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Thomas Baron.  User Communities and Needs  Audioconference  Videoconference  Webcast  AV Recording  Chat  Indico  General Public Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Thomas Baron.  User Communities and Needs  Audioconference  Videoconference  Webcast  AV Recording  Chat  Indico  General Public Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thomas Baron

2  User Communities and Needs  Audioconference  Videoconference  Webcast  AV Recording  Chat  Indico  General Public Information

3  2300 staff people in 10 departments  >10000 users  2 sites CH/F 257 physical meeting rooms!  Typically in a collaboration ~70-100 (official) meetings per day


5 “Collaboration is working together to achieve a goal” Wikipedia Sharing Information Debating Analysing Deciding Voting … Physical meeting E-communication Remote meetings … Building (accelerators, experiments…) Operating Discovering (new physics etc.) …

6  Remote collaboration Textual e-communication ○ Synchronous: chat etc. ○ Asynchronous: email, blogs, web etc. ○ Medium: IP Audio ○ Telephone; point2point, multipoint (audio- conferencing) (medium: copper wire) ○ VoIP (medium: IP) Audiovisual ○ Synchronous: videoconference, webcast ○ Asynchronous: video recordings ○ Medium: IP

7 Audioconference  Phone conferencing 3-way directly from the traditional desktop phone Via the PBX (29 participants max) through the PSTN phone Via the CERN standard (for the organisation), needs booking Via the Alcatel Audioconference system

8 Audioconference extended  Web conferencing: sharing data Chat webEx

9 Videoconference  A natural evolution  Visual as opposed to strictly audio Better presence feeling, clearer understanding (body language…)  Usually on public IP networks  Efficient if Good quality (resolution, framerate etc.) Low latency ( < 250ms ); impact depends on the interactivity On any network condition (jitter, packet loss, net latency) Excellent audio required (echo cancellation, lip sync…)

10 Videoconference  Cost saver (travel, hotel, food…)  Time saver (travel…)  Fast and efficient  Green! (reduces CO2 emissions)  Example: one person from Chicago needing to travel 5 times per year to Geneva: 10000kg CO2 93 hrs productive time lost 2500 EUR

11 Videoconference: Rooms  Since about 10 years  Currently 60 equipped rooms… and growing!  Industry-standard equipment: H323/SIP compatible

12 Videoconference: Rooms  Various sizes and configurations From 6 people (small meeting rooms) to 100 + people (amphitheatres)  Homogeneity of interfaces Tandberg/Cisco equipment  System reliability  Remote Administration/Support Centralized H.323 endpoints manager: TMS (Tandberg Management Suite)TMS ○ Usage statistics ○ Diagnostics and Alarms ○ Software update

13 Videoconference: H323  H.323-based Videoconference Industry Standard Point to point (direct connection from one endpoint to the other) MCU (multipoint control units) – expensive hardware units on which the H.323 endpoints can connect for meetings with more than 2 sites ○ Embedded small MCUs in VC codecs (<5 sites) ○ MCU services EsNet in the USA RMS in France DFN in Germany CERN recently purchased a Tandberg MSE8000 MCU Additional Features ○ Data sharing (H.239) Scale: ○ Limited by the number of ports (usual average of 10 to 20 sites per meeting)

14 Videoconference: H323  Routing point to point

15 Videoconference: H323  Routing Embedded MCU Limitations: -Scale -Quality -Compatibility -Latency

16 Videoconference: H323  Routing MCU Limitations: - Scale - Latency: transcoding, Multiplexing, rate matching - Topology: single point of Failure; cascading is difficult

17 Videoconference: H323  “Telepresence”

18 Videoconference: H323  Pros: High quality High reliability High compatibility  Cons: Latency Topology Room-based mostly!

19 Videoconference: EVO

20  Desktop videoconference Java based: multiplatform (win, mac, linux)  Compatible with the H323 world (gateways)  Created by Caltech in the 90s based on CERN needs Now 90% of all LHC VC sessions ~ 40 meetings per day  Scale Hundreds of people connected (peak 800) overall Peak of >350 people connected to the same meeting!

21 Videoconference: EVO  Integrated features: Chat Presence Recording 

22 Videoconference: EVO Participants Recording Chat Video window Buddy list Whiteboard Desktop sharing Shared files

23 Videoconference: EVO

24  Flexible and extensible routing/topology Inherited from the research computing grids Transparent server failure recovery  MonALISA Evo client MonALISA Test !

25 Videoconference: Vidyo  Desktop VC  Ongoing pilot Potential future alternative for CERN  Globally same routing strategy than EVO but introduces an interesting tech change: H.264 SVC (scalable video coding) Better resilience to network problems Latency reduced to the minimum (no transcoding!)

