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Word of the day (Palabra del día) : 1 - Copy the palabra del día (PDD) in the “Word of the Day” section of your notebook under Semana 29 – 3/2 – 3/6 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the day (Palabra del día) : 1 - Copy the palabra del día (PDD) in the “Word of the Day” section of your notebook under Semana 29 – 3/2 – 3/6 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the day (Palabra del día) : 1 - Copy the palabra del día (PDD) in the “Word of the Day” section of your notebook under Semana 29 – 3/2 – 3/6 1 – comprar un regalo – 4 – tener celos de – 2 – romper con–5 – mentir – 3 – insultar –6 – compartir – (PARA EMPEZAR, TRABAJO EN CLASE & DEBERES) Español 3 Honores – Semana 29 – 3/2 – 3/6 viernes 3/6 – Horario Regular Warm-up (Para Empezar): Do this in “Para Empezar” under SEMANA 29 2 – ¿Cómo se dice en Español? 1 – Forgive me 2 – I’m sorry; I didn’t know. 3 – to admit/make a mistake 4 – to discuss a problem 5 – to lie 6 – to be disloyal 7 – to be jealous of 8 – to give oneself time to think

2 Agenda: 1 – Revisar - Para Empezar 2 – Revisar – Deber – Cuaderno de gram.p.60y61- #15 Objective (Objetivo): Making an apology; describing an ideal relationship Standards (Normas): Standard: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standard: 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standard: 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Standard: 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Standard: 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.

3 3 – Texto p. 205 – Así se dice – Vocabulario Describing an ideal relationship ¿Cómo debe ser un(a) buen(a) amigo(a)? What should a good friend be like? Debe ser alguien que me apoye y que respete mis sentimientos. It should be someone that supports and respects my feelings....que no tenga celos de mis otros(as) amigos(as). He/she shouldn’t be jealous of my other friends. ¿Qué buscas en un(a) novio(a)? What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? Busco a alguien a quien le gusten los deportes y que sepa algo de la música. I am looking for someone who likes sports and that knows something about music.

4 ...que nunca me mienta, que siempre me diga la verdad. Someone that never lies to me, someone that always tells me the truth. No aguanto a nadie que sea descortés. I can't stand anyone who's rude.

5 4 – Texto p. 205 - #27 – Gramática

6 5 – Texto p. 205 - Gramática – Gramática The subjunctive with the unknown or nonexistent 1.When describing a person or thing that is unknown or indefinite, the subjunctive follows que. The personal a is omitted before nouns but not before alguien. Busco un novio que sea simpático. Busco a alguien que me apoye. 1.When using negative words like nada, nadie, or ninguno(a) before a que clause, use the subjunctive. The personal a always precedes nadie when it's a direct object. No hay nada que podamos hacer. No conozco a nadie que viva allí.

7 sepa sepas sepa sepamos sepan 1.The present subjunctive of saber is irregular: #38

8 6 – Texto p. 206 - #29 – Trabajo en clase

9 EL DEBER: viernes 3/6 – 1 – Cuaderno de gram.p. 61, 62 y 63 2 – Prueba – Cap. 7 Segundo Paso – martes, 10 de marzo.

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