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Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 CCl_DARE; from Task Team CCl XV to Expert Team CCl XVI (2010-2017) From this to this….(after.

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Presentation on theme: "Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 CCl_DARE; from Task Team CCl XV to Expert Team CCl XVI (2010-2017) From this to this….(after."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 CCl_DARE; from Task Team CCl XV to Expert Team CCl XVI (2010-2017) From this to this….(after Meaghan Flannery, BOM)

2 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 Ambitions of the CCl XV Task Team on Data Rescue as expressed on its meeting December 2011, Geneva (Hama Kontongonde) Aryan Van Engelen (Chair) - Netherlands (Europe, Region VI) Joseph Kimani (Co-Chair) - Kenya (Africa, Region I) Meaghan Flannery (alternate for Rod Hutchinson) - Australia (SW Pacific, Region V) Nancy Westcott - USA (North America, Region IV) Umesh Ramachandra Joshi – India (Asia, Region II) Alaor Dall'Antonia Jr. - Brazil (South America, Region III) Yusuf Ulupinar - Turkey (Europe, Region VI) Jose Antonio Guijarro - Spain (Europe, Region VI)

3 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 “We identify the following main targets and deliverables (T&D) to be addressed by TT-DARE and the agenda to be arranged accordingly:” The development of the TOR’s of common focal points for DARE activities, co ordinated by TT-DARE and ETCCDI activities and the subsequent implementation by the secretariat to arrange for Members to designate their focal points. To support close linkages between TT-DARE and ETCCDI and support to organize combined DARE/ETCCDI workshops (the attendants should be raised from the common focal points above) To export / implement the regional (RAVI) MEDARE-ECA&D web platform (that is basically a joint DARE- CCDI platform-ICA&D) to other regions (like SACA&D-DIDAH in the Indonesian Archipelago, WADARE and the foreseen initiative by Ecuador) To support the development of an International Data Rescue web portal (I-DARE) based on MEDARE experience (this should be linked to the task above. It is to be expected that every regional DARE-CCDI platform has its own web portal to which I-DARE should link to. I suggest to upgrade the existing WCDMP portal ( to an DARE (and ETCCDI) overarching portal.) To update the Guidelines on Climate Data Rescue (WMO-Td No. 1210). This update could be based on the outcomes of the Bamako report (for instance Data Rescue principles) but also the inclusion of regional or national show cq use cases of portable best practices.

4 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 Joint cq linked TT-DARE-ETCCDI workshops as: Gambia (ETCCDI) and Accra (ET- DARE) workshop (establishment WACA-DARE – 2012 and Nanjing workshop (ETCCDI and ET-DARE, concept I-DARE portal) ICA&D (combined platform for DARE, data processing and analysis and delivery of climate services) realised in 4 regions White paper I-DARE submitted to CCl-XVI Expert missions on DARE to Jordan (Nancy Wescott, 2013) and Burkina Faso (KNMI, 2013) Increased collaboration with ACRE (as at linked IASCW (Indonesia) and ACRE SE Asia (Malaysia) workshops (2014)) Increased collaboration with IEDRO (as on digitising microfiches at ACMAD) Overview produced on DARE activities for all regions, inclusive prototype I-DARE portal realised for RAVI Realisation ambitions of the CCl XV Task Team on Data Rescue

5 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 AUDARE and Microfiches project (IEDRO)CDC project IndiaOverview DARE activities in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay CDMP programme (stopped)Pacific Climate Change Programme - CLIDEDARE Portal RAVI CCl XV Task Team on Data Rescue overview DARE activities all 6 Regions

6 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 DARE Portal RAVI

7 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 DARE Portal RAVI

8 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 New CCl XVI Expert Team Data Rescue, (Peer Hechler)

9 Aryan van Engelen, KNMI, INDARE-SC, WMO Geneva, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2014 Acknowledgment Meaghan Flannery, BOM

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