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R EPORT ON THE SOCIAL ENTERPRISES Submitted by: Submitted to: Riju Joshi Mr. Yogesh Moktan Samikshya Malla Business Studies Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "R EPORT ON THE SOCIAL ENTERPRISES Submitted by: Submitted to: Riju Joshi Mr. Yogesh Moktan Samikshya Malla Business Studies Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 R EPORT ON THE SOCIAL ENTERPRISES Submitted by: Submitted to: Riju Joshi Mr. Yogesh Moktan Samikshya Malla Business Studies Teacher

2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This presentation is based upon the basic information of Social Enterprises. I would like to thank our Business Studies Teacher, Mr. Yogesh Moktan for giving us this project. To prepare this project, secondary resources such as internet, books, prospectus and television were referred.

3 SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Social enterprises are businesses trading for social and environmental purposes. Many commercial businesses would consider themselves to have social objectives, but social enterprises are distinctive because their social and/or environmental purpose is absolutely central to what they do - their profits are reinvested to sustain and further their mission for positive change for environment and society. Main objective:  To make profit and reinvest the profit to help society  To provide jobs for the workers  To protect the environment

4 EXAMPLES OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISES  Fifteen: Fifteen is a commercial business with a purpose – a global social enterprise with young people at its heart.  Central Surrey Health: Central Surrey Health is a pioneering social enterprise in the health care world that is run by the nursing and therapy teams it employs.  Green-works: Green-works takes office furniture that would have been sent to the landfill and offers it at a large discount to charities and other organizations.

5 DIFFERENCE 1. As with all businesses, they compete to deliver goods and services. The difference is that social purpose is at the very heart of what they do, and the profits they make are reinvested towards achieving that purpose. 2. Unlike traditional business, they meet the needs of society. 3. Other businesses are much profit oriented but social enterprises focus on the social service and environment conservation. 4. Social enterprises are much popular through their people and environment based services.

6 IMPORTANCE OF PROFIT Social enterprises are businesses. They need to make a profit to compete in the market, to ensure their continued survival and to invest in their social or environmental aims. For many social enterprises, being sustainable - in every sense of the word - enables them to become more independent and to reduce any dependency on public grants. It also ensures they can continue to help provide a solution for a social or environmental problem.

7 TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE  First articulated by Freer Spreckly (1981) in a publication “Social audit – a management Tool For Cooperative Working”.  In 1989, John Elkington, co-founder of a consultancy focused on sustainability.  It is sometimes referred to as “TBL” or “3BL”  It stands for: People Planet Profit

8  It provides employment to people and also use its earning for the betterment of society.  It also plans for sustainable environment and less impact upon ecosystem  It also earns profit which is invested for the betterment of people and environment

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