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Edible Landscaping Lois Royer. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Edible Landscaping Lois Royer. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edible Landscaping Lois Royer

2 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

3 Sometimes creativity is needed to grow your own food If all the sun is in the front yard If there is no backyard If you want a productive alternative to the lawn If you like to experiment

4 Respect your neighbors while challenging tradition The lawn has been highly valued for many years Some Home Owners Organizations will not like a front yard veggie garden Most neighbors are more flexible than you might expect

5 Gardens can help neighbors connect and learn Keep your garden attractive where highly visible to others Share the goodies when possible Talk to people about your plants Consider helping others grow food in their yards too

6 Vegetables have needs Full sun is best, over six hours per day Water requirement usually higher than most ornamentals Many need more fertilizer than flowers for best yield Might need staking or trellis

7 Plan for growth and harvest Most Vegetables are annuals Some are slow to fill in while others rapidly sprawl Plan for holes in the landscape as plants are harvested Some plants are just never that attractive

8 Some veggies can be beautiful

9 Fruits and nuts Many fruit trees require regular attention to yield properly, including pruning and insect control Some varieties need two plants for fertilization- to get fruit

10 Small fruits are great options Strawberries Blueberries Blackberries Currants Grapes Raspberries

11 Herbs accent any landscape

12 Start small and expand as you gain experience

13 Lovely structures can lend beauty to less showy plantings


15 Dare to be different

16 Reinventing the Yard Wonderful article in the July 2009 issue of the Baltimore Urbanite magazine Scott Carlson discusses his experience with creating an edible landscape in suburban Baltimore Jon Traunfeld of the University of Md Extension Office gave tips on redesigning typical urban landscapes for growing food Illustrator Kimberly Battista provided lovely drawings to bring the gardens to life.

17 The Shade Yard

18 The No-Yard Yard

19 The Hill Yard

20 The Row house Strip

21 Go online for more gardening information and sign up for free Home and Garden Information Center newsletter!

22 Resources Grow It! Eat It! – We have all types of practical food gardening tips and information. Check out our popular blog! Home and Garden Information Center – Here you will find factsheets, photos, and videos. You can also subscribe to the free monthly e-newsletter. – We answer gardening questions 24/7…just click “Ask Maryland’s Garden Experts” Maryland Master Gardener Program – Consider becoming a trained MG volunteer!

23 This program was brought to you by the Maryland Master Gardener Program Howard County University of Maryland Extension

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