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Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification: Challenges and Future Directions Meera Sridhar and Kevin W. Hamlen University of Texas at Dallas January.

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Presentation on theme: "Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification: Challenges and Future Directions Meera Sridhar and Kevin W. Hamlen University of Texas at Dallas January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification: Challenges and Future Directions Meera Sridhar and Kevin W. Hamlen University of Texas at Dallas January 29, 2011 Supported by a grant from AFOSR PLPV 2011 Austin, TX

2 Outline Part I: Introduction – IRM's and the IRM Certification Problem Part II: IRM Policy Specification Challenges – How can we specify policies in a way that is both intuitive and amenable to both automated enforcement and automated certification? Part III: Three Outstanding IRM Certification Challenges – Runtime code generation – Concurrency – Semantic equivalence 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 2

3 Reference Monitors (not in-lined) 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 3 OS/VM R EFERENCE M ONITOR grant/denyevent Examples: file system permissions memory safety Disadvantages: — changing the policy requires changing the OS/VM — Example: On Windows, enforce “applications cannot create files ending in.exe” UNTRUSTED CODE

4 In-lined Reference Monitors [Schneider, TISSEC, ‘00] 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 4 OS/VM R EFERENCE M ONITOR grant/deny event UNTRUSTED CODE  enforce safety policies by injecting runtime security guards into untrusted binaries o guards test whether the impending operation constitutes a policy violation, and if so some corrective action is taken  maintain history of security-relevant events  Advantages: o enforce richer policies: e.g., no network sends after file reads o sufficient to enforce safety, some liveness o more powerful than purely static analysis o No need to modify the OS/VM o more flexible: code recipient can specify security policy  Examples: SASI [Erlingsson, Schneider], Java-MAC [Kim, Kannan, Lee, Sokolsky, Viswanathan], Java-MOP [Chen, Rosu], Polymer [Bauer, Ligatti, Walker], ConSpec [Aktug, Naliuka], MoBILe [Hamlen, Morrisett, Schneider]

5 In-lined Reference Monitor E XAMPLE 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 5 b := false;... call Read; b := true;... if b then halt; call Send;... Policy: no sends after reads untrusted BINARY coderewritten binary code Rewriter... call Read;... call Send;...

6 IRM Certification IRMs really powerful, but want formal guarantees that static analysis can provide solution: static verification of IRMs – best of both worlds! – combine power and flexibility of dynamic monitoring with strong formal guarantees of static analysis What do we want from the certifier? – automatic, machine-certification of IRM's on-demand – formal guarantees of soundness – rewritten code satisfies the policy transparency – behavior of good programs preserved by rewriting – light-weight certifier (embedded systems) 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 6

7 IRM Certification 1/17/2010 Sridhar and Hamlen: Model-Checking In-lined Reference Monitors 7 R EWRITER UNTRUSTED CODE POLICY VERIFIER reject (rewriter failure) execute REWRITTEN CODE Related work: ConSpec [Aktug, Naliuka, Sci. of Comp. Prog, ‘08] (certification via contracts), MoBILe [Hamlen, Morrisett, Schneider, PLAS, ‘06] (certification via type-checking) [Sridhar, Hamlen, VMCAI, ‘10] (certification via model-checking) Trusted Computing Base

8 Certifiying IRMs A N EW P ROBLEM D OMAIN certifying IRM’s easier than verifying safety of arbitrary code! – interplay between certifier and rewriter power – rewriter simplifies certifier’s task by inserting guards that obviate safety proof – certifier only needs to identify guards used by IRM to protect dangerous operations verify that guards are not circumvented by unguarded control flows – greater certifier power = greater rewriter flexibility Certifier can be lighter weight – SPIN vs. our previous work ( [DeVries, Gupta, Hamlen, Moore, Sridhar, PLAS, ‘09], [Sridhar, Hamlen, VMCAI, ‘10] ) Different than Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) – PCC rewriters (certifying compilers) [Necula, Lee] leverage source level info – typically unavailable to binary rewriters 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 8

