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Published byCharles Summers Modified over 10 years ago
Title I Technical Assistance Training for Treasurers and Payroll Contacts Federal and State Programs
Welcome Introductions Materials and Handouts Payroll Contacts (Red folder) Contact List Job Codes FY13 Fringe Benefits Schedule Tutoring Guidelines Title I Treasurer/Payroll Contact Handbook 2
Treasurers (Blue folder) Contact List Sample Funding Strip FY13 Accounts and Functions FY13 Account Information Allowable Expenses Title I Food Purchase Audit Compliance Checklist Title I Field Trip Audit Compliance Checklist Title I Travel Audit Compliance Checklist Title I Order Requisition Checklist Title I Treasurer/Payroll Contact Handbook 3
FY13 Budgets Step 1 – School submits Title I Planning Tool in May for approval 4
FY13 Budgets Step 2 – Budget is uploaded into PeopleSoft in June 5
FY13 Budgets Step 3 – School documents budget in SIP by September 6
FY13 Budgets Step 4 – Once the plan is approved by Title I, any changes to the budget must be approved by SAC and revised in the SIP template. Recommendation Print approved SIP Final Budget to review when submitting budget transfers and requisitions. 7
Title I Funds All eligible schools receive Fund 4201 (Title I Part A, Basic). Grant closes June 30, 2013 8
Title I supports seven types of functions: Function 5150 – Instructional Function 6152 – Family Involvement Function 6402 – Staff Development Function 6202 – Media Center Function 6501 – Technology Instruction Function 7802 – Student Transportation for Tutorial Function 7803 – Student Transportation for Field Trips How will the money be used? What is the function? Functions 9
Minimum Requirements ( a.k.a Set Asides) All Title I schools must expend their Parent Involvement allocation in function 6152. All schools must utilize their Title I allocation on professional development (function 6402) activities that address the students who are not proficient in core content areas. 10
Functions and Accounts Using incorrect functions and accounts will slow processing down and may result in denial of request. 11
FY13 Title I Allowable Expenditures Supplemental salary positions Classroom/resource teachers HQ paraprofessionals Community Language Facilitator Tutorial programs - beyond regular day Extra periods for secondary teachers Subs for release time to attend PD Part-time for collaborative work Technology Computers/Printers iPads Document cameras SMART boards Projectors Software (i.e. Reading Plus) Online instructional websites Zip drives Supplemental supplies Classroom libraries Learning centers Readers/Writers Workshop materials Calculators/math manipulatives Headphones/microphones Lab consumable materials Laminating film Paper for classroom use Ink for classroom use Parent resource center Food for parent trainings Postage for parent mailings Book study Coach supplies Training supplies PD Webinars 12
FY13 Title I Unacceptable Expenditures Secretary, office assistant, attendance clerk School police officer, security guard, school police aide Clinic aide, school nurse, clinic supplies Custodian, custodial supplies Cafeteria worker, cafeteria supplies Administrative personnel and costs (i.e. grade books, office computers, and toner) ESE and ELL coordinators, ESE forms and tests Behavioral Intervention Assistant (BIA) Incentives and rewards Marketing items such as brochures, banners, and flags Memberships for professional organizations Field trips for entertainment Food items (unless purchased for parent trainings) 13
Reminders Title I allocations not used by the end of the fiscal year are returned to the District. Title I allocations generated during a specific fiscal year must be utilized during that fiscal year. It is recommended that purchases be made by December 21, 2012. 14
Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Trainings Trainings must be tied to curriculum such as enhancing literacy or math and teach parents ways they can assist their children at home. Trainings may not be part of the School Advisory Council, PTA, or other committee meetings. Food purchases must be reasonable in cost and type of food. 15
Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Trainings Expenditures must be identified in the school’s Family Involvement Policy/Plan as a means of encouraging or expanding family involvement. Absolutely no food expenditures will be allowed for faculty or student events. Contact your Title I Specialist to get clarification before incurring expenses. 16
Title I Food Purchase Audit Compliance Checklist 17
Travel Conferences/workshops must be documented in your SIP/SWP. Out-of-County travel must be approved by your Area Superintendent (account 533600). Out-of-State travel must be approved by the CAO (account 533620). No charges should be incurred prior to approval. 18
Title I Travel Audit Compliance Checklist 19
Field Trips All field trips must relate to the needs outlined in the SIP. All field trips must have a direct tie to the core content areas of reading, writing, mathematics, or science in efforts to improve student achievement in those areas. Title I field trips may not be used as incentives or rewards. Field trip costs should be reasonable. Resort or vacation areas (water parks, amusement parks, etc.) are not allowable as the issue of being “academic” in nature comes into play. Title I funds cannot cover expenses for parents or chaperones. 20
Title I Field Trip Audit Compliance Checklist 21
