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Conducting a PPE Hazard Assessment. OBJECTIVES  Review general concepts of personal protective equipment  What is a hazard assessment When is one required.

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Presentation on theme: "Conducting a PPE Hazard Assessment. OBJECTIVES  Review general concepts of personal protective equipment  What is a hazard assessment When is one required."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducting a PPE Hazard Assessment

2 OBJECTIVES  Review general concepts of personal protective equipment  What is a hazard assessment When is one required How to conduct one  Cover the process for training employees

3 WHAT IS....  Commonly referred to as “PPE”  Includes a wide variety of devices  PPE acts as a “barrier” against hazards  Last line of defense against a hazard, not primary PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT

4 HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS  Elimination  Chemical Substitution  Engineering controls –Safeguarding technology Equipment redesign Using local exhaust fans or chemical fume hoods  Administrative controls –Training and procedure Job rotation Contracting out work  PPE –Last line of defense, not primary –In some cases PPE should be used in conjunction with above controls in case of failure

5 WHAT IS....  In simple terms an assessment determines: If “PPE” is needed What type is needed Where and when it is needed Who needs it HAZARD ASSESSMENT  Is an evaluation of a work place, or work situation, as to the potential for hazards that an employee may encounter while performing the job.

6 WHY HAZARD ASSESSMENTS  To keep workers safe  To establish the minimum “PPE” requirements for job, task and/or work areas with potential injury exposure  To comply with OSHA standards 1910.132 (general) 1910.133 (eye/face) 1910.134 (respiratory) 1910.135 (head) 1910.136 (foot) 1910.137 (electrical) 1910.138 (hands)

7 REQUIREMENTS  Perform hazard assessments  Select and provide appropriate PPE  Inform, fit and train employees on PPE  Review to ensure forms up- to-date and accurate Employer  Attend required PPE training sessions  Wear PPE as required  Clean, maintain, and properly care for PPE  Notify supervisor if repair or replacement of equipment is necessary Employee

8 Hazard Assessment WHERE DO WE START?

9  By reviewing accident and illness reports (include close calls & near misses)  Is there a work area that seems to have more accidents and injuries than others?  Is there a type of injury that seems to occur more frequently than others?  If injury and illness reports don’t show a starting point, consider:  Label or MSDS  New tasks or positions  Tasks that have changed  Non-routine jobs  Routine jobs  When you’ve got your starting point, conduct a walk-through survey

10  Involve employees in survey process  Observe and record  Layout of workplace (all functions that are performed)  Location of co-workers and other processes / tasks  Classify hazards in these basic categories: Impact (falling/flying objects) Penetration (sharp objects piercing feet, hands, or other parts of body) Compression (roll-over or pinching objects) Chemical exposure (inhalation, ingesting, skin contact, eye contact or injection) Extreme heat/cold Respiratory (dusts, mists or other unhealthy breathing air) Falls Electrical Excessive noise Water (potential for drowning or fungal infections caused by wetness) WALK-THROUGH SURVEY


12 ORGANIZE DATA  Compile the information gathered from:  Walk-through survey  Label and MSDS review  Review of injury, illness & close call  Determine method (form) to record results of assessment in writing  Identify the scope of assessment:  For a specific worksite  For a specific job description (Pest Technician, Termite Technician etc)  For an individual task completed by employees (bed bug etc)  Arrange information according to body parts at risk:


14 ANALYZE DATA  Estimate injury potential in each hazard group by determining:  Type of injuries that could occur without PPE  Rate the SEVERITY of injury that would reasonably be expected to result from exposure to the hazard  Rate the PROBABILITY of an accident actually happening.  The possibility of exposure to several hazards at once


16 SELECT CONTROL METHOD  Select an appropriate solution to each hazard  Remember the hierarchy of controls:  Elimination  Chemical Substitution  Engineering controls –Equipment redesign –Process change  Administrative controls –Job rotation –Contracting work out  PPE


18 SELECTION GUIDELINES  Must meet ANSI Z87.1-2003  Eye protection is classified as “Basic” or “High” impact  Frame and lens markings –Mark or logo identifying Mfg –Z87 (basic) –Z87+ (high impact) –Z87-2 (marking for prescription frame)  Face shields are considered secondary protection  Visually inspect safety glasses for: –Scratches –Pitted or cracked lenses –Bent or broken frame parts  Clean and maintain according to MFG’s requirements  Set-up a replacement schedule Safety Glasses

19 SELECTION GUIDELINES  Must meet ANSI Z89.1-2009  Two types –Type I (provides top impact protection) –Type II (provides lateral protection plus top protection)  Three classes –Class E (electrical – tested to withstand 20,000 volts) –Class G (general – tested at 2,200 volts) –Class C (conductive – no electrical protection)  Markings – can be worn frontwards or backwards –“LT” meets new lower temp testing (-30° C / -22° F) –“HV” meets high visibility color requirements –Month and date markings Hard Hats

20 SELECTION GUIDELINES  Visually inspect shell for: –Cracks, nicks –Holes and dents –Loss of surface gloss –Other signs of wear  Visually inspect suspension for: –Cracks or tears –Frayed or cut straps –Loss of flexibility –Other signs of wear  Clean shell and suspension at regular intervals according to Mfg instructions  Store away from extreme temperatures or direct sunlight  Set-up a replacement schedule Hard Hats

21 SELECTION GUIDELINES  Must meet the following consensus standards –ASTM F2412-2005 (Test methods); ASTM F2413-2005 (Performance Requirements) –ANSI Z41-1999  The “Code” –ANSI Z41 PT 99 (identifies the standard and part) –F I/75 C/75 (applicable gender; resistance to impact or compression and rating) –Mt/75 EH (Used to reference additional sections of the standard)  Fitting techniques –Buy for the larger foot –Don’t cramp toes –Maintain 3/8” to 1/2“ from tip of longest toe to end of shoe  Inspect footwear for: –Cracked, torn or worn uppers –Wear, holes, tears, cracks or loss of tread on bottom –Separation between sole and upper  Clean and maintain according to MFG’s requirements  Set-up a replacement schedule Safety Shoes















36 TRAINING  Mandated by regulations  Four W’s  Who  What  When  Where  How to properly put on, take off, adjust, and wear  Limitations of the PPE  Proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal  Retraining is required for, but not limited to, the following:  Changes in the workplace or changes in the type of PPE to be used render previous training obsolete  Inadequacies in an employee’s knowledge in the use of the PPE DOCUMENT

37 SUMMARY  Assess the workplace for hazards  Use engineering and work practice controls to eliminate or reduce hazards before using PPE  Select appropriate PPE to protect employees from hazards that cannot be eliminated  Inform employees why the PPE is necessary and when it must be worn  Train employees how to use and care for their PPE and how to recognize deterioration and failure  Require employees to wear selected PPE in the workplace  Keep assessments accurate and up-to-date Employers must implement a PPE program where we:


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