9 Policy Specification Languages A PPROACH 1 policies themselves expressed as code-transformation recipes policy spec tells rewriters what to do most IRM systems today problem: – specification parts consist of code fragments (advice) – approach lends itself to rewriting – but meaningful certification difficult – certification only makes sense when a policy is a program property rewriting sub-problem of certification, leaks back into TCB (examples: ConSpec [Aktug, Naliuka], Polymer [Bauer, Ligatti, Walker], Java-MOP [Chen, Rosu], SASI [Erlingsson, Schneider], [Evans, Twynman, S&P, ‘99], Java-MaC [Kim, Kannan, Lee, Sokolsky, Vishwanathan] ) 1/29/20119 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification

10 Approach 1 A POLICY IN C ONSPEC Policy: no sends after reads SCOPE Session SECURITY STATE bool accessed = false; bool permission = false; BEFORE Network.Send PERFORM !accessed -> {permission = true;} accessed -> {permission = false;} AFTER File.Read PERFORM true -> {accessed = true;} -- IRM must have exactly these variables, must have exactly these functions -- for general IRMs, re-do work of rewriter to check 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 10

11 temporal logics (LTL etc.), security automata, types(?) Key Benefits: – verification of P possible without synthesizing a program satisfying P – certifier does not inspect original untrusted code less code duplication between rewriter and certifier certification  meaningful reduction to TCB certification  meaningful second line of defense – policies define what security property not how rewriter free to pick optimal rewriting strategy customized according to information available only at rewrite time 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 11 Policy Specification Languages A B ETTER A PPROACH specify policies purely declaratively

12 Certifying IRMs R ELATED W ORK S URVEY Mobile [Hamlen, Morrisett, Schneider] – can verify general temporal properties – limited guard recognition – requires specific dynamic state representation scheme, – limited aliasing of security-relevant objects Model-checking [Sridhar, Hamlen, VMCAI, ‘10] – security automata for abstract interpretation lattice – policy violations -- stuck states in concrete small-step operational semantics – proof of soundness -- abstract machine sound w.r.t. concrete machine Information-flow IRMs [Chudnov, Naumann, CSF, ‘10] – proof that a particular rewriting algorithm is both sound and transparent 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 12

13 Part III Three prominent, challenging, unsolved problems in the IRM certification domain. eval() concurrency transparency 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 13

14 eval() performs runtime code generation (similar to Lisp back-quote) consistent concern in security literature majority of past IRM work assumes either: – eval sufficiently rare  simply reject conservatively – sufficiently innocuous  safely ignore actuality – – widespread, nontrivial, security-relevant (e.g. XSS) use of eval [Richards, Lebresne, Burg, Vitek, PLDI, ‘10] function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ eval (targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; } 1/29/2011 14 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification

15 eval() V ERIFICATION C HALLENGE naïve solutions – – simply pass runtime-generated code through second round of rewriting! not a feasible option! - not very scalable, majority IRM frameworks -- rewriter is unavailable at runtime – sanitize! need something smarter main static analysis challenge – string input typically constructed from several components – some only available at runtime (e.g., user input) current static analyses, either – ignore it ( [Anderson, Drossopoulou, WOOD, ‘03], [Anderson, Giannini, ENTCS, ‘05], [Jang, Choe, SAC, ‘09], [Thiemann, TLDI, ‘05] ), or – supply a relatively inflexible mechanism ( [Guha, Krishnamurthi, Jim, WWW, ‘09], [Jensen, Moller, Thiemann, SAS, ‘09] ) fixed reference grammar does not generalize to non-trivial generation of strings outside 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 15