Title I funds may only be used to support strategies included in your SIP/SWP. Budget transfers are created in PeopleSoft. Be sure to “notify” your budget manager by email. Transfers are processed by Title I budget managers. Budget Transfers 22
BTs Involving Salaries Every salary has benefits associated with it. Benefits sit in a different account line than the salary. Benefits are budgeted in two accounts: 521000 and 521500. Regular salary benefits are in 521000. Temporary salary benefits are in 521500 (part-time, stipends, extra duty days, subs, etc.). Use the Benefit Calculators to assist you.Benefit Calculators 23
Requisitions Confirming POs are typically not allowed. Indicate a justification for expenditures (i.e. materials for parent workshop; Science lab materials-8th Grade). Do not split fund items on a requisition with any other fund. Check the budget before saving and submitting a requisition to your principal. After approved by your principal, all requisitions are automatically routed to your Title I budget manager. 25
Requisition Reminders Requisitions pre-encumber expenses. Purchase orders encumber expenses. Warehouse requisitions are not receipted. Track your requisition’s progress via eProcurement, Manage Reqs. 26
P Card Procedures Only Title I acceptable expenditures can be reconciled to Title I. All charges will be reviewed by Title I staff. Documentation, including SIP Final Budget, may be required for some purchases. Copies of receipts for any non-educational companies (i.e. Wal-Mart) will need to be faxed to Title I. Approved TDEs will need to be faxed to Title I for travel charges. Reconciliations will be reversed if documentation is not received by the requested deadline. 27
Miscellaneous Payments Miscellaneous Payment Requests are used for reimbursements to employees or internal accounts. Use OmniForm PBSD 1275. Verify that funds are available in the budget line. 28
Journal Entries Journal entries are required when non-allowable expenses are charged to Title I or when charged to an incorrect function or account. It is the responsibility of the school to complete the required journal entry documentation and forward it to their Title I Specialist. A Journal Request template is available on the department website. 29
Property and Equipment All unit items costing $250.00 through $999.99 must be labeled as Title I. A running list of these items must be maintained throughout the year (Template on NCLB website).Template on NCLB website All items costing $1,000.00 or more must be labeled with a white or red Property Records Tag. An accurate inventory of your equipment is essential. 30
Position Status Report (PSR) Monitor the Position Status Report to verify that appropriate staff is being paid from Title I funds 31
PSR – Employee Record 32
Creating a Position All positions must be in the SIP/SWP. Be sure to use the appropriate job code when setting up a position. If position involves a person who is eligible for overtime, ensure waiver is approved prior to submitting payroll. (form 1862) 33
Combo Codes All salaries are tied to a combo code. The school is responsible for verifying that the combo code is linked to the correct account. The school is responsible for substitute costs for Title I funded teachers. 35
Sample Combo Codes 9999-PRT4201-6402-6559-13 1234-SUB4201-5150-6559-13 5555-AID4201-6152-6559-13 36
Stipends vs. Part-time In-system (PRT) Stipends are used to pay teachers to attend a workshop or training. The only function for stipends is 6402. The rate is $20.44 for teachers. PRT is used to pay tutors (5150), trainers (6402), temp parent liaisons (6152), etc. Miscellaneous Employee Payment (OmniForm 1767) is only used for non-instructional payroll and staff not assigned to your school. 38
Job Action Requests All Job Action Requests (JAR) are processed through Human Resources (HR). Before submitting JARs, contact HR to verify HQ status. In the Comment Section, include the content area that the teacher/tutor will be teaching. Only HQ teachers/personnel will be placed in tutoring positions. 39
Tutoring Guidelines Tutorial payments are paid using temporary job screens. The rate for teachers is $20.44 an hour. Non-instructional staff earn their regular hourly rate. Complete Request for Title I Position Template and email to Specialist for a bucket position (provide funding strip, job code, effective date, and headcount). Complete a Job Action Request for all employees. ONLY HQ teachers will be placed in tutoring positions. Teachers may be paid for 15 minutes of planning time for every hour of tutoring. 40
Tutoring Guidelines Tutorial documentation should be ordered by teacher sign-in/out, student attendance, and lesson plans and submitted weekly for approval. Payroll should not be entered in PeopleSoft until appropriate documentation is signed by the tutorial administrator or lead teacher. One-on-one tutoring is not allowed. A minimum of 5 students should be in a tutoring session. If no students are in attendance, tutors may be paid up to 15 minutes for wait time. Tutors may not be paid for the entire scheduled tutorial session if no students are present. 41
Tutoring Tools Individual Time Sheet Individual Time Sheet with Make-up Hours Student Attendance Sign-in School Sign-In Time Sheet Title I Tutorial Budget Planner Track Hours for Tutorial Program Title I Tutorial Monitoring Checklist 42
Conclusion Questions Evaluation Thank you for your attention 43
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