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Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
© Pennsylvania Department of Education © Pennsylvania Department of Education Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
This presentation This presentation and links to all of the SLO resources can be found on the supervision and educator Effectiveness website Go to Click on Staff button Look for supervision and educator effectiveness link
Modified Schedule K-6 Classroom Teachers, Art, Music, PE/Health/DE, Library, FCS 9:00-10:00 SLO in Auditorium 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-11:15 SLO in Auditorium 11:15-12:15 Lunch (in Front of Cafeteria Please) 12:15-1:00 Talent Ed in Back of Cafeteria 1:00-3:30 SLO Collaboration with Department in Assigned Rooms 7-12 Classroom Teachers, Business/Computer, Special Ed(K-12) 11:15-12:00 Talent Ed in Back of Cafeteria 12:00-1:00 Lunch (in Front of Cafeteria Please)
Objectives Review Teacher effectiveness requirements. What’s New?
Determine how to select an assessment for SLOs. Explain how to complete the SLO template. Demonstrate use of the Talent Ed software.
Teaching Professionals
All classroom teachers If you plan, provide instruction, and give assessments, then you are a teaching professional. You must do an SLO Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 5 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Emphasizing the types of assessment This is what the system will ultimately look like in three years. For this year - Teacher Specific Data will not be included. Key Points for Trainers PVASS teachers is 20% No PVASS teachers are 35% ALL TEACHERS MUST develop an SLO – Anyone with direct instruction or teaching certificate Emphasize the 5 types of assessments – NOT PSSA or Keystone Assessments IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
This is what what the system will look like for next year. 2013/14 school year - 85% is Danielson Observation Evidence and 15% is Building level data. Pilot schools schools will submit one SLO per team. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Every Teaching Professional Designs an SLO
Math Physics Physical Education History Chemistry Every teacher is expected to create an SLO Kindergarten Special Ed Journalism IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Non-Teaching Professionals
School Counselors School Psychologist Home School Visitor School Nurse Instructional Technology Specialist Anyone working under a teacher cert who does not provide direct instruction (planning, instruction, and assessment) to students. Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 9 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Working Together to Create an SLO
Collaborative development of an SLO is encouraged (e.g., similar content area or grade level teachers, interdisciplinary groups of educators) Connie Collaboration is encouraged Ex. 3rd grade comprehension goal – group of secondary content area teachers developing a goal together. Non – negotiable – every teacher must develop an SLO for his/her particular group of students. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Student Learning Objective
PDE’s Definition: A process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 11 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
We are going through each section and the following will be an overview of the 5 sections from the template Handout SLO Blank Template attach the Performance Task Framework Designing, Building and Reviewing high quality SLOs and Assessments is a rich and worthwhile investment toward providing students with effective learning. Like many investments, the gain is seen over time, and the SLO process is no exception. To get started, school leaders responsible for implementing the SLO process will want to download the Word document version of the SLO Template, found in the SLO box, Build button, Templates stripe. Instructions for filling out the template can be found in the "Help Desk" tool, found in the SLO box, Build button, Stuff stripe. The Help Desk document provides instructions for the completion of every field on the SLO Process Template. As of , twelve models of completed SLO Templates can be found in the SLO box, Build button, Guides stripe. IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
What is the focus? Course? One period or all sections for the course?
Special Education, ELLs, gifted, all students? Think of a skill you know that you want to target? Is there an area of need? Is there a topic you want to get better at teaching? Remember, this is a personal goal for you as well as your students!
