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Los Angeles and Orange County 2011 Commencement Overview for Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Angeles and Orange County 2011 Commencement Overview for Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Angeles and Orange County 2011 Commencement Overview for Students

2 Check your regalia before you arrive to the commencement ceremony.

3 You will head directly to the Gold Room (2 nd floor of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium). Check-In is at 9:15 am sharp. At the Check-In table, you will receive a White Reader card.

4 Important Information Commencement Website – Please refer to this site for all information regarding commencement: nt_Affairs/Commencement nt_Affairs/Commencement Doctoral Level Students – Do NOT wear your hoods – you will be hooded on stage Master Level Students – You must wear your hoods Pictures – The best time to take pictures is prior to the event. After the event the Regalia will need to be returned to the Gold Room no later than 2:00pm.

5 Important Information Con’t. Time line – 9:15 am Master and Doctoral Participant Procession Check-In and Lineup – located in the Gold Room of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium (commencement participants only) – 10:00 am The Pasadena Civic Auditorium opens for public seating (no balloons allowed) – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Commencement begins in the Pasadena Civic Auditorium (doors will close at 10:59 am for the procession and will not allow attendance by guests until the procession is completed). The venues adjacent to the Auditorium are booked, please anticipate delays with parking and to plan accordingly to ensure you are at check-in on time and your guests have plenty of time to enter the venue.

6 Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical Psychology Student Name Student Address Student email A White Reader card is given to every graduate candidate at Check-In. The candidates diploma name is read by the Reader. You may NOT change the name on the card.

7 A Yellow card informs the Reader the graduate candidate is the first individual to be announced from a program. Doctor of Philosophy Clinical Psychology

8 A Red Card informs the Reader the graduate candidate is the last individual from a program. This concludes the degree for: Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology

9 Candidates: Before walking across stage WHITE CARD YELLOW CARD If you are the first graduate candidate in line for your program you will be given a Yellow card. Place the Yellow card on top of the White card.

10 Red CARD If you are the last graduate candidate in line for your program you will be given a Red card. Place the White card on top of the Red card. WHITE CARD

11 Candidate Procession: A Marshal will lead you to your seat. STAGE M Graduate Seating

12 Graduates M PresidentReaderHooding (Doc. level only) Presentation of Graduates A Marshal will lead you to the stage. After crossing the stage, you will return to your seat and sit down.

13 Graduate Recession: A Marshal will lead you out of the auditorium. You will be guided outside of the Auditorium. Note: Regalia must be returned to the Gold by 2:00pm (tams/mortarboards and tassels you may keep) STAGE M Graduate Seating

14 Congratulations!

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