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Vocabulary attention Looking and listening with care.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary attention Looking and listening with care."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary

3 attention Looking and listening with care.

4 accident Something you did not want or expect to happen.


6 safety Having to do with freedom from danger.

7 audience A group that listens or watches.

8 ReviewWords

9 auditorium A public building where an audience sits.

10 officer A person who helps enforce the law.


12 commands Orders given to someone.

13 swivel chair A type of chair that rotates.

14 ReviewWords

15 banner A strip of cloth or paper with writing or a picture on it.

16 stared Looked long and hard at something.


18 enormous Unusually large; huge.

19 imagination The ability to make up stories that are not real.

20 ReviewWords

21 puddle A small amount of water collected in one place.

22 electrical Having to do with electricity.


24 applauded Showed approval by clapping the hands.

25 ReviewWords

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