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Welcome to the 2012- 2013 school year!. P ositive choices A ct responsibly W ork cooperatively S trive for success.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2012- 2013 school year!. P ositive choices A ct responsibly W ork cooperatively S trive for success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2012- 2013 school year!

2 P ositive choices A ct responsibly W ork cooperatively S trive for success

3 Aim for the moon in all you do… including your behavior! Begin now… By following… CCMS’s Common Area Guidelines for Success!

4 What are Common Areas? Common Areas include those areas of the building that are common to all groups…. Or that are shared by all groups….

5 What do you think the common areas are? The auditorium? That’s right! The cafeteria? Right again!!! The halls, bathrooms and gyms? Perfect!

6 Hallways Goal: The halls will be a safe and clean environment where people interact with courtesy and respect.

7 Hallways  Walk only on the right.  Walk in single or double file at designated place.  Keep hands, feet, books, etc. to yourself.  Keep your voice level at a zero.  Stop and talk with a staff member if that adult requests that you do so.  Do what the staff member asks you to do when that adult request that you correct a behavior.

8 Cafeteria

9 Goal: The lunch line and lunch area will be a safe and clean environment where people interact with courtesy and respect.

10 Cafeteria Expectations: * Be respectful to each other and all adults * Sit with your class only * Pick up your water as you enter the cafeteria * Stay seated unless dumping your tray, or if you have received permission from an adult to get extras * Use proper table manners * Elect one person from your table to get a rag and clean the table before you leave * Help keep cafeteria clean * Line up inside the cafeteria door when your class is called

11 Goal: The auditorium will be an environment where people interact in a respectful and responsible way. Auditorium/Gym Guidelines for Success:

12 Goal: The auditorium or gym will be an environment where people interact in a respectful and responsible way.

13  Students and teacher will proceed together quietly to their assigned seating and remain there until dismissed.  S t udents should leave all books and supplies in the locked classroom.  Speak quietly with people on either side of you until the speaker approaches the microphone or the lights dim.  Give full attention to the program or speaker.  Follow instructions given during the program.  Stay seated until dismissed and then return quietly to the classroom.

14 Classroom: We ROAR in the classroom

15 Goal: The classroom will be a safe and orderly environment where people interact with courtesy and respect.

16 Classroom Guidelines for Success Respect On time and prepared Active learner Responsible

17 At CCMS, we show all 4 P.A.W.S. in the common areas and we R.O.A.R in the classrooms.

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