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Introduction to F451 In the next slides, we will begin discussing Fahrenheit 451 and the author Ray Bradbury. Pay attention to the words in red. These.

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2 Introduction to F451 In the next slides, we will begin discussing Fahrenheit 451 and the author Ray Bradbury. Pay attention to the words in red. These are notes you will need later.

3 Born 1920 1942 published in Weird Tales, a famous pulp science- fiction magazine Writer for Alfred Hitchcock Presents and The Twilight Zone 1950 The Martian Chronicles is published establishing Bradbury as a science fiction icon Author, Ray Bradbury

4 Fahrenheit 451 Background Novel describing an oppressive world of the future. –Books are burned to discourage citizens from thinking and four walled televisions keep the people perpetually entertained. Fahrenheit 451 is about the harmful effects of censorship and technology What is extraordinary about Fahrenheit 451 is Ray Bradbury's vision. –The novel was written more than 45 years ago, yet Bradbury predicted so many of the events today. –As you read the novel, think of interactive television, DNA as it relates to the Mechanical Hound, suppressive medicines, teenagers killing for the sport of it, political correctness and government cover-ups.

5 Censorshipcensorship: n- to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable. Books, especially public and school library books, are among the most visible targets of censorship, though they are hardly the only target. –Not a new issue - been around for centuries. –Exists in politics, music, art and many other areas.

6 History of Censorship First library – 300-290 BC in Alexandria, Rome –500,000 texts –Burned to the ground several times –Those in power wanted their subjects to remain ignorant – keep people under their control Holocaust –May 10, 1933 millions of texts destroyed – anything in opposition to the Nazi party –Official lists of banned authors/musicians

7 History of Censorship in America 1950’s Cold War – intense fear of Communism spread across America –Those suspected of supporting Communism were considered ultimate enemies of the democracy of the U.S. –President Harry Truman banned certain magazines and newspapers. –“Anti-American” literature pulled from shelves of schools and libraries –1953 Sen. Joseph McCarthy compiled a list of authors viewed as threats – forbidden –This is also the year F451 was first published.

8 History of Censorship in America Harry Potter –Prompted many groups to protest, ban, and even burn these books Patriot Act allows FBI to monitor and search reading habits, including the use of Internet, e-mail, and voice mail of American citizens –2003-2005 FBI requested records 140,000 times The struggle between intellectual freedom and censorship continues. Can you think of any other time in America when oppressed people were kept from learning to read?

9 U.S. Constitution 1st Amendment The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” You can’t claim your own right to expression if you have the right to suppress others’ rights to express themselves.

10 Banned and Challenged Books A challenged book is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials.

11 Bradbury’s Motivation for Writing the Novel Classic novel that deals with censorship and book burning in a futuristic society. Ironically, Fahrenheit 451 has, in its time, been censored. What we find in this novel is that without books people are kept ignorant and unknowing, so much so that they are unaware even of their own history and governmental workings. Living with in this vacuum of information leaves people unable to question ANYTHING. As we read Fahrenheit 451 reflect on what you have learned about our own history of censorship and more importantly the current threats of censorship.

12 Fahrenheit 451 Background, Con’t: Fahrenheit 451 portrays a dystopian future for civilization –Explores the idea of a dystopia - state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad from oppression or terror Is Bradbury’s most popular and well known work

13 OverviewGuy Montag is a fireman, but not in the sense we know fireman Montag’s job is to burn books and set fires instead of putting them in out In this bleak future people drive fast, watch endless amounts of TV and have radios attached to their ears

14 OverviewIn this society people do not read books, go outside for fun or have any thoughts or discussions that require thought Books are thought to be material that alienates and offends. In order to not make anybody feel inferior, all books that are found are immediately destroyed Montag realizes that his life is an empty shell devoid of any substance

15 OverviewHe becomes dissatisfied with his job and searches for direction in some books he steals from one of his own fires With the help of a former English professor named Faber, Montag sets out to change a society that has forgotten how to think for itself and enjoys unquestioning ignorance

16 Literary Focus –Date of Publication –Genre –Structure –Setting (time) –Setting (place) 1953 Science Fiction Bradbury has structure Fahrenheit 451 into three parts which parallel the stages of Montag's transformation Future; 21 st Century Dystopian Future Version of United States

17 –Point of View –Protagonist –Antagonist Third-Person Limited Omniscient Montag Beatty, Wife and Friends, Society

18 What’s Up with the Title? At 451 degrees Fahrenheit, paper will burn.

19 Characters –Guy Montag 3 rd Generation Fireman Programmed to repress his own thoughts and feelings Wants desperately to break free from society and think for himself Tries to challenge himself to make a change in society

20 BeattyThe captain of Montag’s fire department. Beatty is extremely well-read, but he hates books and people who insist on reading them. Cunning, devious and very perceptive

21 Mildred Montag Brittle, sickly Watches television non-stop Will not share her thoughts and feelings with her husband Tries to kill herself, but will not admit it

22 Mildred’s FriendsLead miserable lives Disconnected from other people All married more than once Representative of the ordinary person in this bleak world

23 Professor FaberRetired English professor Longs for the return of books and even has many words from books memorized Realizes it is the weakness of the educated to not stand up and challenge the ignorant that led to the burning of books

24 Summarizing 1.Begin by underlining or writing a marginal note of the main issues. Use a highlighter if this helps. 2.Then, for each heading or idea, write 2-3 sentences about the main idea of the section. Summarize: Science Fiction – Pg. 2 Biography – Pg. 3 History Behind 451 – Pgs. 4-5 The Fifties – Pg. 6 This will count as part of your discussion notes grade.

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