16 eval() P RIOR W ORK 1.[Christensen, Moller, Schwartzbach, SAS, ‘03] – extract context-free grammars from Java programs – use a natural language processing algorithm to compute regular grammars – grammars generate each string expression’s language of possible values 2.[Thiemann, TLDI, ‘05] – type system for analyzing string expressions – type inferencing infers language inclusion constraints for each string expression – the constraints are then viewed as a CFG nonterminal for each string-valued expression solved using algorithms based on Earley’s parsing algorithm 3.[Minamide, WWW, ‘05] – analysis of string expressions based on a prior Java string analyzer [Christensen, Moller, Schwartzbach, SAS, ‘03] – instead of transforming the extracted grammar into a regular grammar, they use trancuders to define a CFG 4.[Doh, Kim, Schmidt, SAS, ‘09] Abstract parsing – strengthens the above by statically computing an abstract parse stack in an LR(k) grammar for each security-relevant string – abstract parse stacks retain structural information about dynamically generated strings – parse stacks can be checked by a tainting analysis or for inclusion in a reference grammar to detect attacks 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 16

17 our intuition about existing work: – does not yet support sufficiently powerful dynamic checks to achieve this – common inadequacy -- conditional branching treated as non- determinism – need rewriter to generate meaningful guard instructions 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 17 eval() S OLUTION D IRECTIONS if (guard) then s1 else s2 current static analysis: eval (s1 s2) we need: {guard}eval(s1){…} or {~guard}eval(s2){…}

18 eval() SOLUTION DIRECTIONS certifying IRM’s potentially better suited to addressing this problem than purely static analyses – IRM can put in dynamic checks if static analysis is not powerful enough certifier must be sufficiently powerful – allow effective, flexible, yet provably sound rewriting for these domains – code point where the static analysis conservatively rejects must be a way to transform code to include a statically verifiable dynamic check check conditionally preserves or prohibits unverifiable behavior 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 18

19 possible solution -- dependently typed string analysis with reconstructed types – test criteria of conditional branches incorporated into reconstructed types type-checking need not be complete for effective IRM certification – need only support a sufficiently powerful set of conditional tests so that rewriters have useful options for inserted guards eval() S OLUTION D IRECTIONS

20 Concurrency standard IRM technique to enforce a resource-bound policy on a security-relevant resource: – rewriter replaces use_resource() with: if (count < limit) { use_resource(); count := count + 1; } not sufficient to prevent policy-violations in concurrent env IRM must add some form of synchronization, na ї ve solution: – surround guard code with lock-acquire/ lock-release unreasonably expensive when bounded resource is asynchronous (I/O) extremely common situation -- real-world IRM systems frequently implement a variety of complex, non-standard synchronization strategies in rewritten code (c.f. Racer [Bodden, Havelund, ISSTA, ‘08] ) – global lock hash table 1/29/201120 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification count -- state variable introduced by the rewriter to track a conservative approximation of the security-relevant event history

21 Concurrency P RIOR W ORK S URVEY large body of work on AOP dynamic detection of race conditions and deadlocks (e.g., [Artho, Havelund, Biere, VVEIS, ‘03], [Bensalem, Havelund, Haifa Verif. Conf., ‘05], [Havelund, SPIN, ‘00] ) some work done on dynamic detection of race conditions using aspects (c.f. Racer [Bodden, Havelund, ISSTA, ‘08] ). – neat separation of concerns – more hope for certifying that the instrumented code satisfies the security policy concurrency issues handled by certifying IRM’s – those that enforce purely non-temporal policies e.g., SFI [McCamant, Morrisett], NaCL [Yee et al] ) can safely ignore the concurrency issue because they need not maintain a history of security-relevant events – those that do enforce temporal properties: Mobile [Hamlen, Morrisett, Schneider] supports only one form of synchronization implemented as a trusted library ConSpec [Aktug, Naliuka], [Sridhar, Hamlen, VMCAI, ‘10] leave concurrency to future work 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 21

22 Need spec language that – is precise – is flexible enough to admit many (efficient) IRM implementations – is amenable to automated certification of these implementations to our knowledge no previous work does that building such a certifier would involve answering two major questions – What are the right implementation-level synchronization primitives? – What are the right policy-level temporal operators? 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 22 Concurrency S OLUTION D IRECTIONS

