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Academy Meeting 19 June 2013.  Explaining academies and what this means for us  Consultation to obtain your views – decision rests with governors 

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Presentation on theme: "Academy Meeting 19 June 2013.  Explaining academies and what this means for us  Consultation to obtain your views – decision rests with governors "— Presentation transcript:

1 Academy Meeting 19 June 2013

2  Explaining academies and what this means for us  Consultation to obtain your views – decision rests with governors  Answer your questions

3  Warm and friendly, nurturing atmosphere  Putting the children first in all decision making  Senior leadership still working together  Highest quality education  Uniform  School name  Costs  Relationship with Banstead Junior School  We will look the same as we do now

4  Outstanding for over 15 years  In order to maintain and develop our outstanding status we want to work with and learn from others  We have developed a deep understanding of learning and are passionate about providing the best education for children  Distributed leadership has built a strong team

5  Achievement  Nurturing and values  Learning skills  Speaking and listening  Confidence  Creativity  Environment

6  To learn more  To lead the way  To build our own future  To share what we know with others  To provide a great education for many more children

7 Surrey Initiative  Majority of secondary schools have chosen to become academies  Failing primary schools are being made to academise with a secondary school  Aim is for secondary school to improve standards  However, secondary schools may not have a good understanding of primary teaching

8 Surrey Initiative  Surrey is looking for outstanding schools to become academies so that they can more effectively help failing schools

9  An Academy is a state-funded, community school serving local residents.  Academies are accessible to all families, and remain part of the family of local schools.  They provide free education for students of all abilities.

10  Academies are funded at the same level as other schools, but a multi Academy Trust would save money through economies of scale and this frees up money which can be spent where it is most needed - in the classroom.  Academies also have greater flexibility than maintained schools in the curriculum they provide.  They are inspected by Ofsted in the same way as maintained schools.

11  Recommendation by our governors to become a ‘Stand Alone Academy’  Our vision, our future Word spread

12  Head and Deputy head teacher leaving  Approached us – ‘They were on the station platform when our train pulled in’  Excited about our future plans  Wanted to share our leadership  Want the ‘wow factor’

13  Warren Mead Junior School is a good school  Working with Warren Mead Junior School will give us the additional experience of the whole primary phase  This will put us in a stronger position to help other schools in the future

14  For Banstead Infant School to become a Multi Academy Trust with Warren Mead Junior School  Banstead Infant School and Warren Mead Junior School together are building the vision and values for a brand new Multi Academy Trust

15 Trust Governors BIS Governors WMJ

16 Executive Head Teacher Head of Teaching and Learning WMJ Head of Teaching and Learning BIS Assistant Head BIS Assistant Head WMJ Assistant Head BIS Class teachers

17  Executive Head Teacher – Gill Harradine  Head of Teaching and Learning – Stephanie Storrar  Assistant Head Teacher – Ruth Tunnell  Assistant Head Teacher – Andrew Burbidge (new teacher)

18  Will lead the school on a day-to- day basis  Responsible for making things happen  Will be based in Head Teacher’s office

19  Train and empower leadership teams  Responsible with the Trust for strategic direction of the schools  Hold leadership teams to account  Ensure highest quality education  Ensure excellent progress and achievement

20  Working between both schools  I will be at BIS every week  Planning to build a garden office  Banstead Infant School has been my home for 9 years  I am ready for more but I am NOT leaving  Total confidence in BIS team

21 The more we all learn the better the education will be for the children at BIS because our teaching methods will continually evolve  We will learn more about assessment and marking  Subject leaders will work together to enrich and develop their subjects across the curriculum  We will have a better knowledge of the KS2 curriculum  We will be able to better prepare our children better for junior school because we will have perspective from both sides

22  We would be able to use the knowledge of KS2 staff to support gifted children in our school  More experienced leaders in the school leads to greater capacity for the development of the school  Working with other children gives our children greater opportunities

23  They do not need our leadership support

24  The two schools will continue to work together as we have always done  Banstead Infant School children will still have priority at Banstead Junior School

25 Other schools may join the academy:  A strong school with the same ethos OR  A school which needs help to improve  They then become a permanent part of the family.  We will let them join if we have the capacity i.e. both BIS and WMJS must be flourishing

26 Oaks Academy Trust

27 Building a family of schools which provide an outstanding education for our children  We want to create our own future  We want to lead the way

28  Values for everyone in our family of schools – children, parents, carers, staff and governors

29 Achievement Individuality Respect Passion Resilience

30  achieving more than you ever thought possible through:

31 respecting and growing the individuality of our children and schools

32 for each other, ourselves and the environment

33 inspired to achieve excellence

34 determined to rise to our challenges

35 We hope you will want to join us and support us in this exciting step. Questions?

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