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Unit 2 Activities 1 and 2 Mr. Singer Physical Science.

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1 Unit 2 Activities 1 and 2 Mr. Singer Physical Science

2 Questions 1. Magnetic, Electric Charge, Electric Circuit, Mechanical, Light. 2. Energy is the ability to change an object in some way; for example, by moving it or heating it. 3. Each interaction can be described by considering which object provides energy, which object receives energy, and how the energy is transferred between the two objects. 4. __________________________________ ____________________________________ 1.What are the types of interactions we have studied? 2.What is energy? 3.How can interactions be described in terms of energy? 4.KEY QUESTION: How do scientists describe interactions in terms of energy?

3 Questions 1. Stored chemical energy in the battery is transferred to the bulb. Some is transformed into light energy. 2. Stored chemical energy in you (from your food) transfers mechanical energy to the water when you slam the soccer ball down. That energy is carried by the water to the boat and caused the boat to move up and down. Summarize what you have learned so far about interactions and energy. Give at least four sentences.___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 1.How would you describe the electric circuit interaction in terms of energy? 2.How would you describe the soccer ball, swimming pool, and boat interaction in terms of energy?

4 Questions 1. The object that supplies energy in an interaction. 2. The object that gains the energy transferred to it. 3. When two objects interact, the energy source object transfers energy to the energy- receiver object. 4. Electric Circuit 5. The light bulb goes from off to on. 6. The battery or cell. 7. The light bulb. 1.Define energy source. 2.Define energy receiver. 3.What is an interaction in terms of energy? 4.A cell is connected to a light bulb, and the light bulb is lit up. What type of interaction is this? 5.What is the evidence of the interaction? 6.Which object is the energy source? 7.Which object is the energy receiver?

5 Electrical Energy Sources and Receivers Draw a diagram of the circuit. Complete the energy diagram. Energy Source Energy Receiver Type of Interaction _______________________________

6 Chains of Interactions Complete the thinking map for the hand cranked generator connected to the bulb. Source Receiver/SourceReceiver Complete the thinking map for the solar battery connected to a motor with a fan blade. SourceReceiver/SourceReceiver

7 Questions 1. There is a change in the bulb. There is a mechanical interaction between the hand and the generator. Then an electric circuit interaction between the generator and the bulb. 2. The evidence is a change in the motion of the fan blade.  3.  Which two objects are interacting.  How they are interacting  Which object is the energy source  Which object is the energy receiver. 1.What was the evidence of the interactions between the hand crank generator and the light bulb? 2.What was the evidence of the interactions between the bulb, solar battery and motor. 3.What four things do you need to know to describe an interaction in terms of energy?

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