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6 th august 2006 Europe Where ? Italy 6th - 10th august 2006 First part: “100 routes”

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2 6 th august 2006

3 Europe

4 Where ?

5 Italy

6 6th - 10th august 2006 First part: “100 routes”

7 6th - 10th august 2006 First part: “100 routes”

8 10 cities 10 opening cerimonies Torino Milano Verona Bologna Pisa Loreto Roma Bari Napoli Palermo 6th - 10th august 2006 “100 routes”

9 Torino Milano Verona Bologna Pisa Loreto Roma Bari Napoli Palermo 10 cities 10 opening cerimonies 6th - 10th august 2006 “100 routes” 100 Communities 50 people each walking all over Italy: 100 routes

10 11th - 14th august 2006 5 thematic itineraries Environment and nature History and traditions Art and culture Politics and society Science and technology

11 dare to share rucksack and tent meeting discovering growing rendering service sense of adventure attitude towards nature and local history re-built your present commitment celebrating 6th - 10th august 2006

12 “100 routes” All activities prepared by participants


14 11 th august 2006

15 here we are






21 Firenze Florence

22 Participants will move to Loppiano, for the last part of the Roverway in Loppiano 11th - 14th august 2006 “The camp”

23 One big resident camp in Loppiano, near Florence “The camp” 11th - 14th august 2006 10 villages 1 piazza

24 “The camp” 10 villages 500 people each 150 workshops for young people 25 ateliers for leaders Expo “piazza” Round tables, conferences, debates 11th - 14th august 2006

25 Environment and nature History and traditions Art and culture Politics and society Science and technology The same 5 thematic itineraries

26 11th - 14th august 2006 Learning, doing, thinking, meeting… 150 workshops for young people Service for the local community, discovering beauties of Florence, meeting local people, running by mountain bike, astronomy, nature, journalism, ceramics, dance, drama, wood working, stone carving, metal foundry, climbing, juggling, making masks, and more… We can also host some contingent purposed workshops and ateliers! Sharing experiences, discussing different issues, learning special tools 25 ateliers for leaders

27 will host every special show, contingent exhibitions, participants works, routes feedbacks, projects… Expo “piazza” 11th - 14th august 2006 occasions for meeting, sharing, celebrating, discussing, occasions for planning the future… Round tables, conferences, debates.

28 the last day… 14 th august 2006 Final ceremony: Bye bye! Is this the end? Nooo!

29 Other opportunities BEFORE Community route organization: every community will virtually meet, share experiences and know other participants. Home hospitality: who wants reach Italy two or three days before the event, will be hosted by families. Service occasions for teams wanting join a special commitment to the event.

30 Other opportunities AFTER Individual engagements Verify and final report to the World Organizations “Tourist consulting” for teams wanting spend some time in Italy

31 Technical informations Teams: 5 to 15 participants 16/22 aged. Each team must have a leader or a speaker. The teams will join in 100 communities of 50 people each for the 100 routes. 10 communities will join in a Village of the resident camp. 10 villages of 500 people each will compose the Roverway camp in Loppiano. Fees: the fees for Roverway will depend on GDP class. The participation for free will be offered through some “competitions” that will start in a few days.

32 Technical informations Info and communications: all informations will be displayed on the internet: Other media available on the internet site: The newsletter “d2s” (dare to share) The discussion forum

33 Technical informations Special problems: say it to us before! In case of particular problems and limitations (handicaps, special food choices or necessities, allergies or medical needs…) please perceive us in advance.

34 That’s all! See you at Be a promoter: download and disclose “d2s” Newsletter Dare to share… …dare the Renaissance!

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