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Online learning module Teaching Online made easy Cost effective User friendly Key for lesson -Next Page -Home -Back/Previous.

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Presentation on theme: "Online learning module Teaching Online made easy Cost effective User friendly Key for lesson -Next Page -Home -Back/Previous."— Presentation transcript:


2 Online learning module Teaching Online made easy Cost effective User friendly Key for lesson -Next Page -Home -Back/Previous

3 What do you need to do first: Click to get started: Google (Gmail) account if not, let’s create Google (Gmail) Google Doc, use as Pre/Post Test. Google Doc DEStreaming (Do you need to create an account) DEStreaming create Gaggle account Gaggle Use & keys to toggle between PowerPoint and other programs (hold & press ) to switch

4 Setting up your Google Account

5 Creating your Google Account




9 Create a Google Doc Log in to your Google Account

10 Create your Form Above- Create a form Right- To begin creation of your form (exam/test).

11 Your form becomes an exam

12 Expanding your test Below is the URL that is used for access to this ‘exam’

13 Example of the Test

14 Test results

15 Create a DEStreaming Account

16 Go to Login Create a new account

17 Creating your DEStreaming account Pass Codes


19 Create a new account

20 Login to DEStreaming

21 Use Assignment builder You can go directly to the following site, then follow directions from the videos, and/or follow the screen shots on the next few pages. ricStudentIndex.cfm?cdPasscode=T3E1A-4BCD ricStudentIndex.cfm?cdPasscode=T3E1A-4BCD After viewing above, follow the screen shots if needed Click to see screen shots on how to complete the task

22 Login to DEStreaming Go to “Teacher Center”

23 Add Videos to your “My Content” Before creating an assignment: – Search for relevant videos/segments – View videos/segments… – Create a folder for your subject matter – Add video/segment to that folder for easy retrieval

24 How to add videos

25 1.If you already have a folder 2.New Folder 3.Folder Name 4.Folder Location 5.Save or Cancel

26 Teacher Center Assignment Builder Quiz Builder Writing Prompt Take it to the next level of learning…

27 Teacher Center

28 Assignment builder

29 Create a new assignment


31 Next steps

32 Adding websites to assignment

33 Material Instruction

34 Preview

35 Assign code=T3E57-24AC Click this link for your final result

36 Using Gaggle as the platform!!! 1.Login 2.Inbox is first screen 3.Go to ‘Jump To’ 4.Choose Velocity (May not have to do this) 5.Wait a moment… (watch the bell ring If you need to switch to Velocity: Velocity view

37 Create a message board 1.Jump To Menu 2.Choose Admin 3.Edit Msg Boards to create and edit

38 Add/create Message board 1. You may not need to change the name of the school 2. Click Add 3.Name board 4.Moderator 5.Access level a.All users b.Staff Above c.Specified users a.For class groups b.Small groups

39 Adding Members 1.Specified Users 2.Create New Board 3.Add Members

40 Add Members to Message Board 1.Choose school or from your own school 2.Check boxes of students/self 3.Add Selected Users 4.Popup (Click OK)

41 Go into Message Board and Create a Post Find your boardDouble Left Click on it to open

42 Post 1.Subject 2.Type post 3.Submit

43 Read and Reply to Posts 1.Jump To Menu 2.Message Boards 3.Find Board 4.Find Thread 5.Double Left Click to open

44 Reply to Post 1. Reply 2.Type reply to original thread. 3.Hit Submit when completed

45 Create a chat room Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

46 The Chat Room Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

47 Go into your Room Double Left Click to enter room

48 The Chat Room

49 What is a Homework Drop Box? A location for learners to submit digital assignments Give Assignment (Report, Test as Attachment, etc…) Learner would save on own computer, then submit via Gaggle to Drop Box. Time/Date submitted Very Easy… Paper Saver!!!!!!

50 Create Homework Dropbox School Admin

51 Add New

52 Add Users for Specified User Box 1 2 3

53 Access to Homework Dropbox

54 Submit Assignment

55 Add attachment 1. Click Attach 2. Browse and click open 3. It is attached

56 Submit Assignment Click Submit Popup Post Created NamePoster

57 EXTRAS Some things taught in this session will be online, other things will need to be shown in class. Hope this PowerPoint will assist you as you move forward with your “Online Teaching” Let us now, create a lesson…

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