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Water resources working group discussions summary Joe Barsugli and the Water resources working group participants.

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1 Water resources working group discussions summary Joe Barsugli and the Water resources working group participants


3 1.Evaluation must be tied to (access to) the projections, not just to obs./gridded data(aggregate? Serve? link to?) 2.Expand portfolio to include Reanalysis to inform process understanding (link to other variables than T an P locally. 3.Evaluation is broader than quantitative results. Need Inventory of peer reviewed and gray literature (but utility may be questioned if too large or too time consuming to produce), Description, Skill, Experiences (case studies, which are Quality controlled). Broadly we are authoritative source for evaluation standards, evaluation products and broader evaluative information. 4.Enhance usability and navigability of the web interface 5.Provide alternatives, options caveats on how to use the information for various purposes. For example guidance on choice relative to uses where extreme precipitation is important. Could be Dynamic/social media/interactive hub (HAPEX blogs suggested as example “ProjectionGuru” instead of “SeatGuru?). 6.Utilize social science (through boundary organizations?) on usable information and to track usability. Create outreach and extension. Other notes – provide entry points to information that follow certain planning paradigms to guide users with lesser sophistication (this may still take a training course or two, or climate translator certification to get to this level). Could we create an inventory (heavily curated) of GCM-level evaluations? Water Applications Working Group Needs and Recommendations for NCPP

4 Quantitative Eval. Qualitative Eval. Translational Info Guidance GCM Evaluations Projections Downscaled Projections Downscaled Boundary Organizataions (RISAs; CSCs, ag Hubs) Schematic of relationships of NCPP

5 Quantitat ive Eval. Qualitative Eval. Translational Info Guidance GCM Evaluations Projections Boundary Organizations (RISAs; CSCs, ag Hubs) Direct Tool /Database Access Entry Point Simplified (Planning Paradigm) entry points ? What are the entry points and what are the user paths from asking a question to application of the information? Entry points and pathways

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