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Focusing Research and Leveraging Partnerships in Wood Smoke Education Efforts  Amy Warren, Communications Specialist Puget Sound Clean Air Agency  Erika.

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Presentation on theme: "Focusing Research and Leveraging Partnerships in Wood Smoke Education Efforts  Amy Warren, Communications Specialist Puget Sound Clean Air Agency  Erika."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focusing Research and Leveraging Partnerships in Wood Smoke Education Efforts  Amy Warren, Communications Specialist Puget Sound Clean Air Agency  Erika Schmidt, APR FRAUSE March 18, 2010 National Air Quality Conferences Raleigh, NC

2 Overview  Wood smoke challenge in Washington state and Puget Sound region  Understanding the value of research in campaign development  Leveraging partnerships to broaden reach, enhance success  A look at two educational campaigns – one local, one state

3 Washington state/Puget Sound region

4 Research is the Foundation  Research is critical  Laser focus on target audience  Analytical information has benefits  Goals vary per project – changeouts versus wood burning behavior  Help with leveraging partnerships / community relations efforts

5 Leveraging Partnerships  Partnerships improve communication  Help gain different audience perspective  Inform audience attitude from a different point-of-contact (retail vs. enforcement or education)  Maximize resources  Collaboration for future opportunities

6 Partnership example Clean Home Heating Campaign  Primary focus: awareness, clean burning  Secondary focus: replacements, partner $$ offers  Partners: two sister air agencies, regional Hearth trade association, hearth manufacturer, hearth/heating retailers, utilities  Outreach: newspaper flyer (23 publications; over 513,000 impressions) PSCAA postal mailing: ~ 2,000 PSCAA e-mailing: ~ 8,000  Event: 25 clean burning clinics held on one day in 10 counties; Over 500 attendees; partner satisfaction

7 Research and Implementation  Washington Wood Smoke Education Campaign  Scope has moved to behavior change  Focus is impact / wood smoke reduction  Data analysis has created questions  Current status of research  Next steps – state-wide quantitative research project

8 Evolution of Knowledge  Industry information – shipments, consumer appliance trends  New technologies  Air quality emissions testing  Changeout surveys / focus groups  Various health surveys  Now, focus on compliant versus non- compliant wood burning behavior

9 Questions? Contacts:  Amy Warren, Communication Specialist Puget Sound Clean Air Agency 206.689.4092  Erika Schmidt, APR FRAUSE – Communication that Works 206.352.6402

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