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University of Missouri September 16, 2010. Project Objectives  Improve the current business process of creating travel reimbursements  Enhance travel.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Missouri September 16, 2010. Project Objectives  Improve the current business process of creating travel reimbursements  Enhance travel."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Missouri September 16, 2010

2 Project Objectives  Improve the current business process of creating travel reimbursements  Enhance travel reimbursements by efficiently taking advantage of opportunities provided by an internet software solution  Streamline the review, approval and payment process of creating travel reimbursements  Capture data about travel expenditures that we do not currently have readily available

3 What is PS Travel & Expenses?  Travel Authorization (optional)  Cash Advances (optional)  Travel Expense Reports Travel & Expenses will be used only for reimbursing employee travel expenses.

4 Impact on the Traveler  Expense Report can be accessed through the Internet and completed anywhere, anytime.  Enter expenses online into PS Travel and Expenses Module instead of paper travel form.  Expenditures made on the University travel card will result in reduced manual entry in entering expenses online.  Receipts are still required for expenditures over $75 plus all lodging and car rental. Traveler will image receipts by either faxing or emailing to the server.  Electronic routing for approvals.

5 Impact on the Supervisor/Approver  Notification by email that Expense Reports are ready for approval. Ability to electronically approve or send back to employee for additional information  If travel expense is to be charged to a grant, the Expense Report will be routed to the Principal Investigator for approval.  HR Supervisor will approve the Expense Report.  Approval will also be done at the fiscal level.  Campus Accounting will initially continue to review.

6 Workflow of Expense Report  Traveler (or delegate) completes ER  Traveler submits receipts  Project manager (PI) approves, if grant funded  HR supervisor approves  Fiscal Officer approves  Accounting can review pre and post pay.

7 Major Project Milestones  July 2009 - October 2010 Installation and Setup Development and Testing Phases  November 2010: Final reviews, security setup  December 2010 – June 2011: Rollout Period  Entire campus using T&E by July 1, 2011

8 Roll out and training plans to be determined by each campus  Rollout Plans How – Big Bang or phased in approach When – 6 month window  Training Plan Online tutorial Auditorium style Small class settings & labs

9 Role of Focus Team  Testing Travel & Expenses functionality for Travelers Delegates Approvers  Test in group sessions and individually  Test unique travel situations  Log testing scenarios  Report testing results to Focus Team Lead  Give advice for training and rollout  Testing phase through early October

10 Focus Team Members Debbie BraunFaith Lucas Mary BrownRobert Mayo Bernadette DaltonKathy Meeks Vicki GalvinRuthann Perkins Linda GatsonLindell Royal Dora GriffinRenae Smith Charlotte HitchcockRandall Vogan Tina Hyken

11 Training Materials  Training materials are under development  Online Training Tool  Quick Reference guide  Travel Policy Review

12 Questions??

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