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Jeremiah 18:1-4.  The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying, “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will announce My words.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeremiah 18:1-4.  The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying, “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will announce My words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeremiah 18:1-4

2  The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying, “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will announce My words to you.” Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something on the wheel. But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make.

3  Jeremiah called to prophesy during Josiah’s reign.  He began to prophesy when Josiah was 22 years old.  Born in 655 B.C.  Died in 586 B.C. at age of 69  Began to prophesy during his 20s – possibly earlier.

4  Josiah was 8 years old when he became king of Judah.  Reigned for 31 years.  Great reformer in Judah – restoring godliness and removing Baal and Asherah worship.

5  An illustration for a sermon  A warning from God for Judah  A reminder of the power of God over His creation.

6  Job 10:8-9 -- ‘Your hands fashioned and made me altogether, And would You destroy me? ‘Remember now, that You have made me as clay; And would You turn me into dust again? Why did God allow Job to be so mistreated?

7  Father with children  Husband with bride  Shepherd with sheep  Hen with baby chicks  But: Potter with clay?  Clay MUST yield

8  Have Thine own way, Lord Have Thine own way, Thou art the Potter, I am the clay, Mold me and make me, after Thy will, While I am waiting, yielded and still….  Does this describe us?

9  How does a female eagle choose a mate?  Series of tests  Only the male eagle she can trust becomes her mate for life.  Yielding takes great trust in God.

10  Fear of God’s purpose for us  Psalm 34:9 -- O fear the Lord, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no want.

11  James 4:6 – “…Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’”  1 Peter 5:6 – “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time….”

12  Hebrews 3:15 – “Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts, as when they provoked Me.”

13  Isaiah 29:16 -- You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay, That what is made would say to its maker, “He did not make me”; Or what is formed say to him who formed it, “He has no understanding”?

14  Isaiah 45:9 -- “Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker—An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’ Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands’?

15  Romans 9:21 -- Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use?

16 “God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him.” Ellen White

17  Realize that we are the only part of God’s creation who were created by His personal touch.

18  James 4:10 – Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.

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