Student Learning Objective Examples Simplified
I want to see how my students improve in subtraction from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. I am going to give them a test in September to get baseline data. I am going to set a goal to reach by April I may assess them periodically throughout the year to benchmark their progress. Baseline was 22% proficient My goal is 50% proficient by April. Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 15 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Student Learning Objective Examples Simplified
In my woodworking class, my students struggle every year with measurement for the final bookshelf project. I want to focus on measurement with every project to prepare them for this culminating activity. I am going to include a rubric for each project that includes a criteria for using accurate measurements. At the end of the course, I will use the same rubric to assess mastery on the measurement concepts used in the bookshelf project. I want 80% or more of my students to earn a 3 or better on the 4 point measurement rubric for this final project. Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 16 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Student Learning Objective Examples Simplified
Every year, my students with special needs struggle to pass my Chapter 4 test. I have data to show that, on average, only 70% of IEP students pass this test each year. I want to set a goal for 85% this year (How?) Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 17 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Student Learning Objective Examples Simplified
I teach students to use MLA Style in my spring honors research project, and there are always a lot of errors. I am going to begin teaching and using MLA Style in the fall. I have developed a 5 point rubric that can be used all year to assess the use of MLA in 4 smaller papers and the final research project. I use the rubric for the first paper in September and only 40% of my students score a 4 or better. I want to show growth so that 80% of my students score a 4 or better on the final project. Process not a template Content standards of the teacher designing the SLO 18 IMT Orientation Draft 02Sept11-CS
Don’t re-invent the wheel!!!
Keep it simple Make it a worthwhile endeavor, something you know should be your focus If you are in a differentiated phase, this is your Action Research!!!!! The recommended number of students is 5 to 100 students (with a few exceptions).
What does an SLO Measure?
Growth vs. Mastery
Growth An assessment given multiple times throughout the course
4 sights, DRA, SRI, Physical Fitness test, musical performance, Could be a portion of an assessment Grammar and conventions assessed throughout the year on a rubric used to assess writing prompts Summary of a written science lab using the same scoring criteria Scores on PSSA/Keystone-like open ended math questions Shows Improvement over time
Mastery Could be one assessment or multiple assessments
Looks at whether or not the students successfully mastered that assessment. Think of it like the pssa/keystone Exams and whether or not the students are proficient on that assessment
Growth!!! Growth or Mastery? 4th grade teacher
Using 4 Sight in reading Looking for student improvement between first, second, third, and fourth administration of the assessment that year.
Mastery!!! Growth or Mastery? 9th grade Physical Education Class
Students go through conditioning for running the mile At the end of the semester, students are given an assessment to determine if they can run the mile The percent of students able to run the mile is calculated
Mastery!!! Growth or Mastery? Family Consumer Science
Students must pass a test in food safety and sanitation before being allowed to use the kitchen Students test and retest until they pass it The FCS teacher wants to look at increasing the number of students who pass this test on the first try
Growth!!! Growth or Mastery?
a goal to improve student responses to open ended questions in social studies Provides instruction throughout the year on how to restate the question in the response, provide a topic sentence, and a conclusion with each response A rubric is used to assess the three topics above and is used all year for multiple open ended responses (content graded separately) Comparison of how well students did 1st quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter and 4th Quarter on these 3 topics. BTW, this does align to CCSS for writing in Social Studies
Growth!!! Growth or Mastery?
CDT is given 3 times during the year in Algebra I Look for students to have an Overall scale score showing improvement of a minimum of one standard error above the first administration score.
Mastery!!! Growth or Mastery?
CDT is given 3 times during the year in Algebra I Looking at the last administration, the overall score for students is no less than the Algebra I Bottom of Green (1134).
Growth vs. mastery It is not so much the assessment you use but how you use it!
Which Assessment Should I use?
If you have a standardized assessment (4Sight, CDT, DRA, CFFA, SRI, etc.) USE IT!!!! If you don’t have a a standardized assessment, you must have a rubric to evaluate the skills you are assessing. You must complete the Performance Task framework in addition to the slo document. You may not use PSSA/Keystone/AP (Timeline) Think about an assessment on which you “should” focus to show personal/professional growth.
Questions about Assessment?
Stand up! Share with the person next to you: which assessment are you thinking about using? What are the skills you want students to master or to show growth? Why is this an area for your own personal growth?
Teacher Created vs. Standardized Assessments
If you are using a teacher-created assessment, you must complete the performance task template in addition to the slo. You must have a scoring rubric for a performance task, and/or an open-ended assessment or item. You must have a test blueprint for a test.
