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Stage 12 Notes
The different tenses we have learned so far are: present, imperfect, and perfect
The endings of verbs will tell you what tense and what person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) they are in. Sing Plural 1st Person I We 2nd Person You You all (yall) 3rd Person He/she/it They
When you look up a verb in the dictionary it will look like this:
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus - to work 1st pres, infinitive, 1st perfect, 4th principle part Cut off -re to get stem to attach to present and imperfect endings Cut off -i to get stem to attach to perfect endings
The present tense is translated as (blank) s, is (blank) ing, does (blank).
To form the present tense, look at the first two principle parts of your dictionary entry: laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus First plug laboro into the first person singular.
Then figure out the stem of the verb by cutting off the -re from the 2nd form.
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus What is the stem? labora is what you will attach the person indicators (o/m, s, t, mus, tis, nt). labora-
To form the present tense, take your present stem and attach the person indicators. N.B. The ‘a’ is dropped in 1st singular. singular plural 1st person - laborO laborAmus 2nd person -laborAs laborAtis 3rd person - laborAt laborAnt
Conjugate and translate festino, festinare, festinavi, into the present tense-
singular plural 1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person -
Conjugate festino, festinare, festinavi, into the present tense-
Conjugate festino, festinare, festinavi, into the present tense- singular 1st person - festinO- I hurry, I am hurrying, I do hurry 2nd person -festinAs - You hurry, You are hurrying, you do hurry 3rd person –festinAt- He/she/it hurries, is hurrying, does hurry
Conjugate festino, festinare, festinavi, into the present tense-
plural 1st person - festinAmus- We hurry, We are hurrying, We do hurry 2nd person –festinAtis- You all hurry, You all are hurrying, You all do hurry 3rd person –festinAnt- They hurry, They are hurrying, They do hurry
The imperfect tense is translated as was/were ing
To form the imperfect tense, take your stem from the infinitive and attach the letters -BA. Then stick present tense mickey mouse endings on the end! The only change it that the first person singular will end in a -m instead of o.
1st person- spectabam spectabamus 2nd person- spectabas spectabatis
Let us conjugate specto, spectare, spectavi into the imperfect tense. What tense indicator do we attach to the verb stem? What person indicators do we attach to the tense indicator? specta- singular plural 1st person- spectabam spectabamus 2nd person- spectabas spectabatis 3rd person- spectabat spectabant
Conjuate and translate dico, dicere, dixi: to say/ speak, into the imperfect tense-
singular plural 1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person -
dico, dicere, dixi, imperfect tense-
singular 1st dicebam: I was saying 2nd dicebas: You were saying 3rd dicebat: He,she, it was saying
dico, dicere, dixi, imperfect tense-
plural 1st dicebamus: we were saying 2nd dicebatis: yall were saying 3rd dicebant: they were saying
laborav- The perfect tense is translated as (blank) ed.
To form the perfect tense, take the third principle part and cut off the letter - i . Then attach the perfect endings (i, isti, it, imus, istis, erunt). What is the perfect stem of laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus? laborav-
Lets use the perfect stem and conjugate fero, ferre, tuli
singular plural 1st person- tuli tulimus 2nd person- tulisti tulistis 3rd person- tulit tulerunt
Conjugate and translate do, dare, dedi: to give into the perfect tense-
singular plural 1st person - 2nd person - 3rd person -
do, dare, dedi perfect tense-
singular 1st person- dedi: I gave 2nd person- dedisti : You gave 3rd person- dedit: He/she/it gave
do, dare, dedi perfect tense-
plural 1st person- dedimus: We gave 2nd person- dedistis: You all gave 3rd person- dederunt: They gave
The verb sum, esse, fui : to be is the most common verb you will see in Latin
singular plural 1st person - sum- I am sumus- We are 2nd person - es- You are estis- You all are 3rd person - est- He, she, it is sunt- They are
The verb sum, esse, fui: to be looks like this in the imperfect tense:
singular plural 1st person - eram- I was eramus- we were 2nd person - eras- you were eratis- you all were 3rd person - erat- he, she it was erant- they were
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