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Presentation on theme: "PSYCHOANALYTICAL PERSPECTIVE Freud. Freudian Slips are Funny!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Freudian Slips are Funny!

3 Psychoanalytical Perspective  Sigmund Freud  Thoughts and actions are attributed to unconscious motives and conflicts  Id  Ego  Superego

4 Let’s Get Psychodynamic!  Watch Freud Demonstration  Freudian Role Playing  How do the ID, EGO, & SUPEREGO influence our personality & behavior?

5 “Anxiety is the price we pay for civilized society.” Sigmund Freud Defense mechanisms  The conflict between the id’s wishes and the superego’s social rules produces this anxiety.  The ego has an arsenal of unconscious defense mechanisms that help rid anxious tension by distorting reality.

6 Repression  Repression banishes anxiety- arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness.  Believed repression was the basis for all the other anxiety- reducing defense mechanisms.  When asked how he feels about the breakup with Muffy, Biff replies, “Who? Oh, yeah, I haven’t thought about her in a while.”

7 Denial  The most primitive defense, a distortion of reality by simply negating the truth.  Not accepting the ego threatening truth.  Biff continues to act as if he and Muffy are still together. He waits by her locker, calls her every night, and plans their future dates. Maybe Muffy and I should go to Chipotle tonight!

8 Displacement  Redirecting one’s feeling toward another person or object whom they perceive as less threatening.  Biff could displace his feeling of anger and resentment onto his little brother, pet hamster, or football.

9 Projection  People attribute their own unacceptable desires to others.  Believing that the feelings one has toward someone else are actually held by the other person.  Biff insists MUFFY still cares for him. I still love Biff! I wish he would take me back!

10 Reaction Formation  Your behavior is exactly opposite your true feelings  Biff claims he loathes Muffy Man, I’m so glad I dumped Muffy. I can’t stand her!

11 Regression  Returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior.  Biff begins to sleep with his favorite childhood stuffed animal, Fuzzy Kitten. I just want my Mr. Fuzzy Kitten…

12 Rationalization  Coming up with a beneficial result of an undesirable occurrence.  Sweet Lemons & Sour Grapes  Attempts to logically “explain away” unacceptable behavior.  Biff believes that he can find a better girlfriend. Muffy is not really all that pretty, smart, and fun to be with. Which one?

13 Intellectualization  Undertaking an academic, unemotional study of a topic.  Helps a person minimize anxiety by viewing threatening issues in abstract terms  Biff embarks on an in- depth research project about failed teen romances.

14 Sublimation  Channeling one’s frustration toward a different goal.  Sublimation is viewed as a particularly health defense mechanism.  Biff devotes himself to writing poetry and published a small volume before he graduates high school.

15 Freud’s Psychosexual Stages Freud’s analyses of his patients led him to conclude that personality forms during the first 5-6 years of life. He believed that his patients problems originated in conflicts that had not been resolved during childhood years. These conflicts may manifest themselves later in life. Oral 1-18 months Anal 18-36 months Phallic 3-6 years Latency 6-puberty Genital Puberty on Pleasure centers on the mouth- sucking, biting, chewing Weaning can be a conflict in this stage. Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder function; coping with demands for control. Potty training can be a conflict. Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous feelings. Boys love mom and fear Dad. “Oedipus Complex” Dormant sexual feelings. Children repress their feelings for the rival parent. “Identification Process” & “Gender Identity” Maturation of sexual interests. Begin experiencing sexual feelings toward others. Freud believed the patient had become “stuck” or “fixated” in one of the stages.

16 Neo-Freudians  Alfred Adler  Believed social tensions, NOT sexual tensions, were crucial in the development of personality.  Birth Order & Inferiority Complex  Karen Horney  Believed Freud’s theory was male dominated.  Social variables, not biological variables are the foundation of personality development.  Horney and the other Neo’s started the movement toward revising psychoanalysis we use today.  Carl Jung  Unlike Adler, Jung discounted social factors  Collective Unconscious-shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our ancestors.  Archetypes (universal symbols) provided the evidence for this idea. “Shadow” is the darker, evil side of human nature. Supposedly, we hide this archetype from the world and ourselves.  Contemporary psychologists believe that some evolution has contributed to some universal behavior tendencies.

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