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INNOVATIVE MATCH SUPPORT Getting ready to serve special populations of youth Michael O’Teter, Vice President of Program, BBBS Lone Star Katy White & Jen.

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Presentation on theme: "INNOVATIVE MATCH SUPPORT Getting ready to serve special populations of youth Michael O’Teter, Vice President of Program, BBBS Lone Star Katy White & Jen."— Presentation transcript:

1 INNOVATIVE MATCH SUPPORT Getting ready to serve special populations of youth Michael O’Teter, Vice President of Program, BBBS Lone Star Katy White & Jen Walper Roberts, Dare Mighty Things

2 Introduction s Big Brothers Big Sisters Lone Star Headquartered in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area, with 14 regional offices in communities across all of north, west-central and east Texas, as well as the Greater Houston community Serving almost 10,000 children with a mentor each year Dare Mighty Things, Inc. Consulting company specializing in performance management solutions for those working with vulnerable populations Serving as an outside evaluator for the Caruth Foundation

3 Caruth Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Initiative Goals: Pilot an effective approach to prevent and reduce crime in Dallas County Advance the frontier on successful intervention with high-risk children and youth Target Populations: Children at-risk for early academic failure Truant adolescents Adjudicated adolescents

4 Develop School Partnerships Retain Match support Specialists House In Order Infuse Educational Strategies

5 What have you tried? …to develop and retain high- quality match support specialists (mentoring managers/supervisors)? … to infuse school- connectedness strategies into your mentoring program? …to develop school partnerships?

6 Enhance Standing of MSS

7 Educational Support Phase 3 (Focus Intervention): Tailor educational consultations & plans Phase 2 (Piqué Interest): Engage matches in educationally focused match activities Phase I (Lay Foundation): Solidify relationship & expose match to educational resources

8 Raising the Bar Researched Based Recruitment Market research data-driven recruiting to enroll “High Performing” mentors Mentors Commitment: Higher expectations for commitment, pre-match training and screening Family Commitment: Pre-match training orientation and participation expectations School Partner Commitment: Stronger commitment requirements and critical mass of students

9 Faith Partnerships

10 Corporate Partnerships

11 mentor2.0

12 Over to You! How can we build upon these foundations to meet the needs of youth who have been truant or adjudicated? Community Based Mentoring Table Discussion mentor2.0 Table Discussion

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