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Girl Determined Girls at the forefront of change in Burma.

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Presentation on theme: "Girl Determined Girls at the forefront of change in Burma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Girl Determined Girls at the forefront of change in Burma.

2 GIRL DETERMINED What’s the situation in Burma?

3 Population: 55-60 million Southeast Asia – borders Thailand, China, India and Laos High rate of poverty 70% work in Agriculture Majority Buddhist Diverse ethnic groups Weak rule of law and history of human rights abuses GIRL DETERMINED Burma (Myanmar)

4 Repressive military rule from 1962- 2011 GIRL DETERMINED Neglect of education and health systems Repress civil society Gross economic mismanagement Strict media censorship 149 out of 187 on UN Human Development Index Least developed country in SE Asia

5 What is Girl Determined? GIRL DETERMINED Girl Determined is a Burma-based leadership project designed to facilitate girls’ recognition of their personal and group potential. Girl Determined is sparking a movement of girls with leadership skills to advocate for their own rights and a future that does not re-create the risks they now face.

6 What are we achieving? Adolescent girls avoid the prevalent risks of: ✿ School drop-out ✿ Trafficking ✿ Dangerous Labor ✿ Domestic and other forms of violence ✿ Early marriage and pregnancy GIRL DETERMINED To address MDG # 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

7 ✿ aged 12-17 ✿ living in poor urban outskirts and rural communities in Burma (Myanmar) ✿ of mixed ethnic and religious backgrounds GIRL DETERMINED How do we do this? Provide trained group leaders and develop relevant curriculum to reach 1000 girls who are:

8 What will Dining for Women’s support do? GIRL DETERMINED Expand our Colorful Girls Circles program.

9 ✿ Girl Determined’s core program ✿ Weekly, after school peer processing group ✿ Structured, 2-year, girl-centered, strengths-based curriculum to develop the whole girl ✿ Circles are limited to fifteen girls and a trained facilitator ✿ Evaluation demonstrates high impact ✿ Fosters individual transformation What is Colorful Girls Circles? GIRL DETERMINED

10 What is the impact of Colorful Girls Circles? GIRL DETERMINED

11 1. Speaking out about domestic violence and other forms of harassment. Girls learn to organize against violence in their communities – an issue they commonly face. Girls have a place where they can share their experiences, diminishing shame and building personal strength. GIRL DETERMINED

12 2. Staying in School GIRL DETERMINED Drop-out rates in Burma are high, especially for poor girls. Colorful Girls Circles make school more fun. Girls learn coping skills for times of stress. Colorful Girls Circles curriculum helps girls with all different learning styles to build critical thinking skills.

13 3. Avoiding Dangerous Child Labor & Trafficking GIRL DETERMINED Burma has a serious child labor problem. Girls in school are less likely to work in dangerous conditions such as factory and sex work. Girls learn negotiating skills to advocate for themselves when parents or community members encourage them to work in exploitative conditions.

14 4. Raising their Voices GIRL DETERMINED Colorful Girls Circles helps girls to understand that their experiences and opinions matter. Girls learn to be confident when speaking to adults. Girls learn critical self- awareness so they know what is comfortable and uncomfortable for them. Girls learn their rights.

15 “I dare to walk. I dare to talk!” San San Tin, Age 15, speaking on the how Girl Determined has changed her GIRL DETERMINED

16 Organizational History Girl Determined was founded in 2008 by a local Myanmar woman and several teenage girl in her community. While giving the girls free tutoring, they told her of their struggles at home, in school, in their communities and churches – violence, pressure to drop out of school, lack of recognition for their talents, harsh restrictions on their movement and associations. Began as a safe place to share experiences and find non- judgmental support and grown to reach 1000 girls with safe spaces and structured programs that have real impacts. GIRL DETERMINED

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