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Wybrich de Haan General Manager VAT Moscow

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Presentation on theme: "Wybrich de Haan General Manager VAT Moscow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wybrich de Haan General Manager VAT Moscow

2 Logistics in Russia AGENDA Russia is… Logistics market Developments & constraints Customs regulation Incoterms - DDP Russia Q & A Session

3 Russia is......bureaucracy vs market

4 Russia is......a country of extremes

5 Russia is......bureaucracy vs market...a country of extremes flexibility & patience

6 Europe to Russia - Direct trucking - Sea freight combined with inland trucking <1000 km - Rail freight to far locations Logistics market

7 Rail versus Ocean Freight - Asian land connection - Trans Siberian route - Time saver

8 Logistics market Rail versus Ocean Freight - Local charges and check ups - Capacity problem Better service/price level ocean freight

9 Developments & constraints Land bridge Europe and Asia? - Depends on investments - Alternatives

10 Customs regulation - Invoice and packing list - Bill of lading / Way bill - Technical data sheet or brochure - Contract buyer and seller - Certificates & licenses

11 Incoterms - DDP Russia “The seller […] has an obligation to clear the goods […], to pay any duty for both export and import and to carry out all customs formalities.” (Incoterms® 2010)...not in Russia

12 SenderReceiverCustoms Money Goods Only RU legal entities can pay RU customs Logistics company

13 SenderReceiverCustoms Money Goods Logistics company Distributor Receiver on docs = customs responsibility

14 SenderReceiverCustoms Money Goods Logistics company Distributor Money flow = Goods flow

15 SenderReceiverCustoms Money Goods Logistics company Distributor

16 But why DDP? - Receiver has no experience in CC - Policy to buy in local contracts (RUB) - Local stock of customs cleared goods - Clients expect service for guarantee parts

17 Thank you for your attention! Download this presentation and handout:

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