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in a professional Organisation II. Change Management.

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2 in a professional Organisation II. Change Management

3 1.Vision To achieve successful change you need a strong mental image of the result It’s a guiding philosophy that grabs people’s attention and excites them

4 1. Vision It is a license to dare, to be better despite inertia and blockages of bureaucracy It aims to capture our imagination and “turn us on”

5 1. Vision Vision affects change when the values, which it represents, start permeating people’s daily behaviour

6 1. Vision The successful management of change demands that university leaders make others aware of the vision of the future and keep them focused on it

7 2. Commitment Commitment means giving all of ourselves while at work


9 2. Commitment A commitment to change is not merely saying you are in favour of altering the status quo, it is TO BE WILLING TO PUT YOURSELF OUT TO ACHIEVE IT

10 2. Commitment A committed manager, armed with clear arguments and mobilised support, can be unstoppable

11 2. Commitment Persistence underpins commitment Commitment to change is a lever which turns on the fulcrum of persistence

12 2. Commitment Refusing to retreat in the face of organisational inertia or opposition, or going for the quick fix, is crucial to leading change


14 3. Power and influence Power is a measure of your potential to: Get others to do what you want them to do or Avoid being forced by others to do what you don’t want to do

15 3. Power and influence The most effective managers are the ones who : have a high need for power are highly self controlled channel their power into socially desirable directions

16 3. Power and influence review who seems to make things happen recognise that all your actions can affect your power Check out your own power :

17 3. Power and influence The more power you acquire, the more likely you will become dependent on other people

18 3. Power and influence The first basic lesson: Identify those whom you are most dependent on The second lesson: Broaden your support so that when you need help it can be obtained from multiple sources

19 3. Power and influence The law of reciprocity : The universal belief that people have to be paid for what they do, that a good or a bad action deserves a good or a bad action in return

20 3. Power and influence Reciprocity is the basic principle behind all organisational transactions

21 3. Power and influence The theory of alliances Synergy Antagonism

22 3. Power and influence Synergy Antagonism

23 3. Power and influence + _ Antagonism Synergy  The Old Chap syndrome

24 4. Resistance to change The only person who is in favour of change is a baby with a wet diaper

25 4. Resistance to change Resistance is: Any conduct that tries to maintain the status quo in the face of pressure to change it

26 4. Resistance to change The university is a layered organisation which means that : Irrational forces influence the decision making in the change process

27 4. Resistance to change Upper structure: a surface layer Sub structure: a deeper layer

28 5. Force Field Analysis At any given moment, any situation in an organisation is in a state of equilibrium

29 5. Force Field Analysis Change is only possible when one or both of the following occur : Restraining forces weaken Driving forces strengthen

30 5. Force Field Analysis Equilibrium Restraining forces Driving (changing) forces Desired new status quo

31 5. Force Field Analysis Driving Forces StrongWeak Restraining Forces AB CD

32 FORCE FIELD ANALYSIS IN ACTION Restraining forces Aim: Raise output of administrative staff Union attitude Life long employment Lack of assertiveness of line management No reward systems Lack of personnel evaluation systems Current State: low output of part of administrative staff Demand from academic staff for better services Group pressure of peers External demands Driving Forces


34 III. Improving your Relations and Influence by applying the Social Style theory

35 Three fundamental truths about people: Each human being resembles all other human beings in certain aspects differs from all other human beings resembles some people more than others

36 Introductory concepts Signal Sensitivity Verbal and non-verbal signals Comfort zone Rapport

37 Social style A pattern of observable behaviour that we can use to understand and predict someone ’s actions

38 Assertiveness The extent to which a person is powerful or directive towards others Receptive Assertive

39 Control The extent to which a person expresses his/her feelings in contacts with other persons Controlling one ’s emotions Reacting Emotionally

40 Social styles C A

41 C A Analytical type

42 Social styles C A Analytical type Driver type

43 Social Styles C A Analytical type Driver type Expressive type

44 Social Styles C A Analytical type Driver type Expressive type Amiable type

45 Strengths and Weaknesses of each Style Typically, people will lack the strengths of the style diagonal to their own style

46 Styles under stress Autocracy Attack Acceptance Avoidance AD EG

47 Styleflex Leaving temporarily your comfort zone into the direction of the comfort zone of the other person

48 Flexibility Pyramid

49 Everybody

50 Flexibility Pyramid This Basic Style Everybody

51 Flexibility Pyramid Everybody This basic Style This Person

52 Flexibility Pyramid Everybody This Basic Style This person Person in this situation

53 Golden Rule: Treat the others the way you want to be treated Platinum rule: Treat the others the way they want to be treated


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