26 Videoconference: Vidyo  Demo Demo

27 Videoconference: Vidyo  Supports H323 devices Phones PCs (mac, win, linux) Mobile devices (Android, iOS) Test!

28 Videoconference: Future  “Cloud”-based services

29 Videoconference: Use Cases  Remote Operation Centers Remote Operation Centers

30 Videoconference: Use Cases  Distance Learning

31 Videoconference: Use Cases  Masterclasses

32 Videoconference: Use Cases  ATLAS Virtual Visits ATLAS Virtual Visits

33 Videoconference: Use Cases  Collaboration Meetings Collaboration Meetings

34 Videoconference: Use Cases  Mobility Stay connected everywhere with mobile devices (wifi, 3G)everywhere Airport, planes, trains!  Recruitment interviews

35 Webcast  Powerful and cost effective alternative to VC for large audiences and one-way addresses.

36 Webcast  Typical audiences (simultaneous connections): Typical audiences Around 50 people for seminars 100 for collaboration meetings 1500 for AMS live launch 15000 for LHC startup in 2008 (several hundred thousands unique Ips) Using CERN servers Using streaming companies

37 Webcast: Infrastructure  4 Flash Media Servers 1 “origin” (master); 3 “edges” (slaves), load-balanced  12 encoder PCs (= rooms equipped) encoder origin Edge #1 Edge #2 Edge #3 Clients LANWAN

38 Webcast: Acquisition  Needs same inputs as VC: Reuse!  VGA + Camera VC Device Presenter PC Osprey 240e audio/video acquisition Epiphan DVI2USB Audio + video VGA

39 Webcast: Acquisition  Encoding (live+recording): Flash Media Live Encoder  Added home made web layer for operationweb layer

40 Webcast: Monitoring  Flash Administration Console Flash Administration Console  Live statistics Live statistics

41 Webcast: Use Cases  LHC First Beam: Date: 10th September 2008 Duration: 9.5 hours Audience: ○ ~2-500.000 webcast ○ 2488 TV news reports Servers: initially CERN then GroovyGecko (partner) Location: CERN Control Center Communication: Satellite uplink (Eurovision/EBU) + videoconference (experiments CRs) View

42 Webcast: Use Cases  LHC First Physics: Date: 30th March 2010 Duration: 6.5 hours Audience: ○ ~700.000 webcast ○ ~800 TV news reports Servers: GroovyGecko (partner) Location: CERN Control Center + experiments Control rooms Communication: Satellite uplink (Eurovision/EBU) + fiber (experiments CRs) View

43 Webcast: Use Cases  AMS Launch : Date: 16th May 2011 Duration: 1 hour Audience: 1500/3300 Servers: CERN Location: CERN A/V Studio and Kennedy Space Center Communication: Satellite downlink+uplink (Eurovision/EBU) View

44 Webcast: Use Cases  ATLAS Live ATLAS Live 6 permanent TV channels ○ Internal information ○ Outreach Servers: CERN Format: web + Android + iPhone

45 Web Lectures  Video on demand  Live webcast recordings  Publishing system developed in collaboration with the U. of Michigan   Lectures published on CDSCDS  New player under development New player  Project with iTunesU

46 Web Lectures  Processes: Recording 2 videos full frame ○ Camera ○ Slides Automated change detection on Slides Manual slides check Creation of XML file Transcoding to web formats Publishing on CDS

47 Chat  New service for CERN  Synchronous text-based interactions with presence information  Based on jabber (XMPP compliant) and Jappix (web client)

48 Indico: What is it?  Integrated Digital Conference  Data repository: Long term archival of events related material (slides, minutes etc…)  Event organisation web app  Live event support tool  Hub for CERN collaboration services

49 Indico: History  Started as an European Project (2002): First time used in 2004  In production at CERN:  And in > 90 institutions around the world: GSI, DESY, Fermilab,…  Free and Open Source

50 Indico: History  Stats: Stats 140k events 620k talks 800k files ~10.000 visitors per day

51 Indico: Features

52 Indico: Conference Management  Supports the whole event lifecycle 1. Fully customizable web portal 2. Programme definition 3. Call for abstract and reviewing 4. Registration, e-payment, badge creation 5. Agenda creation 6. Submission of slides and papers 7. Paper reviewing 8. Evaluation survey  Ex.: OAI7, iCHEP 2010OAI7iCHEP 2010

53 Indico: Simple Events  Timetable, material storage and …  Collaboration Services bookings  Ex.: ISEF2011 students at CERN!ISEF2011 students at CERN!

54 Indico: Room Booking

55 General Public Information

56  Network of connected information screens (LCD screen + PC)  One central server  Implemented using the Scala solutionScala  Central management web interface Central management web interface

57 Ground Floor First Floor GPI: Use Cases  Conference Rooms attached screens  4 Panels outside Rooms B, C, D, E Display the next 4 events in each meeting room

58 GPI: Use Cases  General Meeting announcement  2 Global Directions Panels Display events of the day in rooms A, B, C, D, E and F Ground Floor First Floor

59 GPI: Use Cases  CERN Club Interactive information Point Ground Floor First Floor

60 GPI: Use Cases  General Information Screens


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