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The Pigman Vocabulary -Chapters 1 & 2-. Directions For each vocab word, look at the picture and example sentences. Make a guess with your partner about.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pigman Vocabulary -Chapters 1 & 2-. Directions For each vocab word, look at the picture and example sentences. Make a guess with your partner about."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pigman Vocabulary -Chapters 1 & 2-

2 Directions For each vocab word, look at the picture and example sentences. Make a guess with your partner about the definition. When shown the correct definition, put it in your vocabulary notes.

3 Avocation Playing soccer is my favorite avocation, but I also like to cook.

4 Avocation Noun A hobby

5 Excruciating My broken arm was excruciating until they gave me pain medicine.

6 Excruciating Adjective Intensely painful

7 Raunchy The joke he told me was too raunchy to tell my mom. CENSORED

8 Rauncy Adjective Dirty or obscene; rude

9 Subliminal Because of her subliminal desire to own a dog, she began walking by the pet store on the way home.

10 Subliminal Adjective Existing in the unconscious or subconscious

11 Repress The memory was too painful, so she had to repress it. ???

12 Repress Verb To purposefully forget

13 Assert He continues to assert that his girlfriend goes to another school even though we know he doesn’t have one.

14 Assert Verb To state positively, claim

15 Infantile He was embarrassed by his friend’s infantile behavior at the school dance.

16 Infantile Adjective Childish, immature

17 Compulsive I had the compulsive urge to pick the lint off her shirt.

18 Compulsive Adjective Not able to be stopped; irresistible

19 Impressionable Her mom told her not to cuss in front of her impressionable younger brother.

20 Impressionable Adjective Easily influenced

21 Mortified I was mortified when my brother read my diary out loud to his friends.

22 Mortified Adject Extremely embarrassed

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