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Independent STUDIES % March CLICK TO BEGIN

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1 Independent STUDIES 26 5 100% March CLICK TO BEGIN
Directions: 1.  Click on play.      2.  Click to begin.    3.  Click on a subject Icon and read the overview.     Click the down arrow to find complete instructions 5.Each icon is linked to it's matching subject area. 6.  Continue to follow instructions through out the e-platform. Independent 26 100% March STUDIES by Friday 5 SOLUTIONS CLICK TO BEGIN Questions: Click Here

2 Welcome to your self paced Sit next to your “Driving Partner”
Due: Friday Welcome to your self paced work for the week. CLICK HERE: For each SUBJECT ICON you must complete: 1 – Gather or Understand 1 – Practice 1- Assessment    After completing all SUBJECT ICONS, select you extension project from the EXTENSION ICON. Sit next to your “Driving Partner” and get to work.

3 Subject Areas For the Week
Due: Friday Subject Areas 5 Pods due this week For the Week The Subject Areas in the box below are due for this week. Click on the Icons and get started.

4 WORD STUDY 01 02 04 03 I CAN: Concept to Learn:
Voice Level: 1 : WORD STUDY GATHER Print the list. Create a tool for study, UNDERSTAND Discuss word meanings. Complete a teach activity. I CAN: 6.W.6.2c I can learn the patterns of English language words and build on my knowledge to successfully spell words correctly. 6.RV.1 I can accurately use words and phrases and gather vocabulary knowledge so that I can express myself well. Concept to Learn: Flexibility in Executive Function LISTS: Spelling = Oct. 31 Vocab = Rumplestiltskin’s Daughter 01 02 . 04 03 ASSESS Take your tests. PRACTICE Play two practice games. Materials: Chrome Book Spelling List Spelling City Login Spelling Worksheet

5 Gather Understand Practice Assess
Look at the list from Spelling City Create a study tool from notecards or other supplies. Print, cut, and play vocabulary CARD memory Gather Discuss both word lists with your partner, discuss the meanings of the words and the PART OF SPEECH. Practice using the Parts of Speech template and small post-it’s. Place the post it in the correct space and see if you and your partner agree. Fill in the grid on the response sheet and turn it into the tray. Understand Practice Play two vocabulary games and two spelling games online, Spelling City Complete the spelling / vocab worksheet. Turn it into the tray. Take the vocabulary test and the spelling test online, OR submit a written request for verbal tests with Mrs. McDonald. Assess

6 MATH 01 02 04 03 I CAN: Concept to Learn
Voice Level: 0 GATHER Watch video and complete rules sheet UNDERSTAND Play online game – 2 rounds I CAN: 6.C.2 Compute with fractions fluently using a standard algorithm. **MUST DO ALL 4 THIS WEEK Concept to Learn Solving for variables using formulas 01 02 . Materials: Chromebook Work Packet Pencil 04 03 ASSESS Complete application worksheet PRACTICE Discuss how skill fits into PBL and life.

7 Gather Understand Practice Assess
Watch the video about Adding and Subtracting Fractions with UNLIKE denominators. Complete the rules and steps worksheet. Learn 360 log in information – Username: Password: burbrinkl Gather Play the online game – Fraction Fruit Shoot Play one round in the 3A and one round in 1B Record your score on the worksheet. Understand Practice Discuss with your partner how knowing how to add and subtract fractions will help you in the Zero Waste project and in life. Think about all the ideas that were given during the meeting regarding the measurement phase. Record your thoughts on the worksheet. Assess Complete the adding and subtracting fractions using tape measurements. Turn it into the tray.

8 SCIENCE 01 02 04 03 I CAN: Concept to Learn:
Voice Level: 0: GATHER Watch a video about density. UNDERSTAND Read pp in your science book. I CAN: .1 Explain that all objects and substances in the natural world are composed of matter in different states with different properties. 6.1.1 Understand that the properties and behavior of matter can be explained by a model which depicts particles representing atoms or molecules in motion. * MUST DO ALL 4 THIS WEEK. Concept to Learn: Flexibility in Executive Function 01 02 . Materials: Chromebook Science Journal Indiana Work Packet 04 03 ASSESS Complete the PBL and Life Application Reflection PRACTICE Complete the Indiana Jane worksheet

9 Gather Understand Practice Assess
Watch the video about density. Complete the rules and steps worksheet. Learn 360 log in information – Username: Password: burbrinkl Gather Read in your Science Journal with a partner. Pages Understand Answer the Indiana Jane and the Investigation of Matter worksheet using the new information you gained from reading the science text. Practice Discuss with your partner how knowing how mass, volume, and density can help you in life. Brainstorm ideas of how it might come into play in our upcoming PBL Soaps for Citizens . Record your thoughts on the worksheet. Assess

10 LANGUAGE ARTS 01 02 04 03 I CAN: Concept to Learn:
Voice Level: 0 GATHER Watch the video about how to write a summary using keywords form the article. UNDERSTAND Complete History of Halloween activity. I CAN: 6.RN.2.2 Determine how a theme or central idea of a text is conveyed through particular details; provide an objective summary of the text. **Must do all 4 sections this week. Concept to Learn: Summarize Nonfiction Texts 01 02 . Materials: Chrome Book History of Halloween Get the Facts Sheet “Hot Spots” article Summary activity 04 03 ASSESS Write a Summary of the “Hot Spots” article. PRACTICE Read “Hot Spots” and complete the Get the Facts activity.

11 Gather Understand Practice Assess
View the video to revisit how to summarize nonfiction texts. You will need your teacher’s computer. Gather Read the History of Halloween.  Complete the “What’s the GIST?” activity to summarize the passage. Understand Read the Time for Kids article, “Hot Spots.” Hard copies are in the tub or online   Complete the Get the Facts activity page. Practice Write a summary of the article “Hot Spots.”   Choose one strategy (the one outlined in the video, GIST, or 4 step nonfiction) to write a summary of the article.  - Turn into Tray Assess

12 Go over DARE book expectations.
HEALTH Voice Level: 1: GATHER Watch the video about 5 paragraph essays. UNDERSTAND Go over DARE book expectations. I CAN: 6.1.1 Compare how healthy behaviors and personal health are linked. 6.1.2 Identify the interrelationships of emotional and social health in adolescence. 6.1.3 Examine how one’s surroundings impact health and wellness. 6.2.1 Identify how family practices influence the health of adolescents. 6.2.3 Explain how peers influence healthy behaviors 6.4.1 Investigate effective communication skills to enhance health. 6.7.1 Identify the importance of being responsible for health behaviors. 6.7.3 Identify practices to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others. ***YOU MUST DO ALL FOUR SECTIONS THIS WEEK Concept to Learn DARE Essay 01 02 . Materials: Chromebook Instructions for an Informative Essay DARE Book Rubric 04 03 ASSESS Write your rough draft. PRACTICE Go over rubric and take notes.

13 Gather Understand Practice Assess
Revisit the Rubric and the DARE Essay expectations.   If someone has NOT edited your first draft by leaving comments on your Google Doc, please do that now.   Understand Complete first edit corrections and revisions as necessary based on the feedback from your editor. Practice Assess Revise the second draft of your essay. Share with someone else and have them edit your work using the rubric.

14 Questions? Begin by rereading the directions!
Next, ask your Driving Partner. If your partner does not know, ask a Subject Expert. If all else fails, find me and wait politely until I am able to answer your question. LIFE SKILL: Take responsibility and search for the needed information. Do not rely on others for basic information.

15 The point is to understand. ― Albert Einstein
Care Corner “Any fool can know. The point is to understand ― Albert Einstein

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