23 How should we specify security policies that involve potentially asynchronous, security-relevant events? canonical example: no-network-sends-after-file-reads non-atomic, possibly asynchronous operations the policy must specify which inter-leavings are permissible – temporal notion of “after” ambiguous in concurrent setting E.g. Thread A begins sending, then Thread B begins reading while A is still sending. Is this a send "after" a read? – fine-grained nuances must be expressible formulate policies in a way that does not impose undue performance overhead for self-monitoring code 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 23 Guiding Example

24 Group 1 : abstract concurrent policy specification languages – e.g. Pi-Calculus [Milner] – expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specifications [Jacobs & Piessens, POPL ‘11] (separation logic) – suitable framework for defining a good synchronization primitives language Group 2: practical tools – aspect-oriented temporal assertions [Stolz, Bodden, ENTCS, ‘06] runtime verification framework for Java programs, properties can be specified in LTL over AspectJ pointcuts – tracematching [Allan et al., OOPSLA, ‘05], and applications for race detection enhanced with Racer [Bodden, Havelund, ISSTA, ‘08] would allow for maintaining history in the presence of concurrent events – useful concurrent IRM implementation strategies -- future work should pair with corresponding static certification strategies 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 24 Concurrency P RIOR W ORK S OLUTIONS

25 Transparency proving semantic-preservation of policy-satisfying code most certifying IRM systems exclusively focus on proving soundness of rewritten code transparency failures often deemed less severe than policy violations – mission-critical applications  non-transparency = denial-of-service formal, automated certification of transparency valuable contribution to the field 1/29/201125 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification

26 Transparency P RIOR W ORK expressed as equivalences classes of programs [Hamlen, Morrisett, Schneider, TOPLAS, ‘06] – equivalence relation denotes semantic equivalence – transparency demands rewriter closure over equivalence relation – equivalence relation left abstract transparency for an IRM that enforces information flow properties [Chudnov, Naumann, CSF, ‘10] – first formal proof of transparency for a real IRM – equivalence relation in terms of program input-output pairs – manual proof of transparency of rewriting algorithm – specific to one particular language and rewriting algorithm 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 26

27 Transparency S OLUTION D IRECTIONS many complex systems -- behavior not precisely characterizable in terms of input-output – semantic equivalence definition very difficult e.g. possible to encode unique behaviors as unique types (e.g., TIL [Tarditi, Morrisett, Cheng, Stone, Harper, Lee] ), – resulting equivalence relation too strict – precludes most IRM’s that enforce history-based access-control policies need equivalence relation that distinguishes between – code-transformations that affect only policy-violating program behaviors – and those that potentially affect even policy-satisfying behaviors – former should be accepted by a transparency-certifier, latter shouldn’t 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 27

28 Type-checking program-equivalence [Jia, Zhao, Sjoberg, Weirich, POPL, ‘10] – dependently typed language – doesn’t need decidable type-checking, decidable program equivalence – type system parametrized by abstract relation isEq( Δ, e, e ′ ) – relation holds when e and e ′ are semantically equivalent in a context of assumptions about the equivalence of terms Kripke logical relations [Hur & Dreyer, POPL ’11] – traditional contextual equivalence relations don’t work well for low- level code equivalent functions return the same values in equivalent contexts – low-level contexts are too specific – Example: self-decrypting binary code 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 28 Transparency S OLUTION D IRECTIONS

29 Conclusion hybrid static-dynamic monitoring extremely powerful – power & flexibility of dynamic monitoring – strong formal guarantees of purely static analysis – static certification of IRM systems emerging challenge Part II – motivating discussions on what’s been done already Part III -- three outstanding problems faced by developers of IRM systems today – IRM certification in the presence of runtime code generation(e.g., eval) – certification of concurrent IRM code – certification of behavior-preservation 1/29/2011 Sridhar and Hamlen: Flexible In-lined Reference Monitor Certification 29

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