Sample Performance Task Models
PE Grade 3 Economics Math Grade 1 (Everyday Math Example) Others can be found on Click on instruction Click on Student learning objectives Click on models
Other Helpful Documents
Listed on the cover of the handout Links to all supervision information is on our Supervision/Teacher effectiveness link off of the staff page of our website
Goal & Objectives Goal: Participants will:
Build Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) for use in guiding instruction and determining student mastery and/or growth as part of Pennsylvania’s Teacher Effectiveness system. Participants will: 1. Review each section of the “SLO Process Template ” and the “Help Desk” definitions. 2. Complete the SLO Process Template AND applicable Performance Measures. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Outline of the Build Module Preview SLO Template & Help Desk
Building Classroom Context SLO Goal Performance Measures Performance Indicators Elective Rating Preview SLO Template & Help Desk Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Student Learning Objectives
Preview Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 1: Classroom Context
General Description Contains demographic information about the educational setting Articulates the course, grade(s), and students the SLO is based on Provides class size, frequency, and duration data Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 1: Classroom Context
Element Definition 1a. Name Educator’s full name 1b. School Name of school(s) to which the educator is assigned during the current year. 1c. District Name of district to which the educator is assigned during the current year. 1d. Class/Course Title Name of the class/course/content upon which the SLO is based. 1e. Grade Level Grade level(s) for those students included within class/course identified in Element 1d. 1f. Total # of Students Aggregate number of students (estimated, across multiple sections) for which data will be collected and applied to this SLO. 1g. Typical Class Size The “average” number of students in a single session of the class/course identified in Element 1d. 1h. Class Frequency The frequency and time frame in which the class/course identified in Element 1d is delivered. 1i. Typical Class Duration The average number of minutes allocated to deliver a “session” of the class/course identified in Element 1d. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 2: SLO Goal General Description
Contains a statement about the “Big Idea” the SLO is based upon Provides the specific PA standards associated with the goal Articulates a rationale about the Goal Statement Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 2: SLO Goal Element Definition 2a. Goal Statement
Narrative articulating the “big idea” upon which the SLO is based. 2b. PA Standards References the PA Standards that align with the Goal Statement. Numeric references to PA Standards are found at: References additional professional organization standards that align to the Goal Statement. 2c. Rationale Narrative providing reasons why the Goal Statement and the aligned standards address important learning for the class/course/content area. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 3: Performance Measures
General Description Identifies all performance measures, including name, purpose, type, and metric Articulates the administration and scoring details, including the reporting Note: Section 3 is based upon high-quality performance measures aligned to the targeted content standards (see Assessment Literacy Series: Quick Start PA materials) Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 3: Performance Measures
Element Definition 3a. Name List the name of each Performance Measure for which a Performance Indicator is established in Section 4a. 3b. Type Identify the type(s) of Performance Measure(s) listed in 3a. From the given list, select all types that are applicable. 3c. Purpose The purpose statement for each Performance Measure that addresses who, what, and why. 3d. Metric The metric used by the performance measure to evaluate the performance indicator. 3e. Administration Frequency The timeframe during the school year that the Performance Measures are administered to students. For Performance Measures administered more than one time, the frequency (e.g., quarterly) is annotated. 3f. Adaptations/ Accommodations Identifies and lists any unique adaptations or special accommodations needed for IEP, ELL, Gifted IEP, or Others to complete the tasks within each Performance Measure. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 3: Performance Measures (cont.)
Element Definition 3g. Resources/Equipment Identifies any unique resources, including equipment and personnel, associated with each Performance Measure. 3h. Scoring Tools Identifies the scoring “tools” for each Performance Measure For objective measures, scoring keys and SCR (Short Constructed Response) /ECR (Extended Constructive Response) rubrics are identified. For subjective measures, the name of each scoring rubric and accompanying guidelines are listed. 3i. Administration & Scoring Personnel Identifies two key individuals: the person administering the Performance Measure(s) and the person scoring. This is particularly important for subjective measures in which the subject matter expert is both administrator and scorer. 3j. Performance Reporting Identifies the manner by which student performance on the Performance Measures will be communicated to others (as appropriate). The “Summary” selection is provided to describe student achievement for linked and/or weighted Performance Measures. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 4: Performance Indicators
General Description Articulates targets for each Performance Measure Includes all students in the identified SLO group May include a focused student group Affords opportunity to link and/or weight indicators Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 4: Performance Indicators
Element Definition 4a. PI Targets: All Student Group A description of the expected level of achievement for each student in the SLO population (as defined in Element 1f) based on the scoring tool(s) used for each performance measure (as listed in Element 3a). 4b. PI Targets: Focused Student Group (optional) A description of the expected level of achievement for students in a subset of the SLO population (as defined in Element 1f) based on the scoring tool(s) used for each performance measure (as listed in Element 4a. Subset populations can be identified through prior student achievement data or through content-specific pre-test data. 4c. PI Linked (optional) A description of any performance measures for which a student must meet a specific achievement level in order to meet achievement levels on additional performance measures. 4d. PI Weighting (optional) An assignment of proportional values among PIs prior to aggregation and application to Section 5. Weighting can be applied when there are more than one performance indicator. 4646 Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
What is “Assessment Literacy”?
