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Kea-pro ACTIVE Enabling the Knowledge-Powered Enterprise Paul Warren, BT,

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Presentation on theme: "Kea-pro ACTIVE Enabling the Knowledge-Powered Enterprise Paul Warren, BT,"— Presentation transcript:

1 kea-pro ACTIVE Enabling the Knowledge-Powered Enterprise Paul Warren, BT,

2 ACTIVE By: - improving processes - Web2.0 knowledge sharing - targetted information delivery through use of context Making knowledge work faster, more effective, more efficient Producing individual components - some free, some commercially available … and an integrated system A European collaborative project - March 2008 to Feb 2011 - 7 countries, 12 partners, coordinated by BT

3 An Integrating Project Next generation knowledge management 3 years: March 2008 – February 2011 €12M (€8M EU funding) 12 partners, 7 countries - BT coordinator Research challenges sharing knowledge – combining formal and informal approaches using task context to manage information presentation sharing and reusing knowledge processes Case studies telecoms, consultancy, engineering

4 kea-pro

5 3 interlocking research strands Knowledge sharing Task context Informal processes

6 K-sharing: folksonomies vs ontologies Sweet spot between ontologies and folksonomies … using lightweight ontology editors … tagging files, emails, … contexts and processes

7 3 interlocking research strands Knowledge sharing Task context Informal processes

8 The long tail of informal processes Formalized processes Repetition Processes Not supported by enterprise applications Capturing and supporting non-formalized processes Non-formalized processes a.k.a. artful business processes, knowledge processes

9 3 interlocking research strands Knowledge sharing Task context Informal processes

10 Motivation Context as key to effective information delivery UserContext SalespersonCustomer LawyerCase Project managerProject, sub-project, project phase MarketerProduct, marketing campaign ResearcherPaper, particular experiment But not prescriptive – user chooses what context is right for him or her! Guiding presentation of emails, files, search results …

11 ACTIVE Taskbar ACTIVE in Word

12 Active web portal Courtesy: Hermes Softlab shared contexts support knowledge sharing

13 3 interlocking research strands Knowledge sharing sharing knowledge in context & sharing context Task context Informal processes

14 3 interlocking research strands sharing processes & sharing in processes Knowledge sharing Task context Informal processes

15 3 interlocking research strands Knowledge sharing using context within processes & processes to understand context Task context Informal processes

16 3 interlocking research strands sharing processes & sharing in processes Knowledge sharing using context within processes & processes to understand context sharing knowledge in context & sharing context Task context Informal processes

17 Knowledge sharing Ontologies - rich representations permit reasoning, but with a creation and maintenance cost Folksonomies - no overhead cost, but limited knowledge representation capability Marrying the formal and informal approaches to knowledge representation Semantic Wiki - Adding informal semantics to a wiki

18 Task context Information glut leads to overload and constant task- switching Context-driven solutions - learning & using context Delivering information in context

19 Informal processes Learn, describe, reuse and share … modify & share again informal – created by their users dynamic – anyone can modify Reusing and sharing informal processes

20 Bringing the strands together More than the sum of 3 parts! Sharing in context - & using tags to identify and share context Sharing processes - & sharing within processes Taking account of context within processes - & using processes to understand context

21 ACTIVE architecture - overview

22 Validating with case studies Sales and technical support adding value to work processes Global consultants understanding scale Electronics design specialist processes

23 ACTIVE in the organisation Knowledge-sharing - costs, benefits and incentives Validating against the user’s needs Validating against the organisation’s needs kea-pro

24 Paul Warren, First ACTIVE summer school 4 th to 6 th September 2009, Bled, Slovenia

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