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Earth Disturbance Programs  Chapter 102 –Erosion Control & NPDES Permits  Chapter 105-General Permits  Dirt & Gravel Roads Program.

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2 Earth Disturbance Programs  Chapter 102 –Erosion Control & NPDES Permits  Chapter 105-General Permits  Dirt & Gravel Roads Program

3 Chapter 102-Erosion Control  Put bad erosion picture here

4 Chapter 102-Erosion Control

5  How do you control erosion? Best Management Practices (BMP’s) like silt fence, compost socks, and rock entrances

6 Chapter 102-Erosion Control  Rock Construction Entrance

7 Chapter 102-Erosion Control  Proper Planning can reduce the need of many erosion control BMP’s.

8 Chapter 102-Erosion Control  Seeding & Mulching to establish vegetation is the Best long term erosion prevention

9 Chapter 102-Erosion Control  When are Erosion & Sedimentation (E&S) control plans needed? E&S plans are needed for projects that disturb greater than 5000 sq ft or if other permits require.  This includes construction, demolition, timber harvest, clearing & grubbing, and stream impacts.

10 Chapter 102-NPDES Permits  National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits are required for projects with 1 acre or greater of earth disturbance.  Local projects that have received NPDES Permits: Sheffield High School Eisenhower High School Warren Waste Water Treatment Plant Sheetz gas station in Warren

11 Chapter 102-NPDES Permits  NPDES Permits address erosion, but also Storm Water Management  These permits must be developed and approved prior to earth moving & construction  Contact WCCD to determine if an NPDES Permit is needed

12 Chapter 105  Waterway Management & General Permits

13 Chapter 105-General Permits  Ch.105 General Permits are required for activities that are in and along streams & wetlands  Typical activities that are commonly permitted include driveway culverts, highway bridges, utility line stream crossings, and stream bank stabilization projects.  Contact WCCD to determine if your project requires a permit or not

14 Chapter 105-General Permits  GP-1 Fish Habitat Structures  GP-2 Small Docks & Boat Launching Ramps  GP-3 Stream Bank Stabilization & Gravel Bar Removal  GP-4 Intake/Outfall Structures  GP-5 Utility Line Stream Crossings  GP-6 Agricultural Crossings & Ramps  GP-7 Permanent Minor Road Crossings  GP-8 Temporary Road Crossings  GP-9 Agricultural Activities

15 Agricultural Crossings

16 Temporary Timber Crossing

17 Dirt & Gravel Roads Program




21  The goal of this program is to improve water quality by reducing impacts from Dirt and Gravel Roads.  Grants to improve roads are awarded to eligible Townships by WCCD.  The DGR program has been around since 1997 and over 115 projects in 15 different Townships have been completed in Warren County with $3.5 million spent on local Dirt and Gravel Roads.

22 Dirt & Gravel Roads Funding  PA transportation bill that won passage last Fall increases funding from $5 million per year to $35 million for the low volume roads of Pennsylvania.  This increase in funds will result in an increase in the number of projects and grants for local townships, which will result in better roads and improved water quality.

23 Dirt & Gravel Roads Program  Low Volume Paved roads will also be eligible for funding in 2015 with the focus as always on drainage and environmental improvements.  Application Deadline for 2014 is May 1 st  If you are interested in participating, WCCD will help you prepare a project application.

24 DGR Training & Eligibility  Participants must first attend a two-day training session for “Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance of Dirt and Gravel Roads”.  Many local townships eligibility will expire in 2014 or 2015  ESM Training will be offered in Titusville in June of 2014.  Sign up now and get involved!

25 2013 DGR Projects



28 Questions?  Feel free to contact me: Greg Kolenda, District Technician Warren County Conservation District 210 North Drive, Suite E, Warren, Pa 16365 814-726-1441 or

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