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Theatre On The Square Pre-design. Analyzing Character Defining Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Theatre On The Square Pre-design. Analyzing Character Defining Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theatre On The Square Pre-design

2 Analyzing Character Defining Elements




6 Project Manual Each student shall assemble a project manual for the purpose of maintaining an organized record of project development. The manual shall be tabbed as follows: Administrative assignment packet / schedule Program Site data Property lines / zoning Photo documentation Handouts Code review / theatre guidelines Systems information file by CSI sixteen div. format

7 Outline for Week 7 submit for Friday pin-up Program (team) collect transcripts write draft Site selection & analysis (team) diagram the analysis photo document site general information Conceptual Site Layout (individual) overlay basic program components in response to internal / external analysis

8 Programming “The art listening and asking the right questions” Defining spatial quantity, quality and adjacency requirements

9 Programming Coversheet Information Project Location Client

10 Programming Lobby (1) ……………………… 1000 to 1500 sf Ticket office (1)……………….. 150 Restrooms (2) @……………… 200 Front office (3) @ …………….. 125 A quantitative outline is not a complete program

11 Program Components Quantitative: Size / how many Qualitative: How space functions General character Special features – lighting / acoustics Adjacency Requirements strong relationship neutral relationship separate

12 Quantitative Lobby One space – 1000 to 1500 sf. Space size may be expressed in terms other than square footage which requires a conversion factor Example: Auditorium with seating capacity of 325 assume a gross area of 10 – 12 s.f. per seat

13 Qualitative A non numerical description Example: Lobby Public space that facilitates the transition from sidewalk to the auditorium. Ample space for patrons to assemble in a social setting prior to entering the auditorium. The lobby by its transparency should represent to the street a sense of social vitality and cultural richness. It is “the other stage” where patrons gather to “see and be seen”. The lobby ……………………………

14 Street Transition / buffer lobby offices Ticket window restrooms The house Adjacencies Addresses the importance of the physical relationship between two spaces

15 Lobby One space – 1000 to 1500 sf. Public space that facilitates the transition from sidewalk to the auditorium. Ample space for patrons to assemble in a social setting prior to entering the auditorium. The lobby by its transparency should represent to the street a sense of social vitality and cultural richness. It is “the other stage” where patrons gather to “see and be seen”. The lobby …………………………… Street Transition / buffer lobby offices Ticket window restrooms The house

16 Internal relationship diagram is too complex - simplify Think Internal

17 The four primary zones defined in terms of function and access. This is an extension of the program and is not site specific Backstage support The house Lobby and public support Public space Non public space Stage The link

18 Street Transition / buffer lobby offices Ticket window restrooms The house Diagramming each primary zone separately may be less confusing

19 External Site Specific Analysis High visibility public access Service access Direct stage access Indirect stage access Highly illuminated street presents Totally controlled illumination (windowless) house stage Potential for public display of backstage activity

20 Site Evaluation

21 Site Districts Government Food & Soft Goods Religious Undeveloped PARK Food & Soft Goods

22 Parking

23 Pedestrian Circulation

24 Site Approx. 22,000 sf. Food and Drink

25 Back stage on display Service Main Entrance Conceptual layout Lobby House Support
















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