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Making a Difference Wiersbe - 10 Power Principles for Christian Service Chapter 2 – Preface and Introduction (The following presentation consists of quotations.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a Difference Wiersbe - 10 Power Principles for Christian Service Chapter 2 – Preface and Introduction (The following presentation consists of quotations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a Difference Wiersbe - 10 Power Principles for Christian Service Chapter 2 – Preface and Introduction (The following presentation consists of quotations from the text of this book, which you have purchased)

2 Methods are many, principles are few; Methods always change, principles never do.

3 Techniques can build a crowd but only sacrificial service will build a church.

4 If we build on principles, our work will endure. If we embrace every new idea that comes along, without reflection, we will find ourselves only trying to hug the wind.

5 …what could have been a Waterloo turned out to be a watershed.

6 Do you feel like …. “a patriarch in a day nursery” or… “an obstetrician in a cemetery” ………..?

7 Does the sign over your door say….. “EXIT” OR “OPPORTUNITY”

8 Remember………… Methods are many, principles are few; Methods always change, principles never do.

9 Methods are the changing local applications of unchanging universal principles, and no method should be given the status that belongs only to a principle.

10 “In matters of principle, stand like a rock; In matters of taste, swim with the current.” Thomas Jefferson

11 As we seek to build the church, we need the strength and stability of the rock and the power and adaptability of the river.

12 Principles are like rocks, and Methods are like rivers;

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