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8 Essentials to leadership, life, and happiness

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Presentation on theme: "8 Essentials to leadership, life, and happiness"— Presentation transcript:

1 8 Essentials to leadership, life, and happiness
Pay It Forward 8 Essentials to leadership, life, and happiness

2 8 Essentials Today’s Plans Pay It forward 8 essentials of Agape Love
Overview Personal Survey Character Cards/Dare- Starting Wednesday Pay It forward

3 8 Essentials Agape Love Defined
Agape= Love of a deliberate choice that is unconditional Read through the definitions of the 8 essentials of Agape Love Patience Humility Kindness Responsibility Respect Selflessness Forgiveness Commitment 8 Essentials Personal Survey Complete the survey and total your scores Be honest with yourself; this is not a test Keep in mind when taking this survey, we are in this class to help make ourselves better more effective leaders… we can do this by evaluating our weaknesses and strengths Reflection: on the back of your packet How are you going to use your strengths as a leader this year? What are ways you can strengthen your weaknesses?

4 Character Cards Purpose: Implementing the 8 Essentials into your life and school Choose ONE partner to hold you accountable This should be someone you can count on to hold you to your goals On your Own: Choose 4 Values you want to work on throughout the year- these can change if you things aren’t working List 3 specific examples of behaviors that you could demonstrate at LHS that would turn this value into a reality Create 5 goals for this year that you want to accomplish Be specific and detailed With your Accountability Partner Go over your values and goals together Create a plan to help support one another

5 Pay It Forward Watch the movie and answer the questions while or after viewing the film Keep in mind: 8 essentials of agape love Character Personality types

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