 5e Worth Publishers.

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Presentation on theme: "Step Up To: Psychology John J. Schulte, Psy.D. & Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD From: Hockenbury & Hockenbury Discovering Psychology 5e Worth Publishers."— Presentation transcript:


2 Step Up To: Psychology John J. Schulte, Psy.D. & Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD From: Hockenbury & Hockenbury Discovering Psychology 5e Worth Publishers (2010) From: Hockenbury & Hockenbury Discovering Psychology 5e Worth Publishers (2010)

3 Chapter 13: Psychological Disorders Understanding Psychological Disorders Anxiety Disorders: Intense Apprehension and Worry Mood Disorders: Emotions Gone Awry Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders Dissociative Disorders and Schizophrenia

4 100 200 300 400 500 Understanding Psychological Disorders

5 100 200 300 400 500 Anxiety Disorders: Intense Apprehension and Worry

6 100 200 300 400 500 Mood Disorders: Emotions Gone Awry

7 100 200 300 400 500 Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders

8 100 200 300 400 500 Dissociative Disorders and Schizophrenia

9 1.A psychological or mental disorder involves behavior that includes which of the following features? A) It makes other people uncomfortable in a majority of situations B) It deviates from social norms and customs C) It carries the risk of personal harm D) It causes personal distress and/or impairs daily functioning A) It makes other people uncomfortable in a majority of situations B) It deviates from social norms and customs C) It carries the risk of personal harm D) It causes personal distress and/or impairs daily functioning

10 2. The book that officially classifies all of the different psychological disorders is the: A) APA-Dx B) DSM-IV-TR C) ICD-10 D) NCS-R A) APA-Dx B) DSM-IV-TR C) ICD-10 D) NCS-R

11 3.According to the NCS-R, almost one out of ____ adults experienced the symptoms of a psychological disorder at some point in the past year. A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

12 4.According to the NCS-R, which of the following disorders typically has the earliest onset? A) anxiety B) mood C) eating D) substance use A) anxiety B) mood C) eating D) substance use

13 5. Which of the following is not a misconception about psychological disorders that is dispelled by the chapter in your textbook? A) “Crazy” behavior is very different than “normal” behavior B) There is a strong social stigma attached to having a psychological disorder C) Any behavior that is “weird” or “unusual” is pathological D) Most psychological disorders improve with properly prescribed medication A) “Crazy” behavior is very different than “normal” behavior B) There is a strong social stigma attached to having a psychological disorder C) Any behavior that is “weird” or “unusual” is pathological D) Most psychological disorders improve with properly prescribed medication

14 6.Which of the following is not one of the features that distinguishes “normal” from “pathological” anxiety? A) The anxiety is irrational B) The anxiety is uncontrollable C) The anxiety is disruptive D) The anxiety is internally expressed A) The anxiety is irrational B) The anxiety is uncontrollable C) The anxiety is disruptive D) The anxiety is internally expressed

15 7.Generalized anxiety disorder is sometimes referred to as: A) acute stress disorder B) chronic stress disorder C) free-floating anxiety D) nonspecific target anxiety A) acute stress disorder B) chronic stress disorder C) free-floating anxiety D) nonspecific target anxiety

16 8. Before she goes to bed each night, Lisa has to check and recheck each door and window lock at least 5 times. This is an example of a(n): A) specific phobia B) panic attack C) obsession D) compulsion A) specific phobia B) panic attack C) obsession D) compulsion

17 9.Which researcher is credited with proposing the triple vulnerabilities model to explain panic disorder? A) Elizabeth Moskel B) David Barlow C) Win-Yen Tsai D) Thomas Martinez A) Elizabeth Moskel B) David Barlow C) Win-Yen Tsai D) Thomas Martinez

18 10.A culture-specific anxiety disorder, unique to Japanese individuals, involves a fear that ones appearance, smell, or other personal attributes will offend or insult other people, is called: A) koro B) amok C) taijin kyofusho D) windigo A) koro B) amok C) taijin kyofusho D) windigo

19 11.Which of the following is not an example of a person who is likely to be suffering from major depression? A) Bob, who does not make eye contact and feels hopeless B) Jamie, who is preoccupied with death and only sleeps three hours per day C) Steve, who can’t sleep because his father died a couple days ago D) Mary, who has had a loss of appetite and can’t stop crying A) Bob, who does not make eye contact and feels hopeless B) Jamie, who is preoccupied with death and only sleeps three hours per day C) Steve, who can’t sleep because his father died a couple days ago D) Mary, who has had a loss of appetite and can’t stop crying

