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Rick Warren is a cancer to the cause of Christ Teaches error Practices error Fellowships error.

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2 Rick Warren is a cancer to the cause of Christ Teaches error Practices error Fellowships error

3 Warren believes in building bridges To false religions “…there are some specific groups of influencers that we at Saddleback seek to serve and reach out to… other faiths… we must build bridges to all of these, and more.” Letter from David Chrzan, Chief of Staff


5 Defense of Warren is unsound “folks…[that] would never enter a church” Letter from David Chrzan, Chief of Staff

6 Defense of Warren is unsound “Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’ Luke 5:31 (NIV)” Letter from David Chrzan, Chief of Staff

7 Defense of Warren is unsound “No one is ever convinced of God’s love by labeling, condemnation, or anger.” Letter from David Chrzan, Chief of Staff

8 Defense of Warren is unsound “Rick strongly believes…we must not waste any time judging others (Jesus didn’t)…” Letter from David Chrzan, Chief of Staff

9 Believers should speak to non-believers Gospel to the whole world, Mk. 16:15 Paul at Athens, Acts 17 Paul in Synagogues, Acts 13 Peter in home of Cornelius, Acts 10

10 False teachers twist Scripture “‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’ Luke 5:31 (NIV)” Jesus actually said: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Lk. 5:31, NIV)

11 False teachers twist Scripture Incompetence or willful deceit, 2 Pt. 3:5; 2 Tim. 3:13 Warren did not call Muslims to repentance, Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30 To their own destruction, 2 Pt. 3:16

12 Are God’s love & anger mutually exclusive? “No one is ever convinced of God’s love by labeling, condemnation, or anger.” If so every parent, employer, commander, teacher, and preacher needs to quit

13 Are God’s love & anger mutually exclusive? “No one is ever convinced of God’s love by labeling, condemnation, or anger.” Jesus labeled, Mt. 23:29, 33 Jesus condemned, Lk. 10:13, 14 Jesus was angry, Jn. 2:15

14 Are God’s love & anger mutually exclusive? “No one is ever convinced of God’s love by labeling, condemnation, or anger.” Duty to label, condemn, & be angry, Rom. 16:17, 18; 1 Tim. 1:3; Titus 1:10-13; Eph. 5:11

15 Are God’s love & anger mutually exclusive? “No one is ever convinced of God’s love by labeling, condemnation, or anger.” Must label Islam a false religion Must condemn Mohammed a false prophet Must be angered over millions of lost souls Love will compel us, Heb. 12:5, 6

16 Jesus judged others “Rick strongly believes…we must not waste any time judging others (Jesus didn’t)” Jesus judged Jewish leaders, Mt. 15:1-14 Warned His disciples, Mt. 16:5-12 Judged believers, Jn. 8:21-47

17 “Pastor Rick is Southern Baptist. While Saddleback Church may not look Sothern Baptist to most casual observers, we are down the middle Sothern Baptist in our theology and doctrinal statements. We are totally committed to reaching the unchurched and contemporary in our worship style, while remaining biblically pure.” Letter from David Chrzan, Chief of Staff

18 Being “Southern Baptist” and Biblically pure is not possible “Southern Baptist” not in Bible Church of God, 1 Cor. 1:2 Churches of Christ, Rom. 16:16 Churches of Galatia, Gal. 1:2 Similar ones, but never “Southern Baptist”

19 “Down the middle Southern Baptist” Read – “Compromiser” Misrepresentation Compromises with Muslims, Eph. 5:11 Good Southern Baptists do not do this

20 Saddleback’s web site: biblically impure “Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ…by faith” AND “baptism does not save you.” ∙Not by faith alone, Jas. 2:24 ∙Baptism saves, 1 Pt. 3:21 ∙Baptism commanded, Mk. 16:16

21 Saddleback’s web site: biblically impure “the believer is secure in salvation for eternity. Salvation is maintained by the grace and power of God, not by the self-effort of the Christian.” Warned about falling, 1 Cor. 10:12 Some did fall, Gal. 5:4 Self-effort is required, Phil. 2:12

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