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Spring 2014 RMS/EOC Common Errors & Solutions Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring 2014 RMS/EOC Common Errors & Solutions Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring 2014 RMS/EOC Common Errors & Solutions Training

2 Agenda 2 Early Warning System Overview Common error messages – what they mean and how to troubleshoot solutions

3 Support Information 3 Where to find Support Resources  RMS RMS –Spring 2014 RMS CBT Test Administration Manual  –2013–2014 End-of-Course Test Administration Manual  –2013–2014 Technology Coordinator Guide –CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide –Infrastructure Readiness Guide  –Student Tutorials –PearsonAccess Tutorials –Trainings –Technology Resources  (FDOE website) –Computer-Based Testing Overview

4 Early Warning System (EWS) Overview 4

5 TestNav and TestHear Early Warning System 5 The TestNav™ Early Warning System (EWS) is designed to save student responses locally in the event of a network interruption. EWS saves the student's responses to an encrypted backup file so the student can either continue testing or exit the system without losing data. Designate two (2) file save locations for student responses in the event of a connectivity loss to the testing servers. Best Practice: Primary response location should be a shared location because it allows access to stored student responses from one location. The alternate response location should be a location on the local workstation. Students must have full access to the designated save locations. When connectivity is restored and the students are resumed to continue testing, the locally saved responses are transmitted to the testing server and added to the responses already stored there. This activity occurs in the background of the test delivery software while the software continues to provide test questions to the student.

6 TestNav and TestHear Early Warning System 6 TestNav or TestHear will find the correct response file. A combination of the test ticket ID combined with the session token is used to uniquely identify a Student Response File (SRF). An SRF can only be used the next time the student resumes into a test. TestNav or TestHear will only delete an SRF if it is successfully uploaded.

7 Reasons Why TestNav EWS Triggers 7 1)TestNav or TestHear client determines that neither Early Warning save location is viable. 2)TestNav or TestHear is unable to download portions of a test. The two above situations will result in immediate notification of the student. 3)TestNav or TestHear is unable to upload responses. This situation will result in notification of the student at the time of test submission.

8 TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots 8 Invalid Save Locations

9 TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.) 9 Invalid Save Locations

10 TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.) 10 Unable to download test content

11 TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.) 11 Unable to download test content

12 TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.) 12 Unable to upload responses

13 13 Unable to upload responses TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.)

14 14 Invalid Save Locations TestHear Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.)

15 15 Unable to download test content TestHear Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.)

16 16 Unable to download test TestHear Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.)

17 17 Unable to communicate with server TestHear Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.)

18 18 Unable to communicate with server TestHear Early Warning – Screenshots (contd.)

19 Common Errors & Solutions 19

20 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestNav 20 Error CodeSolution/Description 20004: The login information you have provided is incorrect. Please try again. The most common solution is to verify that the correct URL is being used in TestNav. Refer to the URL and login information printed on the authorization ticket. 20007: Your test session has not been started. Please notify your Test Monitor. The session status must be started before a student can log in to the test. 20026: The TestNav system cannot find the Address specified, please verify the Address and try again. The most common solution is to verify that the correct URL is being used in TestNav. Refer to the URL and login information printed on the authorization ticket.

21 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestNav 21 Error CodeSolution/Description 20040: The TestNav system cannot find the host server. This indicates a local Internet connectivity problem. 20043: The test you are attempting to access with this login information is already in progress. If you are attempting to restart this test, please notify your Test Monitor to authorize your login to resume the test. Close TestNav completely. Resume the student in PearsonAccess under Session Details. Start TestNav and try logging in again. 20081: TestNav has detected that another application attempted to become the active window, which may compromise the security of this test. TestNav has been shut down. You may need assistance from your test monitor to restart the test. TestNav has detected another application is trying to take over. Check the student log to see if TestNav captured the offending program (e.g., screen saver, desktop monitoring software).

22 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestNav 22 Error CodeSolution/Description 20095: The response file location provided is invalid. You must designate a valid response file location. The Primary and/or Alternate save locations specified in the file are not valid or the student does not have write-access to the save locations. 20118: There has been a problem accessing your form. Have the student try to log into a different computer. This error is related to the monitor not displaying the form at its current resolution. The screen settings can be changed by opening the \TestNav\ file and updating the “DisableAutoScreenRes=False” line to “DisableAutoScreenRes=True”. This message will also appear if a student attempts to log in to TestNav using a TestHear login ID. Pearson Customer Support will need to be contacted in order to resume this student with the correct form.

23 23 TestHear login used in TestNav software TestNav Early Warning – Screenshots

24 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestHear 24

25 25 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestHear

26 26

27 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestHear 27

28 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestHear 28

29 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestHear 29

30 Common Error Codes and Solutions TestHear 30

31 31 TestNav login used in TestHear software TestHear Early Warning – Screenshots

32 TestHear Software Version Error 32 If you have not downloaded and installed the latest version of TestHear on workstations, students will receive this error message when signing into the test.

33 Who to contact with questions? 33  Pearson Customer Support: 1-877-847-3043 or Monday thru Friday, 7:00 am - 8:30 pm (EDT)  Your District Assessment Coordinator

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