20 12.Without treatment, those who have been through one episode of major depression: A) have greater than a 50% chance of having another episode B) are unlikely to have another occurrence within the next 5 years C) learn to cope with their depression D) usually commit suicide within the next year A) have greater than a 50% chance of having another episode B) are unlikely to have another occurrence within the next 5 years C) learn to cope with their depression D) usually commit suicide within the next year

21 13.__________ is to major depression as __________ is to bipolar disorder. A) Sadness; happiness B) Acute; chronic C) Pessimism; optimism D) Dysthymia; cyclothymia A) Sadness; happiness B) Acute; chronic C) Pessimism; optimism D) Dysthymia; cyclothymia

22 14.A diagnosis of major depressive disorder requires symptoms that last at least _______, while a diagnosis of dysthymic disorder requires symptoms that last at least _______. A) six months; one year B) two weeks; two years C) one month; six months D) two months; one year A) six months; one year B) two weeks; two years C) one month; six months D) two months; one year

23 15.The drug lithium is usually the drug of choice for bipolar disorder because it regulates: A) norepinephrine B) serotonin C) stress hormones D) glutamate A) norepinephrine B) serotonin C) stress hormones D) glutamate

24 16.Showing little or no remorse, the person with ________ personality disorder will frequently deceive or manipulate others for his/her own personal gain. A) borderline B) antisocial C) schizotypal D) histrionic A) borderline B) antisocial C) schizotypal D) histrionic

25 17.Which of the following is not one of the diagnostic symptoms of anorexia nervosa? A) the cessation of menstrual cycles in women B) a refusal to maintain a body weight of at least 85% of normal C) an extreme fear of gaining weight D) engaging in self-induced vomiting to reduce weight from consumed calories A) the cessation of menstrual cycles in women B) a refusal to maintain a body weight of at least 85% of normal C) an extreme fear of gaining weight D) engaging in self-induced vomiting to reduce weight from consumed calories

26 18.An individual with this personality disorder lacks control over their impulses and is most likely to harm him/her self. A) multiple personality disorder B) antisocial personality disorder C) paranoid personality disorder D) borderline personality disorder A) multiple personality disorder B) antisocial personality disorder C) paranoid personality disorder D) borderline personality disorder

27 19.Which of the following diagnoses no longer appears in the DSM-IV-TR as a personality disorder? A) passive-aggressive personality disorder B) avoidant personality disorder C) dependent personality disorder D) schizoid personality disorder A) passive-aggressive personality disorder B) avoidant personality disorder C) dependent personality disorder D) schizoid personality disorder

28 20.Which of the following statements about a sufferer of bulimia nervosa is incorrect? A) Unlike an anorexic person, this individual is likely to be male B) This person engages in binge episodes at least twice a week C) This person always follows a binge with self-induced vomiting D) This person can consume as many as five thousand calories at one sitting A) Unlike an anorexic person, this individual is likely to be male B) This person engages in binge episodes at least twice a week C) This person always follows a binge with self-induced vomiting D) This person can consume as many as five thousand calories at one sitting

29 21. A false belief that is strongly held in spite of compelling contradictory evidence is: A) a catatonic frenzy B) a hallucination C) a delusion D) disorganized thinking A) a catatonic frenzy B) a hallucination C) a delusion D) disorganized thinking

30 22. Which of the following sensory systems cannot be affected by hallucinations? A) Taste B) Touch C) Smell D) An hallucination can involve any of the sensory systems. A) Taste B) Touch C) Smell D) An hallucination can involve any of the sensory systems.

31 23.In this disorder, the individual will have many personalities, holding separate memories, emotions, and motives. A) multiple personality disorder B) dissociative identity disorder C) dissociative fugue D) schizophrenia A) multiple personality disorder B) dissociative identity disorder C) dissociative fugue D) schizophrenia

32 24.Researchers have a problem with the “traumatic memory” explanation of dissociative identity disorder because: A) just the opposite effect occurs in most trauma victims B) most DID patients do not report early abuse C) trauma victims usually repress memories but do not develop DID D) none of the above are true A) just the opposite effect occurs in most trauma victims B) most DID patients do not report early abuse C) trauma victims usually repress memories but do not develop DID D) none of the above are true

