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1 Seattle Is Sleepless (Five days and Four nights) Present by 黃旭正 王統正 林紀淳 周金雀.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Seattle Is Sleepless (Five days and Four nights) Present by 黃旭正 王統正 林紀淳 周金雀."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Seattle Is Sleepless (Five days and Four nights) Present by 黃旭正 王統正 林紀淳 周金雀

2 2 Outline Introduction of Seattle Budget and how we Seattle Situations and how we Q & A

3 3 Introduction of Seattle Seattle is situated in the west of Washington, the northwestern most state in the 'lower 48.' The largest city in the state, Seattle sits on a skinny slip of land between the Puget Sound and Lake Washington. Lake Union and the Lake Washington Ship Canal divide the city into northern and southern halves; downtown and the Capitol Hill and Queen Anne neighborhoods lie south of the canal, the U District is to the northeast.

4 4 Continue…. Compared to the rest of the city, downtown orientation is pretty straightforward. Historic Pioneer Square contains most of the must- see sites. Seattle Center, home to many of the city's cultural and sport facilities, is just northwest of downtown. Alaskan Way is the Waterfront's main drag. Interstate 5 runs north- south through the city center.

5 5 Continue…. Seattle's Sea-Tac Airport is 13 miles (21km) south of the city. Amtrak trains use the King St Station, north of the new Seahawks stadium, just south of Pioneer Square. Greyhound's bus terminal is at 8th Ave and Stewart St, on the northern fringe of downtown. Green Tortoise buses leave from behind the Greyhound depot.

6 6 Seattle Pa Pa Go! Seattle Art Musenum The new Seattle Art Museum occupies an urban setting that results in an internally complex vertical building containing an auditorium, classroom, meeting spaces, cafe and floors of galleries as well as service spaces.

7 7 Seattle Pa Pa Go! Pike Place Market For a hungry traveller on a budget, Seattle has no greater attraction than the Pike Place Market. Nearly a century old, Pike Place is one of Seattle's most popular landmarks, as famous for the theatrics of its boisterous vendors as it is for its vastly appealing edibles. Its most popular buildings are the Main and North arcades, with their artfully arranged banks of produce, and fresh fish, crabs and mollusks piled high on ice.

8 8 Seattle Pa Pa Go! University of Washington Founded 4 November 1861, the University of Washington is one of the oldest state-supported institutions of higher education on the Pacific coast. The University is comprised of three campuses: the Seattle campus, the Bothell and Tacoma campuses.

9 9 Target trip budget $ 1,900.00 Total AirfareTotal cost of tickets $ 180.00for1ticket(s) $ 600.00 (four people) HotelCost per night $ 45.00for4night(s) $ 360.00 (two rooms) Food (four people)Cost per day $ 50.00for5day(s) $ 250.00 Carpool(four people)Cost per day $ 48.00for4day(s) $ 192.00 EntertainmentAmount $ 100.00 GiftsAmount $ 120.00 MiscellaneousAmount $ 55.00 Total cost of the trip $ 1,677.00 You're under budget by $ 223.00 Seattle Trip Budget

10 10 How can we save so much? We book our ticket early, not in the hot season and online We booked B&B hotels- which means “Bed and breakfast”. Suddenly we saved one meal. And the hotel just near the airport. We don’t have to take the taxi. The hotel staff picked up us in the airport and delivered back us to the airport. We don’t rent the car. Instantly we are saving on the car insurance and gas When we visited Seattle Art Museum. We asked for the special discount for art teacher

11 11 The Situations we met The Airplanes Transferred The Airport Security Check How can we ask for hotel staff to pick up in the airport. How can we check in the hotel. How can we take the carpool to Seattle downtown. How can we find the locations which we want to go When we in the art of museum.

12 12 Sat in the airplane Air hostess close by… I say: Excuse me, Miss. Do you know which gate we should board? Our destination is Seattle. Air hostess say: It’s Gate 8. I say : Thank you. Air hostess say: You’re welcome.

13 13 Police Officer The security check stations…. Officer: ID please and take off your shoes. Officer: Do you take any hazardous things ? Me: No. Sir. Officer: O.K. Here is your ID. Me: Thank you, Sir.

14 14 In the airport phone booth Inside the phone booth The hotel stuff: Hello. This is Best Western Hotel. How can I address your call? Me: I am xxx. I am the hotel guest. Can you pick up us at the airport. We have four people. The hotel stuff: O.K. I got it. Please go to the east building parking lot. We have someone there. I say: Thank you. The hotel stuff: You’re welcome.

15 15 Hotel Desk Hotel desk…. I say: Here is hotel registration paper copy. The hotel stuff says: O.K. You are xxx. These are your keys. Please leave your credit card if there is some extra change. The room checked out time is 11:00 am. Your room is on the second floor. Just go upstairs. Then make right turn. You will see your room right there. I say: Here you go. Thank you. The hotel stuff says: You’re welcome.

16 16 Inside the Room On the phone…. The free to go company stuff say: This is free to go company. How can I help you? I say: No. Sir. We need the car to go to Seattle downtown on 8:30 am. We have four people and live in the Best Western Hotel. The free to go company stuff say: O.K. The single ride ticket is 6 dollars for each person. The two ways ticket is 12 dollars per each person. I say: Well. Sir. We need two ways. The free to go company stuff say : Total is 48 dollars See you on 8:30am near the hotel entrance I say: Thank you. Bye The free to go company stuff say: You’re welcome.

17 17 Seattle Downtown On the street…. I say: Excuse me, Sir. Do you know where is Seattle art museum? Mr. Walker say: Go straight around four blocks. You will see it on your right hand side. I say: Thank you. Mr. Walker say: You’re welcome.

18 18 Inside Seattle Art Museum Information Desk…. The stuff say: How can I help you? I say: Do you know how much for one adult ticket? The stuff say: It’s 10 dollars per person. I say: Can you give this lady discount? Because she is high school art teacher. The stuff say: O.K. No problem. It’s 7 dollars for her. I say: Thank you very much The stuff say: You’re welcome.

19 19 Q & A

20 20 Thank You Everyone has wonderful day

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