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I am from Erie, Pennsylvania. But, I have lived in North Carolina for 9 years. Here is a little about me… How long do you think it takes to drive from.

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Presentation on theme: "I am from Erie, Pennsylvania. But, I have lived in North Carolina for 9 years. Here is a little about me… How long do you think it takes to drive from."— Presentation transcript:


2 I am from Erie, Pennsylvania. But, I have lived in North Carolina for 9 years. Here is a little about me… How long do you think it takes to drive from Erie, PA to Troutman, NC?

3 I have a husband, a son named London, and a baby named Izzy. My Family

4 Brooklyn Brixton My Furry Babies:

5 I have been teaching for 8 years. I taught in Charlotte the past 8 years. I taught 2 nd grade for 7 years and 3 rd grade for 1 year. I taught 3 rd grade at TES last year. I have been teaching almost since you were born! Wow! Me, the Teacher

6 This Year is Going to Rock!

7 To help our class run smoothly, each week 10 students will have classroom jobs. We will take turns. Classroom Community

8 Job Description: *Take messages to the office/ other teachers. *Put all clips back on green at the end of the day. *Help check homework. *Pass out sanitizer before lunch. Teacher’s Assistant (1):

9 Job Description: *Make sure floors are kept clean. *Put trash cans outside the door at the end of the day. Clean-Up Crew (2):

10 Job Description: *Pass out and collect papers/ materials. *Pass out and collect tornadoes at the end of the day. Paper Patrol (2):

11 Job Description: *Wash the tables *Stack trays and bring them to the window. *Sweep the floor (if needed) Lunch League (2):

12 Job Description: *Turn the lights out as we leave the classroom. Energy Saver (1):

13 Job Description: *Take over a job for any absent student. Substitute (1):

14 Any Questions?

15 We Will Work Together and Respect Each Other!

16 Behavior Chart System How I Will Make Sure Every One Can Learn… Everyone starts on green each day   You can move up to purple if you follow directions and class rules.

17 Behavior Chart System How I Will Make Sure Every One Can Learn… You will clip down to yellow if you are not following rules or directions and will have a verbal warning  If problems continue, you clip down to red and will have silent lunch and will fill out a “think sheet” that will  be sent home to your parent.

18 Behavior Chart System How I Will Make Sure Every One Can Learn… If you clip all the way down to blue, you will receive a discipline referral  But, we won’t have that problem in this class!

19 Behavior Chart System One More Thing… You can clip up or down the chart at any time of the day. So, if you make a mistake, remember: You always redeem yourself and clip back up the chart! And…the coolest part Is that you can do even better than purple! If you are really excellent, you can clip off the chart and I will wear your clip on me! (sometimes even in my hair!)

20 Green Tornadoes!! Green= 1 tornado Purple= 2 tornadoes Off the Chart= 3 tornadoes *You will get your tornadoes at the end of each day. What is the most amount of tickets you could earn in 1 week?

21 15 Tickets in 1 week! Wowza! That’s Right!!!

22 You will put your name on the back of all of your tornadoes and place them in a jar throughout the week. Every Friday I will choose 5 tornadoes and those 5 people will be the V.I.P (very important people) for the following week. V.I.P.s will be the first to line up, get free laptop time, IPAD time, and get to carry the Brag Flag. What can we do with tornadoes?

23 Any Questions?

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