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Scapegoat By: Alfred Turco. Agenda Background information Background information Focal Questions Focal Questions Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet After.

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Presentation on theme: "Scapegoat By: Alfred Turco. Agenda Background information Background information Focal Questions Focal Questions Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet After."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scapegoat By: Alfred Turco

2 Agenda Background information Background information Focal Questions Focal Questions Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet After the First Death After the First Death To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird This is our Triumph This is our Triumph Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Presidential Elections Presidential Elections Conclusion Conclusion Bibliography Bibliography

3 Background Information Definition of scapegoat: Definition of scapegoat: A person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place A person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place Originated in Israel Originated in Israel Scapegoat was a goat that had all the sins of the village placed on it’s head and was forced to run away in the wilderness on Yom Kippur hoping that the peoples sins did not return. Scapegoat was a goat that had all the sins of the village placed on it’s head and was forced to run away in the wilderness on Yom Kippur hoping that the peoples sins did not return.

4 Focal Questions What is the senseless tragedy the community suffers? What is the senseless tragedy the community suffers? Who is blamed for the tragedy? Who is blamed for the tragedy? Who/what is truly responsible for the tragedy? Who/what is truly responsible for the tragedy?

5 Scapegoat in Romeo and Juliet “I am the greatest, able to do the least, yet most suspected as the time and place doth against me, of this direful murder.” -Friar Lawrence “I am the greatest, able to do the least, yet most suspected as the time and place doth against me, of this direful murder.” -Friar Lawrence “I brought my master news of Juliet’s death, and then in post he came from Mantua to this same place, to this monument.” -Balthasar “I brought my master news of Juliet’s death, and then in post he came from Mantua to this same place, to this monument.” -Balthasar “Hang thee young baggage, disobedient wretch! Tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday or never after look me in the face.” -Capulet “Hang thee young baggage, disobedient wretch! Tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday or never after look me in the face.” -Capulet

6 Scapegoat in After the First Death “They could acknowledge publicity that they went against policy. They would be stripped of command, possibly face jail terms. The men involved were willing to assume the role of scapegoats.” “They could acknowledge publicity that they went against policy. They would be stripped of command, possibly face jail terms. The men involved were willing to assume the role of scapegoats.” “If the attempt at rescue failed and more children were sacrificed than were saved, scapegoats had been set up to absorb the blame.” “If the attempt at rescue failed and more children were sacrificed than were saved, scapegoats had been set up to absorb the blame.” “The least of my fears was that I had volunteered to be one of the scapegoats if we met failure. The worst of my fears was you, Ben, as you made your way to the bridge.” “The least of my fears was that I had volunteered to be one of the scapegoats if we met failure. The worst of my fears was you, Ben, as you made your way to the bridge.”

7 Scapegoat in To Kill a Mockingbird “Did you ever, at any time go on the Ewell property- did you ever set foot on the Ewell property without an express invitation from any of them?” -Atticus “Did you ever, at any time go on the Ewell property- did you ever set foot on the Ewell property without an express invitation from any of them?” -Atticus “No suh, Mr. Finch I never did. I wouldn’t do that suh.” -Tom Robinson “It was her right eye I said.” -Heck Tate “It was her right eye I said.” -Heck Tate “Your left handed Mr. Ewell.” -Judge Taylor (Tom Robinson’s left hand got crushed when he was really young and it got destroyed)

8 Scapegoat in This is our Triumph 2 Italian immigrants named Nicolo Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were accused of robbing a store and killing the store owner. These quotes are from the speech delivered by Bartolomeo before his death sentence. 2 Italian immigrants named Nicolo Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were accused of robbing a store and killing the store owner. These quotes are from the speech delivered by Bartolomeo before his death sentence. “What we have suffered during these 7 years no human tongue can say; and yet you see me before you, not trembling, you see me looking you in your eyes straight, not blushing, nor changing color, not ashamed and not in fear.” “What we have suffered during these 7 years no human tongue can say; and yet you see me before you, not trembling, you see me looking you in your eyes straight, not blushing, nor changing color, not ashamed and not in fear.” “What I say is that I am innocent…That I am not only innocent of these two crimes, but in all my life I have never killed and I have never killed and I have never spilled blood.” “What I say is that I am innocent…That I am not only innocent of these two crimes, but in all my life I have never killed and I have never killed and I have never spilled blood.” “We know, and you know in your heart, that you have been against us from the very beginning, before you see us.” “We know, and you know in your heart, that you have been against us from the very beginning, before you see us.”

9 Scapegoat in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets In this movie Harry Potter is used as a scapegoat for opening the chamber and making the basilisk, a giant snake which freezes people when they make eye contact, because he can speak snake. In this movie Harry Potter is used as a scapegoat for opening the chamber and making the basilisk, a giant snake which freezes people when they make eye contact, because he can speak snake. “Even in the wizarding world hearing voices isn’t a good sign.” “Even in the wizarding world hearing voices isn’t a good sign.” “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.” “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.” “Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don’t recall seeing Potter at dinner.” “Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don’t recall seeing Potter at dinner.”

10 Scapegoat in the presidential elections John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his scapegoat if he did not win the presidential election. John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his scapegoat if he did not win the presidential election. A top McCain advisor said, “She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone.” A top McCain advisor said, “She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone.” Another McCain advisor said that “Sarah Palin is a whack job.” Another McCain advisor said that “Sarah Palin is a whack job.” McCain himself admitted after his loss that he, “Did not know her well at all.” McCain himself admitted after his loss that he, “Did not know her well at all.” John McCain is truly to blame for his loss, not Sarah Palin. John McCain is truly to blame for his loss, not Sarah Palin.

11 Conclusions Scapegoats are a major part of any tragedy and is one of the most important archetypes.

12 Bibliography

13 Thank you for listening

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