The skills, knowledge, and concepts associated with sound assessment practices, including the critical review of quality evidence. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Assessment Life Cycle Examine Validity Evidence
Establish Assessment Purpose(s) and Design Build Test Specifications & Blueprint Develop Items Develop Scoring Keys and Rubrics Create Operational Forms & Administrative Guidelines Review Forms Administer Assessment and Report Results Examine Validity Evidence Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Principles of Well-Developed Measures
Measures must: Be built to achieve the designed purpose; Produce results that are used for the intended purpose; Align to targeted content standards; Contain a balance between depth and breadth of targeted content; Be standardized, rigorous, and fair; Be sensitive to testing time and objectivity; and, Have score validity and reliability evidence. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 5: Elective Rating
General Description Classifies percentages of students who are meeting the Performance Indicator targets into four levels: Failing, Needs Improvement, Proficient, and Distinguished. Selects the overall SLO rating (see Section 5b). Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 5: Elective Rating (cont.)
Element Definition 5a. Level Four levels of projected performance regarding the PI, reflecting a continuum established by the educator prior to the evaluation period. Each performance level (i.e., Failing, Needs Improvement, Proficient, and Distinguished) is populated with a percentage range such that 0% to 100% meeting expectations is distributed among the levels. 5b. Rating Given the actual performance regarding the PI, the principal or evaluator identifies one of four performance levels. This section is not completed until after performance data are collected, reviewed, and evaluated against each performance indicator, and in the aggregate, against 5a criteria. Notes/ Explanation Provides space for the educator to articulate influences, factors, and other conditions associated with the assigned rating as well as to reflect on purposeful review of the data. Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Section 5: Elective Rating (cont.)
Independent Performance Indicators SLO based on 100 students in each indicator PI #1 Jumping PI #2 Hopping PI #3 Sprinting Met Expectations 25 50 75 Total Number of SLO Students 100 The sum of all students that met expectations ( ) The sum of all students ( ) Resultant: (150/300 = .50 or 50%) Module 2-Building SLOs - May 2014
Your task this afternoon
Receive training in Talent Ed Determine your area of focus for the slo (remember to collaborate if possible) Define the assessment(s) used complete Peroformance Task Framework and rubrics/blueprints if necessary (done in Talent Ed with attachments) Complete slo document (in Talent Ed)
Timeline Slos and task frameworks are due for approval by the end of the day on october 13th. Conversations with your principal between now and October 13th to review your goals and receive feedback. ½ day on October 13th to finalize the documents and assessments and submit them for approval. If you plan to attend the BCIU common inservice in october you must have your slo approved by your principal
Support Ask three before me……
Talk about your ideas with your department peers Department Coordinators were trained in slos last year by bciu, so they should be able to answer many questions for you. Principals will be floating around to your classrooms to provide support and answer questions I wish I could read all of your slos, but there just is not time. I will be around to help if you have questions.
Classrooms by department
ESL: Room 414 World Language: Room 414 Business/Computer: Room 201 JSHS Special Ed/Gifted: Room 412 Grades K-1-2: Choral Suite Grades 3-4: Cafeteria Rear Grades 5-6: Cafeteria Rear Grades K-6 Special Ed/Gifted: Room 412 Math: Room 117 ELA: Room 413 Social Studies: Room 115 Science/Tech ed/ag Room: 107 PE/Health/DE: Library Art/Music: Library Library: Library FCS: Library
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