33 25.The fact that amphetamines and cocaine produce schizophrenia-like symptoms gives support for the ________ explanation schizophrenia. A) frontal lobe B) dopamine hypothesis C) loss of gray matter D) viral infection theory A) frontal lobe B) dopamine hypothesis C) loss of gray matter D) viral infection theory


35 Stop here, or continue as a review

36 1.A psychological or mental disorder involves behavior that includes which of the following features? A) It makes other people uncomfortable in a majority of situations B) It deviates from social norms and customs C) It carries the risk of personal harm D) It causes personal distress and/or impairs daily functioning A) It makes other people uncomfortable in a majority of situations B) It deviates from social norms and customs C) It carries the risk of personal harm D) It causes personal distress and/or impairs daily functioning

37 2. The book that officially classifies all of the different psychological disorders is the: A) APA-Dx B) DSM-IV-TR C) ICD-10 D) NCS-R A) APA-Dx B) DSM-IV-TR C) ICD-10 D) NCS-R

38 3.According to the NCS-R, almost one out of ____ adults experienced the symptoms of a psychological disorder at some point in the past year. A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

39 4.According to the NCS-R, which of the following disorders typically has the earliest onset? A) anxiety B) mood C) eating D) substance use A) anxiety B) mood C) eating D) substance use

40 5. Which of the following is not a misconception about psychological disorders that is dispelled by the chapter in your textbook? A) “Crazy” behavior is very different than “normal” behavior B) There is a strong social stigma attached to having a psychological disorder C) Any behavior that is “weird” or “unusual” is pathological D) Most psychological disorders improve with properly prescribed medication A) “Crazy” behavior is very different than “normal” behavior B) There is a strong social stigma attached to having a psychological disorder C) Any behavior that is “weird” or “unusual” is pathological D) Most psychological disorders improve with properly prescribed medication

41 6.Which of the following is not one of the features that distinguishes “normal” from “pathological” anxiety? A) The anxiety is irrational B) The anxiety is uncontrollable C) The anxiety is disruptive D) The anxiety is internally expressed A) The anxiety is irrational B) The anxiety is uncontrollable C) The anxiety is disruptive D) The anxiety is internally expressed

42 7.Generalized anxiety disorder is sometimes referred to as: A) acute stress disorder B) chronic stress disorder C) free-floating anxiety D) nonspecific target anxiety A) acute stress disorder B) chronic stress disorder C) free-floating anxiety D) nonspecific target anxiety

43 8. Before she goes to bed each night, Lisa has to check and recheck each door and window lock at least 5 times. This is an example of a(n): A) specific phobia B) panic attack C) obsession D) compulsion A) specific phobia B) panic attack C) obsession D) compulsion

44 9.Which researcher is credited with proposing the triple vulnerabilities model to explain panic disorder? A) Elizabeth Moskel B) David Barlow C) Win-Yen Tsai D) Thomas Martinez A) Elizabeth Moskel B) David Barlow C) Win-Yen Tsai D) Thomas Martinez

45 10.A culture-specific anxiety disorder, unique to Japanese individuals, involves a fear that ones appearance, smell, or other personal attributes will offend or insult other people, is called: A) koro B) amok C) taijin kyofusho D) windigo A) koro B) amok C) taijin kyofusho D) windigo

46 11.Which of the following is not an example of a person who is likely to be suffering from major depression? A) Bob, who does not make eye contact and feels hopeless B) Jamie, who is preoccupied with death and only sleeps three hours per day C) Steve, who can’t sleep because his father died a couple days ago D) Mary, who has had a loss of appetite and can’t stop crying A) Bob, who does not make eye contact and feels hopeless B) Jamie, who is preoccupied with death and only sleeps three hours per day C) Steve, who can’t sleep because his father died a couple days ago D) Mary, who has had a loss of appetite and can’t stop crying

47 12.Without treatment, those who have been through one episode of major depression: A) have greater than a 50% chance of having another episode B) are unlikely to have another occurrence within the next 5 years C) learn to cope with their depression D) usually commit suicide within the next year A) have greater than a 50% chance of having another episode B) are unlikely to have another occurrence within the next 5 years C) learn to cope with their depression D) usually commit suicide within the next year

48 13.__________ is to major depression as __________ is to bipolar disorder. A) Sadness; happiness B) Acute; chronic C) Pessimism; optimism D) Dysthymia; cyclothymia A) Sadness; happiness B) Acute; chronic C) Pessimism; optimism D) Dysthymia; cyclothymia

