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Climate and Energy Project’s Exploiting In-State Rivalries for Energy Conservation Ben Champion, Kansas State University Jeff Severin, University of Kansas.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate and Energy Project’s Exploiting In-State Rivalries for Energy Conservation Ben Champion, Kansas State University Jeff Severin, University of Kansas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate and Energy Project’s Exploiting In-State Rivalries for Energy Conservation Ben Champion, Kansas State University Jeff Severin, University of Kansas

2  Friendly competition engaging 16 Kansas towns in 4 regions of the state  Goal: to reduce residential and small business energy use – implement whole house efficiency  Timeframe: January 2011 - October 2011



5 Kickoff: January Celebration: October March June September Kansas Energy Office

6  Take Charge Challenge (‘09-’10) Results:  Saved over 6 million kilowatt hours of electricity during the Challenge year in 6 communities. ▪ Equivalent: powers 14,000 homes for one month  Avoided 9,500 tons of carbon emissions ▪ Equivalent: taking 1823 cars off the road  Engaged 11,000 community members in educational outreach events  $1.2 million in avoided energy costs  Garnered national attention with an article on the front page of the New York Timesarticle

7 $100,000 Energy efficiency or renewable energy community project

8 1. Schedule an Efficiency Kansas home energy audit. 2. Make the switch to compact fluorescent bulbs. 3. Enroll in Westar's energy efficiency programs. 4. Attend a Take Charge! Challenge event. Ways to Earn Points

9  Whole house energy audits for only $100  Sign-up for low-cost loan program to make make cost- effective, energy-efficiency improvements  Westar customers could repay the cost of efficiency upgrades on their utility bill through Simple Savings  Federal weatherization program Whole House Energy

10  Switches to CFL from incandescent reported at  Free WattSaver programmable thermostat for home or business  Install a high-efficiency heat pump system Lights, Thermostats, and Heat Pumps

11  Attendance at local Take Charge Challenge events  EfficiencyWorks classroom presentations on how to save energy  EfficiencyWorks Certified Real Estate Agent or Appraiser, Building Operator Certification Classes, and DIY Home Energy Efficiency classes Take Charge! Challenge Event

12  Co-Chairs: K-State First Lady and Mayor  University General Members:  K-State marketing/communications staff  K-State director of sustainability  K-State energy director  Hands-On K-State (volunteer coordination)  Student government representative  Dean of architecture  Representatives from athletics, alumni association, and more

13  Assistant City Manager  Local realtor’s association  Electric utility energy efficiency staff  Association of local pastors  Chamber of commerce  Local radio  more

14  Kickoff at K-State/KU basketball game, 7,000 fliers, on-court activities  In-class presentations on campus  Residence hall electricity conservation competition in coordination with KU  Greeks Going Green outreach to Greek houses  County fair  Farmers markets  Campus and city ice cream socials  Back to school campus events – bike rides and outdoor acoustic jam session  Remote locations with radio – Walmart  Purple Power Play on Poyntz – street festival in downtown  DIY energy audit training  Local business competition  Partnerships with large businesses and facilities – Town Center mall, university campus, university bookstore, Home Depot

15  Co-Chairs: Mayor and Assistant to KU Chancellor  University General Members:  KU director of sustainability  KU Environs (student organization)  Additional University Support:  KU Energy Manager  Student Housing  New Student Orientation

16  City/County sustainability coordinator  City communications director  Planning & development services  Tenants to Homeowners  Housing Authority  Chamber of Commerce  Convention and Visitors’ Bureau  Electric utility education/outreach coordinator  Association of Neighborhoods  Property manager  Sierra Club  Lawrence Community InterFaith Initiative

17  Kickoff watch party for KU/K-State basketball game at Liberty Hall  Residence hall electricity conservation competition  St. Patrick’s Day Parade  Earth Day Celebration in South Park  New Student Orientation presentations  Final Fridays Take Charge Event  Lawrence Sidewalk Sale  “Hawk Week” back-to-school events  DIY energy audit training  Lawrence Energy Conservation Fair  Commercial retrofit/remodel documentation  Bulb registration forms  Free bulbs at events; approximately 500 on campus  “Change 5” social media blitz

18  Lawrence (pop. ~ 90,000):  Over 40,000 light bulb switches registered  Over 1700 Wattsaver thermostats installed  Over 315 Efficiency Kansas energy audits  About 25,000 participation “ touches”  Manhattan (pop. ~50,000):  Over 40,000 light bulb switches registered  Almost 700 Wattsaver thermostats installed  About 100 Efficiency Kansas energy audits  About 20,000 participation “touches”

19  Almost $400,000 in energy savings just from light bulb switches in the two communities  Over 25,000 MMBTU’s of savings between the two  As much energy as 70 people use in an entire year for home, transportation and everything…  Or the same as about 500 homes consume in a year

20 Challenges and Controversies

21  University-to-university residence hall competition  Unsuccessful in making it apples-to-apples  Inefficiency and unevenness of Efficiency Kansas program implementation  Uneven number of contractors  Funding terminated in the middle of the competition  Differences in local media integration into community efforts

22  Differences of opinion over metrics – university towns can be pretty anal-retentive  Led to confusion and disagreements about what was allowed and what wasn’t  Self-reported light bulb switches became primary area of competition  If not bulbs, then participation points  EcoKat promotional character became a large distraction

23  Collaborate on developing rules and maintain communication on interpretation  Establish verifiable metrics  Seek comparable measures  Ensure community resources are equal  Take advantage of rivalry

24 Ben Champion Jeff Severin

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