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מצגת שאלות מיצ"ב -אנגלית נוסח א' תשס"ג מצגת שאלות תרגול גרסא 1.

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Presentation on theme: "מצגת שאלות מיצ"ב -אנגלית נוסח א' תשס"ג מצגת שאלות תרגול גרסא 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 מצגת שאלות מיצ"ב -אנגלית נוסח א' תשס"ג מצגת שאלות תרגול גרסא 1

2 משימה 1TASK קראו את המשפטים. בחרו האם המשפט הגיוני או לא הגיוני. Read the sentences. Choose הגיוני or לא הגיוני

3 The children are playing in the park. A. הגיוני B. לא הגיוני Question 1- a Choose the correct answer.

4 The fish are flying in the sky. A. הגיוני B. לא הגיוני Question 1- b Choose the correct answer.

5 Mary didn’t go to school because she was sick. Question 1- c A. הגיוני B. לא הגיוני Choose the correct answer.

6 The cow drank a glass of milk. Question 1- d Choose the correct answer. A. הגיוני B. לא הגיוני

7 Bill put his shoes on his food. Question 1- e A. הגיוני B. לא הגיוני Choose the correct answer.

8 קראו את הפקס וענו על השאלות. Read the fax and answer the questions. משימה 2 TASK


10 The fax was sent to - A.Liz B.Liz’s parents C.Aunt Nadia D.Amir Question 2 Choose the correct answer.

11 The main purpose of this fax is to say - A.where Liz is staying B.when Liz is coming home C.that Liz is having a great time D.why Liz misses her parents Question 3 Choose the correct answer.

12 קראו את הקטע וענו על השאלות. Read the text and answer the questions. משימה 3 TASK J. K. Rowling



15 Rowling wrote her first story - A.when she grew up. B.when she was a child. C.when she was in high school. D.the text does not say. Question 4 Choose the correct answer.

16 Where did Rowling first think of the idea for her Harry Potter books? A.on a train school a café her apartment Question 5 Choose the correct answer.

17 Why did Rowling go to a café? A.Her friends were there. B.She was hungry. C.The owner of the café gave her a job. D.She needed a warm place to write. Question 6 Choose the correct answer.

18 “The book was an instant success” means that Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone- A.was finally published B.became popular very quickly C.was read by adults the best Harry Potter book Question 7 Choose the correct answer.

19 The text is mainly about - A.the woman who wrote the Harry Potter books B.the story “rabbit” C.J.K. Rowling’s childhood D.the life of a boy named Harry Potter Question 8 Choose the correct answer.

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