49 14.A diagnosis of major depressive disorder requires symptoms that last at least _______, while a diagnosis of dysthymic disorder requires symptoms that last at least _______. A) six months; one year B) two weeks; two years C) one month; six months D) two months; one year A) six months; one year B) two weeks; two years C) one month; six months D) two months; one year

50 15.The drug lithium is usually the drug of choice for bipolar disorder because it regulates: A) norepinephrine B) serotonin C) stress hormones D) glutamate A) norepinephrine B) serotonin C) stress hormones D) glutamate

51 16.Showing little or no remorse, the person with ________ personality disorder will frequently deceive or manipulate others for his/her own personal gain. A) borderline B) antisocial C) schizotypal D) histrionic A) borderline B) antisocial C) schizotypal D) histrionic

52 17.Which of the following is not one of the diagnostic symptoms of anorexia nervosa? A) the cessation of menstrual cycles in women B) a refusal to maintain a body weight of at least 85% of normal C) an extreme fear of gaining weight D) engaging in self-induced vomiting to reduce weight from consumed calories A) the cessation of menstrual cycles in women B) a refusal to maintain a body weight of at least 85% of normal C) an extreme fear of gaining weight D) engaging in self-induced vomiting to reduce weight from consumed calories

53 18.An individual with this personality disorder lacks control over their impulses and is most likely to harm him/her self. A) multiple personality disorder B) antisocial personality disorder C) paranoid personality disorder D) borderline personality disorder A) multiple personality disorder B) antisocial personality disorder C) paranoid personality disorder D) borderline personality disorder

54 19.Which of the following diagnoses no longer appears in the DSM-IV-TR as a personality disorder? A) passive-aggressive personality disorder B) avoidant personality disorder C) dependent personality disorder D) schizoid personality disorder A) passive-aggressive personality disorder B) avoidant personality disorder C) dependent personality disorder D) schizoid personality disorder

55 20.Which of the following statements about a sufferer of bulimia nervosa is incorrect? A) Unlike an anorexic person, this individual is likely to be male B) This person engages in binge episodes at least twice a week C) This person always follows a binge with self-induced vomiting D) This person can consume as many as five thousand calories at one sitting A) Unlike an anorexic person, this individual is likely to be male B) This person engages in binge episodes at least twice a week C) This person always follows a binge with self-induced vomiting D) This person can consume as many as five thousand calories at one sitting

56 21. A false belief that is strongly held in spite of compelling contradictory evidence is: A) a catatonic frenzy B) a hallucination C) a delusion D) disorganized thinking A) a catatonic frenzy B) a hallucination C) a delusion D) disorganized thinking

57 22. Which of the following sensory systems cannot be affected by hallucinations? A) Taste B) Touch C) Smell D) An hallucination can involve any of the sensory systems. A) Taste B) Touch C) Smell D) An hallucination can involve any of the sensory systems.

58 23.In this disorder, the individual will have many personalities, holding separate memories, emotions, and motives. A) multiple personality disorder B) dissociative identity disorder C) dissociative fugue D) schizophrenia A) multiple personality disorder B) dissociative identity disorder C) dissociative fugue D) schizophrenia

59 24.Researchers have a problem with the “traumatic memory” explanation of dissociative identity disorder because: A) just the opposite effect occurs in most trauma victims B) most DID patients do not report early abuse C) trauma victims usually repress memories but do not develop DID D) none of the above are true A) just the opposite effect occurs in most trauma victims B) most DID patients do not report early abuse C) trauma victims usually repress memories but do not develop DID D) none of the above are true

60 25.The fact that amphetamines and cocaine produce schizophrenia-like symptoms gives support for the ________ explanation schizophrenia. A) frontal lobe B) dopamine hypothesis C) loss of gray matter D) viral infection theory A) frontal lobe B) dopamine hypothesis C) loss of gray matter D) viral infection theory

61 AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgments Step Up Created by: John J. Schulte, Psy.D. Questions written by: Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD Based on Discovering Psychology 5e by Hockenbury & Hockenbury Published by Worth Publishers, 2010 Step Up Created by: John J. Schulte, Psy.D. Questions written by: Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD Based on Discovering Psychology 5e by Hockenbury & Hockenbury Published by Worth Publishers, 2010

62 AnswersAnswers 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.B

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